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Movies that would be great MST3K material.

Dark Jezter

First Post
Hi people. This thread is for everyone to post movies that they think would be great material for Crow, Tom, and Mike to poke fun at in Mystery Science Theater 3000. Yeah, I know the show isn't around anymore, but there are still lots of movies that would have made great episodes of this show.

Please note that I'm not just asking people to list movies that they didn't like. I'm asking people to list movies that had such bad writing, such fake-looking special effects, such horrible acting, etc. that the only way they'd be watchable would be in MST format.

Personally, I would love to see an MSTed version of Red Sonja; whenever I think of the jokes that could be spawned from this early-1980s Conan-wannabe, I grin from ear-to-ear. :)
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Psychotic Dreamer

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Well I think a fairly obvious movie is the D&D movie. I'm suggesting this despite the fact that I enjoyed the movie. :)

Another fun choice would be Battlefield Earth. Granted I'm not even sure MST3King it would make it worth watching. ;)


Voice Over Artist & Author
Definately Flash Gordon (from the early 80s with Timothy Dalton, Max von Sydow, Brian Blessed, and that football player guy who only does bad movies for Skinimax now).

Star Trek V would be a good candidate too.


When I saw Event Horizon, I said to my friends, "This is like a big budget MST3K movie!" Ever since, whenever I see it on TV, I have to sit down and make fun of it.

"Mama Bear! Open the door Mama Bear!"

"Hell is only a word." Yeah? So is "craptastic".



First Post
Batman & Robin.

Howling: New Moon Rising

Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

The World Is Not Enough

Godzilla (the US crapfest with Ferris Bueller)

Planet Of The Apes (the remake crapfest with Marky Marky)

The Life Of David Gale


Tank Girl (one of the very few movies I couldn't even sit all the way through)

The D&D Movie

Anything Madonna's been in (although I doubt even the Bots could make those worthwhile).

John Crichton

First Post
Any science fiction movie would be great to have MST3K-3d. It need not be a bad/camp film. I would love to see the original Star Wars done. :D

As for movies that would be unwatchable without being MST3K-ified, I'd have to put "The Avengers" right up there.
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Batman & Robin.

Mr. Freeze: "Lllagggh!" (falls into vat)
Servo: "I'm in incredible pain! Can you not tell by my scream?"

Godzilla (the US crapfest with Ferris Bueller)

Mike: "Hey, suddenly I'd like to buy a disposable camera."
Crow: "Have you considered a Kodak?"

Planet Of The Apes (the remake crapfest with Marky Marky)

Mike: "Stop the filthy human! He's wiping off the sacred Dusty Crud of Calima! He's ... oooooh. Why didn't we think of that?"


First Post
I think the MST3K crew said at one point they wanted to do Star Wars, didn't they?

Anyway, I've got a few echo picks:

- Mortal Kombat: Anihilation. Good Lord, was that bad. "I'm spinning around! You can't stop me! I'm spinning around some more! Bwahahaha! Spin some more! Everyone stands around looking confused!" And other memorable scenes. I saw the last half on TV after coming home at, like, 3am. That should tell you something when I mention I think that was the movie's premiere.

- Batman and Robin. MST'd perhaps make it entertaining, rather than sad.

And one utter oddball pick:

My VCR conked out a few months ago, and recorded poorly. So when I taped over the MST3K movie (with This Island Earth) with episodes of Digimon, snippets of dialogue started leaking through. It was hilarious, especially around the ending scenes. There's an emotional scene. Dialogue leaks through: "Just like we left it - with the USA in charge!" Regular dialogue responds: "Don't say things like that, Jeri!" Big dramatic powerup scene, someone digivolves to Mega, and a witness breathes in awe, "Sakuyamon!" Voice in the background: "He came out of the west, to battle the Amazing Rando!" Panorama of the Sovereign Plane, with tiny beads of light shooting past the camera. Background voice: "Oh no, Tinkerbell's going down!"

Utterly unreproducable, but an amazing experience... everything fit so perfectly.

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