D&D 5E Monster Slayers of Vvarvendel


Flitting from tree to tree Eolande carefully makes her way to wards the cave mouth. Pausing to listen for a few moments, she begins to make her way inside. She can feel Allanon's attention coming and going as he splits his awareness between her and his own surroundings.

OOC: Depending on the light in the cave Eolande will try to make her way as far as possible into the cave without being detected. Firstly looking at the ogres defences but also trying to see what they are building.

Eolande Stealth: 1D20+8 = [5]+8 = 13

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First Post
About 10 feet in the cave is actually a wooden wall, with a locked door in the middle. There is a single torch lit next to the door on your side that, oddly enough, doesn't seem to burn the wooden wall it's attached to or create any smoke.

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OOC: I take it this wall is floor to ceiling, so can't be flown over and is of sufficient quality that a tiny creature can't fit through any gaps?

Also are there any signs of medium sized creatures with the ogres, human slaves for example?

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First Post
OOC: Yes, the wall completely seals the cave, and there are small-sized tracks but without a survival roll it's hard to tell whether they're from Halflings or Goblins.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Andor picks a flat stone from paths side at some point and idly doodles stick figures on it with his finger.
After doing that for some time he offers it to the paladin smiling.

"Here is your copy. I don't mind being mocked about various things, but planning is key to success. Maybe I take it somewhat too serious, but still. We need something."

In answer to sprites info.
"Such large creatures cannot be closed off completely, there must be another entrance somewhere. Maybe even something big enough for us, but big enough for a sprite for sure. Could you, please, send her to look for one? Hopefuly, Varus will have more info when we get closer."
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Allanon, Warlock 20

Guided by Allanon's knowledge of the outdoors Eoland left the cave's main entrance and searched the surrounding area for secondary entrances.

While Eolande searched around the cave Allanon spend some time talking to the local halflings to see if anyone knew of anywhere secondary cave entrances might be.

Allanon Survival: 1D20+7 = [7]+7 = 14

Roland Perception: 1D20+3 = [10]+3 = 13

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
HP: 162  HD: 20/20d8
AC: 18
Init: +3

Spell Attack: +14 Save DC: 22
Eldritch Blast: 4 x +14 1d10+5
Mace: +7 1d6+1B
Spell Slots: 4/4
Mystic Arcanum 6th: 1/1  7th:1/1  8th: 1/1 9th: 1/1

Potion of Invisibility: 2
Potion of Superior Healing: 3
Char Sheet

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First Post
OOC: There is certain evidence of Halflings being taken through here, and you find a small chimney, but nothing large enough for anyone but the smaller ones to fit through

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First Post
"It's a magic torch," Seelia points out. "So it's not just ogres. Probably some kind of evil SORCEROR! No! OGRE MAGE! They're the WORST! Lets go in and GET HIM!"


Varus listens and takes in all the information. At the mention of a locked door his hands instinctively reach for his thieves tools. Though he doubted the door would be locked during the day, he was prepared regardless.

OOC: Varus will listen, finish his four hour trance and hide in plain sight with his 31 stealth rolled earlier.

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