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{Mutants & Masterminds} United Heroes Limited Series


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Issue #6 - "Fire" (Continued)

Scene 2: "Two Heroes in Hiding"

They're gone, the Scoundrel realized as he poked his head out from his hiding place. I only hope they've lost interest, or maybe are too scared to come after me. He smiled.

He looked around, and saw only black rocks and the sea. This place could be miles from shore. With no planes around, and no normal ships in sight, getting back to the mainland could be a real challenge.

The hero jumped out from his ledge, and saw the soldiers and the big blue guy gathered around that submarine-like vessel they came in. The bad guys did not seem all that interested in coming back.

He crawled down and approached the shore. Maybe I could swim off the island. How far could it be?

As the Scoundrel prepared to dive in, he considered that the 'fish-men' did not swim to this island -- they took a ship. If they couldn't swim all the way here from wherever they came, the Scoundrel considered, what chance do I have?

As he looked around for other ideas, he heard a big splash, like something had washed ashore. The Scoundrel turned, and saw a very injured (but alive) Torpedo!


One final thunderous blow dropped the Atlantean captain, and he fell to the ground, never to rise again. Barracuda stood over his failed subordinate, and then gazed at the six soldiers who remained.

(All of this dialogue is in the Atlantean language -- editor)

"Let this fool be an example to the rest of you," Barracuda said. "Failure is not an option. Our supreme leader will not brook any more failures."

One of the more courageous soldiers spoke up. "Do you want us to go after the surface man again?"

Barracuda's look got even more sullen. "Of course not!" he barked. "You can't catch him. He is too fast and too skilled for you. I thought perhaps your numbers would overwhelm him, but he is better than I had imagined."

He turned and spotted a ship on the horizon. "The master returns. He will have news for us."


Torpedo and the Scoundrel huddled in a small cave near the shore. The Atlantean hero was badly hurt, with bite marks and gashes across his chest, arms, and legs.

"So Barracuda thought you were dead?" the Scoundrel asked.

"Yes," Torpedo replied. "Although he sent sharks to finish me off."


Torpedo smiled. "Like myself, Barracuda is a mutant Atlantean. He has gained special powers, and one of those powers is the ability to communicate with and control sea creatures, such as sharks."

"Not to mention his strength and bite," the Scoundrel added.

"Yes, those are considerable abilities as well," Torpedo replied.

"But the sharks didn't kill you. I mean, you're here, aren't you?" the Scoundrel asked.

"By the grace of Atlantis, yes, I yet live," Torpedo responded. "I am tougher than Barracuda thinks."

"But... sharks!"

"Unlike those of you who live strictly in the surface world, we Atlanteans are used to sharks, and are not as afraid of them as perhaps you might be -- no offense. We might think of sharks in the way that you would react to a big dog."

The Scoundrel frowned at the suggestion that he was afraid of anything. "If you say so," he replied. "Hey, how did you find this island?"

"This is an island?" the Atlantean hero asked. "I hadn't noticed. Well, I guess we could swim back to the mainland. It's not far."

"Not far for me, or not far for you?" the Scoundrel asked sarcastically.

"Seeing as how I'm not in the best shape," Torpedo answered, "I'm sure we could both make it. Even in my weakened condition, I swim much faster than you. Perhaps you could ride on my back."

"Like a dolphin at those sea park shows?" the Scoundrel asked. "Sounds like fun."

"I suppose," Torpedo said. "Let's start on our way back. Now that we know where this island is located, we should report back to the rest of the team."

"I don't know about you," the Scoundrel commented. "I have no idea where we are."

"Swimming here from San Francisco Bay, I think I can figure out how to get us back. We are about 17 miles from the mainland, southwest of the bay. As we return, I can confirm the exact location of this place should we need to return."

The heroes exited their cave and started toward the ocean. As they did, Torpedo spotted a hydrofoil-like vessel approaching the island.

"Hmm... it appears we have more visitors," he said.


The heroes approached a bluff overlooking the area where the hydrofoil vessel arrived, and those who had arrived in the ship were talking with Barracuda and his soldiers. The Scoundrel and Torpedo recognized the villain Fang with the group, indicating that these villains must have somehow secured the bestial Fang's rescue.

"Barracuda," Trickster said. "I expected far more soldiers than this."

"There were 15 of them when I arrived, but..."

"Don't tell me you ate them," the Duchess suggested.

"Your Scoundrel escaped, Trickster," Barracuda replied. "We tried to stop him, but my men were not up to the task."

The heroes looked at each other. "These must be all of the villains we've been looking for," the Scoundrel whispered.

"There must be eight super-villains down there," Torpedo replied in whisper.

"I think the guy in the hat and trench-coat is the leader," the Scoundrel pointed out. "I've tangled with him. He's dangerous."

"Regardless," Trickster said in response to Barracuda. "I was not looking for an army right now. I just wanted to see what sort of soldiers you could come up with." The villain looked over the Atlanteans. "Nice rifles."

"The device is almost complete then?" Barracuda asked.

"Yes," Lodestone responded. "One part remains to be found, and then the Chaos Engine will be complete."

Torpedo shot a concerned look at his counterpart. "We must leave now," he said. "The others need to know what we're up against!"

"Wait!" the Scoundrel replied. "We should listen to the rest of this."

"The Chaos Engine is nothing to trifle with," Torpedo warned. "We must return to headquarters now, and brief the rest of the team. Decisive action must be taken -- quickly!"
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Issue #6 - "Fire" (Continued)

Scene 3: "Damage Assessment"

The United Heroes gathered in the Hadley Manor main library, a place Harpy had spent far too little time. Every time she came to the library, she discovered books she never knew were in her possession.

She was still shaken from the vampire encounter. Though the bite marks on her neck healed nicely -- thanks to Seraphim's healing touch -- the emotional scars were a bit deeper, and her mental control was not yet to the extent that she could just block out her emotions. She tried, but Harpy wasn't that strong yet.

"It's good to see everyone back together again," Seraphim began. "We have all had a very exciting past few days. Perhaps a short briefing is in order."

"There is no time, I tell you," Torpedo exhorted.

"Ah yes," Iron Dragon replied. "The Chaos Engine you've been going on about."

The Atlantean shot Iron Dragon a look. "This is important. That Trickster character is up to something very dangerous."

"I want to know how they busted Fang out of that cell," MorningStar said. "I thought it was protected by magic, Harpy."

"It was," Harpy replied. "They must have affected the outside of the cell, where it wasn't protected."

"Lodestone," Electrostatic offered. "He could have affected the bars. His powers involve magnetism."

"That makes sense," the Scoundrel added.

"Fine, but how did Lodestone get in here?" Harpy demanded.

"It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that he snuck in, would it?" MorningStar asked.

"Sneaking's not really his style," Electrostatic countered. "Besides, this was a big undertaking. I'm surprised we didn't see their leader."

"Just because we didn't see him," Seraphim said, "doesn't mean he wasn't here."

"He has some powerful illusion abilities," the Scoundrel said. "I don't suppose invisibility is beyond his capabilities."

"But how did he get past our defenses?" Pathfinder asked. "We have sensors keyed to look for invisible intruders."

"Just like the countermeasures in the PD's property room: Lodestone," Electrostatic said. "He can disable pretty much any electronic device, unless it's shielded or made from non-ferrous materials."

"The perfect double-team," MorningStar observed. "Lodestone knocks out our electronic protections, and Trickster uses illusions or whatever so we can't see him break in and out of the building and take Fang with him."

"And all the while, the rest of them kept us busy," Seraphim added. "Very clever. It's painfully obvious we're dealing with a mastermind here."

"That's why I want you to focus on the Chaos Engine," Torpedo said emphatically. "If you're not willing to do anything about it, I will go it alone!"

The Atlantean hero started out of the library. "Wait, Torpedo!" Harpy called out. She rushed to his side in the hallway. "We're just trying to make sense of what happened here while you two were gone."

"The Chaos Engine matter must be dealt with now," Torpedo replied. "We have little time."

The rest of the heroes made their way into the corridor.

"The story of the Chaos Engine is an old one, a story from Atlantis' past of which we are not terribly proud. A few centuries ago, an Atlantean scientist named Ugantiral discovered chaos theory, similar to that studied in your universities and 'think-tanks' now. At the time, Atlantis was embroiled in a great civil war, an amusing term."

"Anyway, Ugantiral was on the side of the Imperialists, and built a great war machine -- dubbed the Chaos Engine -- that would make use of his new theory. I'm not sure what the Chaos Engine would look like, but I know that it was never fully constructed. The war ended before Ugantiral finished it, and his superiors 'mothballed' the project."

"Since then, every so often when an individual would come along and try to galvanize forces against the Atlantean monarchy, they made mention of completing the Chaos Engine and taking back the surface world."

"Wow," the Scoundrel said. "But how do we know that Trickster and his crew have any real concrete information about this Chaos Engine?"

"That cylinder they stole," Pathfinder asked, "did it have anything to do with this Chaos Engine?"

"And what about this Klimordial fellow?" Seraphim asked. "What part does he have in this scheme, if any?"

"Given the obvious intellect and planning skills we're dealing with in this Trickster fellow," Harpy said. "I wouldn't be surprised if this is some elaborate plot to get us looking in the wrong direction."

"A red herring?" Iron Dragon asked.

"I will need to return to Atlantis for answers to some of these questions," Torpedo replied. "I would bring the rest of you along, but I feel that the rest of you should go to the island where I found the Scoundrel and face the villains."

"I concur," Seraphim replied. "What say you, Harpy?"

"Give us a location," Harpy said to the Atlantean hero. "We'll do the rest."


"I am still concerned about how we handled that combat," Harpy said to Seraphim. They both stood in the parlor, and were facing the window, looking out at the night sky. The bay was as beautiful as always, with sailboats and their lights tickling the waves below.

"There was no way to know what was going to happen," Seraphim offered. "Do not beat yourself up over this. We all survived, and the worst thing that happened was that they resuced Fang. Be thankful none of us was seriously hurt."

"No," Harpy countered. "The worst thing that happened was that we played right into their hands by going along with their plan. We were humiliated..."

"I can't agree with you on that point," Seraphim said. "You are a fine leader. Do not doubt that."

"Why would I? What have you heard?" Harpy demanded.

The angel smiled. "Nothing. I know the hearts of mortals, and you seem to be in self-doubt. Do not be."

"I know that some of the others wish you were leader instead," Harpy asserted.

"That may be," Seraphim answered. "But you are in charge. I won't have it any other way."

Harpy looked away.

"You are young," Seraphim said. "I understand your misgivings." He placed his hand on her shoulder. "But you have been given special powers, and you are a bright girl. There is much to do to prepare."

Harpy turned to face her angelic companion. "You're a great guy, Seraphim. I just wish..."

Seraphim frowned just a little. "Do not wish for things that cannot be."


"She almost died," Electrostatic despaired. "I couldn't do a damned thing about it."

MorningStar put her arm around the electric hero. "Jeremy, don't feel bad. That vampire witch was real trouble. I'm just glad she doesn't like my fire powers."

The flames enveloping MorningStar were cosmetic, even though the others always worried about her burning things when she walked across a rug or sat down. They were more for show that effect. MorningStar could "turn them up" when she needed them to cause real damage.

"If Harpy died," Electrostatic said. "I'm not sure how I would deal with that."

"Look," MorningStar offered. "I know she's cute and all, but you've only known her for a little while. Maybe this is just a crush."

"No, it's not."

"You know, she has the ability to bend men to her will," MorningStar pointed out.

Electrostatic stood up quickly, and was clearly offended. "No way! I love her, and I'm not afraid to say it!"

MorningStar also stood up. "But how do you know? How do any of us know that our feelings are real? Harpy is skilled at controlling people. She reads minds too, don't forget that. She probably knows how you feel."

"She doesn't have to read my mind to know how I feel," Electrostatic countered. "She knows already."

"Yeah," MorningStar replied. "I'm sure she does."

"No, I told her," Electrostatic said. "I told her and..."

"Nothing happened, right?"

"I... No, nothing happened," Electrostatic said. "I don't know how she feels. We're supposed to pretend like nothing's going on."

"That's probably for the best," MorningStar pointed out.

"Maybe for team cohesion or whatever," the electric hero replied. "I don't know how well I'm hiding it."

"I can see we're not going to see eye-to-eye on Harpy," MorningStar said. "Let's go get ready for that island mission."

"OK," Electrostatic said. "But this time, I'm going to protect Harpy no matter what. Nothing's going to happen to her while I'm around!"

MorningStar watched as Electrostatic left the room for the meeting chamber. You may be a super hero, my friend, MorningStar thought. But she is more than you can handle. I hope you realize this before it's too late.

Watch for Scene 4, Coming Soon!


First Post
Character Interplay

I hope this isn't getting to be too much like a soap opera for some people. I like the characters to have some interaction besides combat and ramp-ups to more combat. The superhero genre is really tough on a prose writer since you have basically no visuals, and visuals in a comic help to express some of what's going on. I want to remain true to the comic genre, but I also want to tell a good story.

These "issues" are a lot longer than real comic book issues, since my stories have a lot of dialogue and descriptions of things that wouldn't fit into a real-world comic. One of the challenges I'm facing is that in real-world comics (Marvel, DC, etc.), the characters have been around for a long time, and there are a lot of characters with backgrounds that have been explained ad nauseum. All of my characters are new, so I don't have the luxury of 20+ years of stories and backgrounds from which to draw my stories. Everything here is new.

Also, this is my first Story Hour, so I'm still learning what is good and what isn't so good about the format. There is some experimenting going on here, and I hope my readers see that and don't think I just don't know what I'm doing :D



First Post
Issue #6 - "Fire" (Continued)

Scene 4: "The Final Piece to the Puzzle"

"Wow," Mana exclaimed, "that thing is... huge!"

Trickster turned to face his allies, proud as could be at his accomplishment so far. "Have you any idea, any of you, at what this is?"

Lodestone smiled. "The Chaos Engine...?"

"Well, of course," Trickster quipped. "I meant the significance of it?"

The group was silent.

They stood in a very large cave, concealed beneath the castle above, and not generally visible from the coast, except for the cave entrance that opened onto a very short shore and then onto the sea. The Chaos Engine dominated the cavern, and hummed with an ominous sound. The Redan Cylinder that powered it glowed a sickly green.

"This device will ensure our place in the coming order," Trickster said after a long pause. "We have a rightful place in this world, and we will no longer he content to make pitiful strikes against society's institutions. There is more to assuring our supremacy than knocking over banks. Those who came before us, those who focused on their own situations and thought nothing of a common cause, they failed time and time again because of a lack of foresight. We will not be thwarted by these heroes who assume to possess the power to stop us. It is time to turn the tables on them, and the society they protect."

"Quite a speech," the Duchess said. "But what does it all mean, Trickster?"

"I am just happy to be free," Fang said. "I will do whatever you say."

"Of course you will," Trickster replied with a wry smile. "But the Duchess has a point. I don't believe I have fully explained what we are doing with this machine."

He approached the Chaos Engine. "With this grand device, we will turn the Atlanteans against the people of the surface world. The resulting war will ruin society as we know it, and enable those prepared for the power vaccuum to take over."

Smiles spread across the room, except for the Duchess, who was still suspicious.

"Vague proclamations do not impress me," she said. "I need specifics. I will risk my existence no longer without a very solid idea of what's going on."

"I must concur," Cyber-Knight added. "I will brook no capture or further indignity in this venture."

"Fair enough," Trickster responded. "As Barracuda no doubt knows, the Chaos Engine is a legendary device from Atlantis' past. When activated, it will cause all sorts of chaos in the world, hence the name. It is not known exactly what will happen, but possibilities include earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, random loss of power in cities, and the like."

"I see," Surge said. "We turn on the machine, and then make a grab for power once the trouble starts. People will be too busy trying to clean everything up, right?"

"Wait," the Duchess said, "what about Atlantis? This is their machine, but --"

"Exactly, my dear," Barracuda interjected. "The Chaos Engine is Atlantean in origin. No doubt the air-breathers will know this. They will learn that the Chaos Engine is responsible."

"Then, the surface people attack Atlantis," Trickster added. "That's when we make our grab for power!"

Cyber-Knight drew his vibrosword. "Shall we get started then?"

"Ahem," Trickster murmured. "Not quite yet. There is one more matter to handle before we can activate the Chaos Engine."

Quizzical looks cross the faces of the assembled villains.

"One more part of the device remains to be added to the Chaos Engine -- the Paradigm Flux Generator. Once this is in place, the Chaos Engine will be complete."

"And then, we can start the chaos?" Surge asked.

"Of course," Trickster replied. "First, we must acquire the Paradigm Flux Generator. It will not be easy."

"Where is it? In Atlantis?" Lodestone asked.

"Unfortunately, no," Trickster replied. "Mana, we will have need of your services."

"Certainly, Trickster," she answered. "You have but to ask."

"Where are we going?" Fang asked.

"I am sending Mana, Lodestone, the Duchess, and yourself to the dimension known as Pandemonium. There, you will find the Paradigm Flux Generator. Bring it back here, and we will complete the Chaos Engine, and watch flames engulf the world!"

This Ends Issue #6, "Fire"
Watch for Issue #7, "Engulfing", Coming Soon!
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Next Issue - Coming Soon!

Just wanted to let my loyal readers know Issue #7 is coming. It's been a bit delayed as I haven't fully plotted it yet. I promise it will be posted soon!


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