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D&D 3E/3.5 My 3.5 House Rules Codex – Final


So Quans attack (with unarmed attacks) of +13/+13/+9/+9/+5 with flurry of blows that would not compromise his primary ( I assume main hand) attack, which means no -2 penalty would be like this. +15/+13/+11/+9/+7
With the extra attack (11th) +15/+15/+13/+11/+9/+7.
Am I close?

Ok, my bad. I guess the term “primary” was misleading. I used it to refer to the attack bonus to start with.​
Looking at the core Monk, at 5th level he’d take only -1 on both attacks, not just the first (a penalty that is totally negated by 9th level – on all attacks).​
Given the highly martial orientation of this class, I find it adequate to keep FoB as given by the RAW. The only difference is that with the fastest weapons, the iterative attacks (reminder: extra attacks gained from FoB are all made at full attack bonus – without any hit penalties) would take cumulative -4 instead of -5, making it +15/+15/+15/+11/+7/+3 (2 extra attacks at no penalty whatsoever), which is significantly better than the options available to all other classes that reach BAB +15 – namely +15/+11/+7/+3/+11 or +13/+13/+9/+9/+5 (a single extra attack with penalties, one way or the other).​

On a side note your monk doesn't seem get his wisdom to his ac, won't this make him even more squishy at low levels?

My entire HR document revolves around using the core rules as reference and guidelines regarding the modifications. I don’t remember saying anything about this issue, so as far as my opinions go, it should persist.​
Maybe I should’ve had 3 titles:​
- Things that are omitted​
- Things that persist​
- Things that are changed/added​
I’m now in the middle of collecting the next series of tweaks (most of which are “cosmetic” such as typo corrections and terminology issues) and additions to the document, so this would be among them i guess.​

With STR-score 23+, for all intents & purposes, you wield a 1H/2H weapon (see the "Abbreviations" spoiler below) in 1 hand as if it were a medium weapon and medium/light weapons as if they were light/tiny (respectively).
The way this is written it seems that you have to wield 2H weapons in one hand to gain the medium weapon progression, but it seems to me you want to say that they simply count as medium weapons and thus you can wield them in 1 hand. So you always gain the medium weapon bab progression with them.

In the next section, under the spoiler titled “Abbreviations”, you’d find the following description:​
1H/2H – A weapon designed for one-handed or two-handed use. When held 1-handed, use the large-weapons' attack roll progression. When held 2-handed, use the medium-weapons' attack roll progression...”​
These weapons are bulkier than medium weapons when held 1H (probably coupled with a shield), but are just as quick when held 2H.​
There’s a reason you’d want to hold them 1H and there’s a reason you’d want to hold them 2H.​
A bit more damage and more effective special maneuvers or enhanced defenses – your choice and YMMV.​

EDIT: I kinda forgot I wanted to ask that sorry. In the core rules a sword of +3 costs 18k according to your rules it costs 5(SL)*6000=30k plus 9(minimum caster level)*5% on the main price, so 45% of 30k= 13,5k. So in sum it costs 43500 gp. Isn't that a tad too much of an increase?

I offered a uniform formula for the creation of any and all magical items. This is just the result of that formula.​
Using all the official D&D materials published, one can become a Frenzied Berserker (there are official ways of overcoming the urge to slaughter your allies) that combines:​
- Pounce​
- Shock Trooper​
- Leap Attack​
- Spirited charge​
- Supreme Power Attack.​
And the “beauty of it all” is that by the RAW damage multipliers multiply one another.​
The above combination yields damage by the hundreds – per hit.​

So you may eventually come to the conclusion that in a system that doesn’t allow such or similar abuse, it wouldn’t be game breaking to decide that att & dmg enhancements are available at a rate of +1 per SL (which would make +3 weapons more or less the same price as core), or you could decide that magical plusses make weapons and armors particularly durable. Only time and your game experience will tell, but just ask yourself one thing: given the core pricing method and DR/x magic, is +5 really that much better than +3 to warrant the given pricing difference ?​
Also, go to the CO boards on WotC and see how the optimizers play around with item combos to produce totally broken characters – all sanctioned under “legit by RAW”.​

And remember:​
- You control the pace of their cash flow.​
- You control the magical treasure they gain (and given the time and monetary investment items require, you should ask yourself from time to time: “does such an item really warrant the required investment to be created in the first place? How high would the supposed creator’s motivation be to create it ?”)​
- You control the campaign and how much downtime they’ll have for item creation and other things, or if they’re interrupted during the process of item creation.​
- You can take away stuff just as easily as you give it away.


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In the next section, under the spoiler titled “Abbreviations”, you’d find the following description:​
1H/2H – A weapon designed for one-handed or two-handed use. When held 1-handed, use the large-weapons' attack roll progression. When held 2-handed, use the medium-weapons' attack roll progression...”​
These weapons are bulkier than medium weapons when held 1H (probably coupled with a shield), but are just as quick when held 2H.​
There’s a reason you’d want to hold them 1H and there’s a reason you’d want to hold them 2H.​
A bit more damage and more effective special maneuvers or enhanced defenses – your choice and YMMV.

Ah. I missed that.
Ofcourse even with a str of 23 and a 2-H weapon in both hands, which gives you small weapon progression you will attack as if you had a medium weapon if you wear medium armor.
Is there any way to reduce the "heavyness" of armors and shields, or did you avoid doing that due to balance reasons?

My entire HR document revolves around using the core rules as reference and guidelines regarding the modifications. I don’t remember saying anything about this issue, so as far as my opinions go, it should persist.

Maybe I should’ve had 3 titles
- Things that are omitted​
- Things that persist​
- Things that are changed/added​
I’m now in the middle of collecting the next series of tweaks (most of which are “cosmetic” such as typo corrections and terminology issues) and additions to the document, so this would be among them i guess.

You know I assumed the core rules persist in everything but your classes spoiler. Even in your classes spoiler I assumed that when you don't mention the class bab or save progression its the same as that in core rules, but I find that hard to do in the class feature table.

Thinking about the monk again I might be wrong since he does have a good reflex save this might help him a lot.

Now regarding magic items. I don't see what a frenzied berserker has to do with this (since really another +2 or+3 won't make such a huge difference). But since you mentioned it its a pretty natural result of a too-many-splatbooks-written-by-different-people case. I think your system to magic item item pricing might do with some tinkering, though your suggestion that att & dmg enhancements be available at a rate of +1 per SL seems good.
I could be wrong though, I need to think this through some more.
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Is there any way to reduce the "heavyness" of armors and shields, or did you avoid doing that due to balance reasons?
As far as armors go: Entry #2 > "Feats" > "New Feats" > "Martial Combat Feats" > "Armor ____".​

A shield occupies your arm and is an obstruction you put in front of you.​
I wouldn't allow making them "lighter" (and with my HR, the potential shield benefits are worth more than the “making them lighter” part anyway).​

I think your system to magic item item pricing might do with some tinkering,
What kind of tinkering did you have in mind ?


I had already seen those armor feats but nothing that removes armor encumbrance regarding the iterative attacks progression. Unless armor mastery adresses this without saying it.

Regarding the magic items cost I have no specific tinkering in mind, but in your dming advice you do mention the book of gears. I haven't delved deeply into it and its actually incomplete but it does offer an alternative way to handling magic items which is quite interesting.

Another question: The mage spells that are fresh in the casters mind require casting them from a spellbook, which requires another move action for oppening and closing the book.
What if you have the book already open? Is flipping through the pages also a move action?
And what if the spell requires a full round action to cast (lets say it causes blindness), does the extra move action catapult it to a 1 round casting time?
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I had already seen those armor feats but nothing that removes armor encumbrance regarding the iterative attacks progression. Unless armor mastery adresses this without saying it.
It doesn't.
On the common-sense side:
- Heavier armor still weighs more on your limbs.
- It still limist the movement of your joints more severely.
And as far as equallibrium goes: If I could put just 1 or 2 more feats to totally ignore the limitations of heavy armore, why would I ever consider using a lighter armor? My goal was to bring as much balance as possible, so that the choices would be motivated by prefered style rather than min-maxing.

What if you have the book already open? Is flipping through the pages also a move action?
1. At least. Try to index a really large book and then to reach your desired index when the book is open (which makes it even bulkier to maneuver) and when it's closed.
2. If the book is open when it's not your turn, it's more likely to be more vulnerable to hazards on a regular basis.

And what if the spell requires a full round action to cast (lets say it causes blindness), does the extra move action catapult it to a 1 round casting time?


It doesn't.
On the common-sense side:
- Heavier armor still weighs more on your limbs.
- It still limist the movement of your joints more severely.
And as far as equallibrium goes: If I could put just 1 or 2 more feats to totally ignore the limitations of heavy armore, why would I ever consider using a lighter armor? My goal was to bring as much balance as possible, so that the choices would be motivated by prefered style rather than min-maxing.

Agreed, good to have it clarified.

The fix you propose (I assume taken from the brilliant gameologists houserules forum) isn't intended to be used this way. A standard action becoming a fullround action is manageable but a fullround becoming 1 round action is a bit harsh. Perhaps needing a swift action in addition to the full round action would be a better solution. What do you think?

On the same note how about using pathfinders and yours specific spell fixes for balancing the spells? The general rule of all negative-condition spells take 1 full round action to cast, though quick and easy, will inevitably nerf some weak spells(scintillating pattern) and do nothing for some powerhouse spells (otilukes irresistible dancing).
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The fix you propose (I assume taken from the brilliant gameologists houserules forum) isn't intended to be used this way. A standard action becoming a fullround action is manageable but a fullround becoming 1 round action is a bit harsh. Perhaps needing a swift action in addition to the full round action would be a better solution. What do you think?
swift AND immediate (see my redefined actions - entry #5) would be adequate, I guess.

On the same note how about using pathfinders and yours specific spell fixes for balancing the spells? The general rule of all negative-condition spells take 1 full round action to cast, though quick and easy, will inevitably nerf some weak spells(scintillating pattern) and do nothing for some powerhouse spells (otilukes irresistible dancing).
I'm not sure those two are an appropriate analogy (the former has an AoE), but yes, this kind of simplification quite misses the intent.


I think the Find the Mark ability of the warrior needs a bit clearer wording.

"As a swift action, the Warrior can expend his Combat Focus and make a full attack action that counted as a touch attack."

As it stands I can't understand if it affects one attack of your full attack or all of them.

Also is there an equivalent of the 3rd edition power attack feat in your houserules?


"... a full attack action that counted as a touch attack."
Guess I could word it a bit better.
And the intent is that the base damage is doubled regarding crit).

Btw, stay tunned and expect some updetes in the next few days.

I'm not sure I follow regarding "3e PA". My version of PA is in the 'Modified Feats' section, under 'PHB I'.
If anything in my HRs conflicts with this fact (a possibility - my rules have been edited more than I could count), please let me know.
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So how does it work in detail? Do you make one touch attack that does double damage, instead of a full attack?

3rd edition power attack: Take -1 penalty to attack gain +1 bonus to damage.

I'll stay tuned then as I am quite interested in seeing your changes.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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