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More Charisma Than a Roomful of Nymphs (finished, link to full SH in last post)

Tony Vargas

haiiro said:
Wow, that would be embarassing. ;) Honestly, if the involuntary shapeshifting comes from somewhere, it's not somewhere that I remember. What are you thinking of, Tony (apart from Bewitched, of course...)?
Well, Enas Yorl from the 'Thieves World' series in fiction (aside from the sneezing) was cursed to continuously change form, and I'm sure there's been involuntary shapeshifting in myth, too. Not sure if it's ever been serial changes like this guy's dealing with, but greek and celtic myth is full of shapeshifting, including that granted as a curse.

The sneezing really reminded me of Bewitched, though... there was probably some episode where some witchy character was sneezing and stuff happened whenever she did... but it's been a /long/ time...

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Mephiskaran and Falmin

In the doorway was an opaque sheet of what appeared to be falling smoke, completely filling the sandstone arch. The homunculi indicated that they had arrived, but none of them actually approached the archway. Instead, they formed a ring around it, with none of them getting closer than about three feet.

The Follies stepped through the doorway, and each of them had the same experience: the moment any part of them touched the smoke, they were simply through it and inside the chamber beyond.

In approximately this order, they were greeted by intense cold, a bare and forbidding stone room, and the sight of the largest man any of them had ever laid eyes on.

Mephiskaran's chamber consisted of four stone walls, on which were several torches, a long trestle table (with one end pointed at the door), numerous high-backed chairs, and a sofa. The sofa was placed at the far end of the table, and seated on it was a truly enormous human -- literally several feet in diameter, with his braided hair and beard flowing over him and down onto the floor. He was wearing a plain blue robe, and seated on his shoulder was a peculiar creature that looked something like a homunculi -- only with gigantic eyes vastly out of proportion to its tiny head.

Between the Follies and Mephiskaran was a sumptuous feast covering about half of the table; apparently, a multi-course meal was in progress. As their eyes traveled over the food, the Follies also noticed that the thing on Mephiskaran's shoulder was carrying a miniscule bow with an arrow nocked, and it bore a small quiver of arrows on its back.

"You guys must be the ones who wanted to see me. I'm Mephiskaran. Come in and have a seat."

As the Follies introduced themselves and brought up the subject of their visit, Mephiskaran grilled them for background details. He seemed particularly interested when Jaehn related to him that he had studied on Evermeet under Archmage Larkin, in the great city of Leuthilspar. Once the introductions were out of the way, he urged them to get down to business (in between dollops of blancmange).

The Follies showed Mephiskaran the painting, and described some of the circumstances surrounding it. They also produced Soriyo's Crop, the wand they had taken from Liddis Malzevent's body -- and Mephiskaran identified it without any hesitation. When he had heard quite a bit of their tale -- the possible connection to the painter Malionh, the appearance of the shimmering man, and so forth -- he asked to hold the painting. With some reluctance, the Follies passed it over to him.

Placing it on the table before him, Mephiskaran sent a stream of sparkling motes cascading out of his forehead and down onto the Promise of Darkness.

"Well, it's definitely a portal," he said after a moment's concentration. "How much do you know about portals?" The Follies replied that they knew a little bit, but not all that much -- only Jaehn had had any significant contact with them.

Mephiskaran proceeded to give them a quick lesson in the basics: very expensive, fixed to one location, and a one-way trip unless you built a counterpart at the other end -- and Algaer was definitely in there. His best guess was that the painting showed the last thing that would have been seen through the portal as it closed.

Turning his gaze back to the party, he said, "But I've never seen a portal like this before, and I've seen a lot of them in my day." His voice hungry with excitement, he added, "Who are you guys? You've just shown me something I've never seen before, and told me about something else that I've never heard of." He said this with a note of surprise in his voice, as if it didn't happen very often.

Beginning to feel as though they'd just put all of their cards on the table without seeing what was in Mephiskaran's hand, the Follies clammed up. They told him that they wanted to find out how to operate the portal -- and nothing more.

Leaning its misshapen head closer to them, the creature on Mephiskaran's shoulder said, "Yes, master, but who might want to know about them?" Its voice was languorous and unpleasant, and it turned towards Mephiskaran as it finished asking this question.

In the next few minutes, the decidedly uncomfortable Follies hashed out the basics of a deal with Mephiskaran: he would open the portal for them in exchange for the information they'd already given him, as well as a report of what was on the other side. After establishing that they wouldn't sell him the painting outright, the enormous man focused on getting them to agree to tell him what was beyond the portal.

With surprising dexterity, Mephiskaran reached around into the back of his robe and produced a small leather pouch. Unwrapping it, he revealed an irregular piece of what looked like glass or crystal. Holding it up to the group, he asked, "Here, have you heard of image crystals?" When the Follies said no, he handed the crystal to the thing on his shoulder -- referring to it as Falmin -- and motioned for the Follies to gather around him.

Falmin stepped carefully around the food on the table and turned to face the assembly -- the six Follies and Thissiken gathered around Mephiskaran's bulk, like moons around a planet. The creature held up the crystal and muttered something under its breath, and the glass went completely dark, then lightened -- revealing a perfect picture of Mephiskaran and the Follies.

Taking the crystal back from Falmin, Mephiskaran said, "See? I will give you several more of these, and you can make images of what's on the other side of the portal."

His eye on the crystal, Tal casually asked, "How do you erase them?"

"Oh, you can't erase them. You can break it, though -- it's just glass."

"We'd like to have that one, then," said Tuggle.

"No, I think I'll hang onto this," replied Mephiskaran, smiling broadly. Having returned to his shoulder, Falmin drew its lips back into a loathsome grin.

"We'd really like to break that one, then," said Tal. In response, Mephiskaran tucked the crystal back into his robe.


First Post
Impromptu Conference

Indicating to Mephiskaran that they needed to speak amongst themselves, the Follies headed back out into the hallway. All but Tal were glad to escape the bitter cold -- the aasimar could barely feel it -- but Thissiken seemed more interested in the food and stayed behind.

Back in the hallway, the Follies made some quick decisions. They intended to acquire more feather tokens, and might wind up using them to seek guidance from the Harpers. Whether or not they consulted their patrons, they planned to go through the portal. They most definitely didn't want to leave the painting with Mephiskaran, and everyone -- but particularly Tuggle -- agreed that they need to get the image crystal that held their portrait back.

During their discussion -- and while surrounded by a small army of homun -- Tuggle said, "We should let our Harper...sh*te."

After a brief pause, Cupric rallied with, "Yes, we should let the harpist back at the inn know that we're going to be late." The other Follies leaped on this deception, and between them they thought that they might've carried it off. Since the walls -- or more accurately, the floor and ceiling -- had ears, they hoped they were right.

It crossed Jaehn's mind to see if the temple had any useful information on Shaundakul, and he asked the homun about this. Seeming almost offended, they told him that there were seventeen libraries in the building just on Shaundakul. The quick-thinking mage asked them to give him a summary of Shaundakul's avatar appearances and traveling methods, and anything related to the "glowing green guy." On a whim, he also asked them to tell him more about Soriyo's Crop, including its uses and a list of its previous owners. The homun agreed to add this to the spells that they'd be bringing him later on.

Jaehn also gave everyone a brief rundown on the nature of the church of Azuth. As he described it, the church was composed of many factions, some of which were quite ruthless. He knew that they were mostly neutral on the topic of the Shadow Weave, but that many of them were incredibly zealous about gathering information -- sometimes at the expense of all other concerns. For the most part, however, the church stayed true to its aims: preserving knowledge, and advancing magic in the world.

Resolved to be more cagey in their negotiations, the Follies returned to Mephiskaran's chamber.

An Impasse is Reached

Seating themselves around Mephiskaran's table once more, the Follies made their terms clear. Mephiskaran handed over the painting without reluctance, his manner suggesting that he had not had any intention of holding onto it. The crystal, however, was a different matter.

The Follies started out by politely mentioning that they would rather others not know about them. Mephiskaran's unhurried reply -- "That kind of information can be very valuable" -- didn't help any, so they tried a different tack. The fact that they had told Mephiskaran several new pieces of information and received little in return was brought up, and Mephiskaran agreed that there was an imbalance there. Hoping this opening meant he might make returning the crystal part of their bargain, the subject was raised again.

Smiling, Mephiskaran replied, "I like my pictures. I have a room full of them."

Now incensed, Tuggle told the giant man that if he wouldn't return the glass they would take their painting and leave. Period.

There was a brief, pregnant pause, during which Mephiskaran ate a dollop of blancmange.

Drawing Mephiskaran's attention to himself, Jaehn asked if perhaps he could confer with him privately. As he spoke, Jaehn noticed something for the first time: the seven homun on his shoulders had been remarkably still the entire time that they'd been in Mephiskaran's room.

Mephiskaran consented to a private conference, at which point Falmin leered at the homun seated on Jaehn and drew back its tiny bow. "You should go," it hissed at them -- and without a moment's hesitation they did so, leaping off of Jaehn and scampering out the door as fast as they could. The other Follies went after them, this time with Thissiken in tow.


First Post
Questioning the Homun

Out in the substantially warmer hallway, the Follies conferred among themselves. As no one but Thissiken and Mephiskaran had eaten any of the food, there was some speculation that Thissiken might be under some sort of magical influence. A few brief questions established that he seemed like his usual self, and Vicktor -- who had brought a piece of bread with him -- tried it and reported that he didn't feel any different either.

Noticing that the homun that formed Jaehn's "deposit" were seated against one wall, motionless and apparently quite afraid, Cupric tried to draw them out a bit. In no time, the charming bard had won their trust and was sharing in their secrets. The homun told him (and the other Follies, who by now were also listening) that Mephiskaran was rarely seen in the temple. As far as they knew, he spent most of his time in his chamber -- someplace they tried hard to avoid.

When asked about Falmin, they told the Follies that he was once a homun like them, but that Mephiskaran changed him. After explaining that most homun were scribes, librarians, catalog-keepers and so forth (and expressing surprise that the Follies couldn't tell them apart -- "See? He's more waxy, and he's more brownish..."), the one who had become their impromptu spokesman said of Falmin, "His talents lie in other areas."

Cupric asked, "What areas?"

"He's very good at killing things," the little waxen figure said earnestly.

The homun were deathly afraid of Falmin, and they told the Follies that he was responsible for killing those that Mephiskaran didn't want around.

The Follies also quizzed Thissiken on what he and Mephiskaran had talked about the first time they were out of the room. Happily munching on some of their host's bread, he explained that he filled Mephiskaran in on Dracon Row, Algaer, and Algaer's disappearance. The Follies were a bit less than thrilled at this news.

Two Deals are Struck

While this was going on in the hall, Jaehn was working hard to convince Mephiskaran to give up the image crystal containing their portrait. Finding that the other wizard was intrigued by the Shadow Weave, Jaehn hinted that he might be able to show him a portal created using that Art. Explaining that he was going to call up a Shadow-infused creature, he got up from the table. Mephiskaran continued to eat his blancmange with gusto.

Falmin drew back his bow and got a bead on the point where Jaehn said the creature would arrive, and without further ado Jaehn summoned a shadowy celestial bee.

Running one hand through his massive beard, Mephiskaran told the elf that this wasn't quite what he had in mind. Thinking fast, Jaehn told the wizard that he'd be willing to give him something made with the Shadow Weave in exchange for the breaking of the crystal. At once confident and modest, Jaehn expressed some concern that he might not be able to do this right away, and suggested a longer timeframe.

Seeming quite sincere, Mephiskaran agreed, and the first deal was struck: Jaehn would provide Mephiskaran with a Shadow-made object within one month, and in return the wizard would smash the crystal on the spot. Jaehn also asked that the wizard not speak of him, as he would rather certain parties not hear about him. Mephiskaran agreed to this as well. The terms laid out, Falmin took one hand off his bow and held it out towards Jaehn.

"We must...shake on it."

Jaehn stepped forward and shook Falmin's hand, and then drew back. Mephiskaran removed the crystal from his robe and passed it to Jaehn. Holding it parallel to the floor, Jaehn let it fall. At the moment of impact, it went dark again, then shattered into countless fragments.

Popping out of the room -- literally -- Jaehn told the other Follies that it was alright to come back in. When they were all inside, Jaehn explained that he has made a deal with Mephiskaran and destroyed the image crystal.

Cupric took the lead, proposing a second deal: if the Follies decided to go through the portal, they would take some of the wizard's crystals and -- assuming they made it back -- tell him what was beyond the painting. Mentioning that he'd made this sort of deal in the past, and understood that many didn't make it back, Mephiskaran agreed to their terms.

At this, Falmin clambered off of his shoulder and picked his way across the table to Cupric. The homun held out his hand and smiled.

"Where I'm from, it is not customary to shake on things," Cupric said, thinking fast.

"We're not where you're from," replied Falmin. "We should shake. So much more...polite."

Thinking that perhaps a geas was involved, Cupric continued to stall. After a moment, Vicktor stepped forward, brought his thumb and forefinger together, and shook Falmin's hand.

"See how easy? No fear, it's a little guy," Vicktor said, smiling broadly.

Looking pleased, Mephiskaran passed Vicktor two blank image crystals -- his to keep whether the Follies decided to chance the portal or not. After making sure that it was alright to send their answer by way of Drake, Jaehn's raven familiar, the Follies left Mephiskaran's chamber. On their way out of the temple, Jaehn retrieved his spellbook and confirmed that the spells and information he had requested would be sent to Pub as soon as they were ready.


First Post
I've been busy and stressed out for the past few weeks, and haven't felt like updating this. To those who read and enjoy it, I apologize.

If things settle down and I get excited about keeping up with this SH, I'll come back to it. :)


First Post
Umm, Haiiro? I know you thought that Tolkien comment scared people off, and i'm sorry, but PLEASE can you post some more??? Please?

Pretty Please??? :heh:


First Post
Wow -- I had no idea there was still interest in this story hour!

I ended the actual campaign yesterday (ironically enough), and just finished re-tooling my website to reflect that change. What I was doing to create the SH posts was taking my already-written campaign journals for each session and doing revisions to make them more engaging to read. As such, all of them are available online -- over 70,000 words of material! Only the first few sessions actually made it into SH form, so there will be a lot of story that you haven't read yet. :)

The only part I haven't written up is the stuff that happened after we went play-by-post, which is available in the form of text files. (At present, I have no plans to turn these into journals.)

If you're looking for the rest of More Charisma Than a Roomful of Nymphs (also know as the Selgaunt Campaign), here it is: http://3d6.org/selgaunt/journals/index.php

I guess assuming that this thread had died long ago was the wrong assumption to make, and I apologize for not posting this link once I had decided for sure not to continue the SH -- sorry about that! :(

If you wind up actually reading any of it, I'd love to hear what you think -- feel free to drop me a line at haiiro(at)3d6(dot)org. :)

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