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My Cthulhu Campaign


Ok, after starting the Cthulhu madness thread earlier on, I figured some people here might like to hear about the campaign I've started running, and how it went.

The campaign is particularly unusual in structure, as it is a fixed campaign of nine adventures, with the first adventure set in 1925, the second more or less a decade later, the third a decade after that, and so on (1930s, 1940s, 1950s, etc) so as the last one takes place in 2005. Obviously, the players are expected to play more than one character in the course of the campaign, but since this is Cthulhu that just about goes without saying. :p

The story has its own very particular twist too: The first adventure involved the player characters ending up in a resort town in italy, most of them having been called there by Aleister Crowley (while a couple poor sods were there by accident). Turns out a couple of Crowley's students stole a rare copy of a fragment from the Book of Ghul, a dark lorebook that was said to originate somewhere in the Himalayas (of which Crowley had an Arabic Mughal-era translation). These rogue students intent to use this fraction of the book to call down a "Moonchilde", a magical creation, a child that could determine the fate of all mankind, whom those who possessed it could conquer the world. A force of great destruction, or perhaps creation.

Crowley had rejected the Moonchild ritual, as too unpredictable, and dangerous. But these two students (one male, one female) rejected his conclusion, stole the fragment and ran off to these ancient roman ruins in the resort town to perform the ritual.

When the PCs get there, they find out about another problem, in the form of the Deep Ones. Attracted by the massive magical energies being called by the ritual, they too would desire to take the moonchilde, and begin an attack on the town. Some of the PCs have to get the local garrison of Mussolini's army organized to fight back against the incursion.
Others find out from a local astronomer that what appears to be some kind of shooting star has mysteriously appeared in the sky, headed this way.

The players with Crowley find the two cultists, in the midst of the sexual ritual to summon the moonchilde. The PCs start shooting, and kill the male cultist, but the Deep Ones interrupt, and the female cultist manages to kidnap one of the male PCs, and starts to complete the ritual.

One of the PCs elsewhere figures out that in the ruins there is a ritual to draw away the Deep Ones (who were apparently a problem in the Etruscan times, too), and conducts the ritual, even though it ends up costing him his life. The Deep Ones finally pull back into the sea.

The remaining PCs end up catching up with the female cultists at the local church, she's in the midst of the ritual with the male PC, and the shooting star is now visible in the sky. Someone shoots her, she dies, and it seems to be all over.

Or is it? The local astronomer confirms to Crowley and the PCs that the shooting star seemed to shift direction (after the interruption of the ritual), but it DID land.
After a few days of calculations, he can tell the PCs with some certainty that the shooting star supposedly carrying this "moonchilde" that could affect human destiny crashed in the United States...
in the state of Kansas...
Near a little town called Smallville...


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Wraith Form

Nisarg said:
....snip.....Or is it? The local astronomer confirms to Crowley and the PCs that the shooting star seemed to shift direction (after the interruption of the ritual), but it DID land.
After a few days of calculations, he can tell the PCs with some certainty that the shooting star supposedly carrying this "moonchilde" that could affect human destiny crashed in the United States...
in the state of Kansas...
Near a little town called Smallville...
Queue Remy Zero theme.

Interesting start for a Cthulhu game--Smallville?!? Hmm, the wife & I have been watching the series on DVD over the past few weeks (we pounded through seasons 1 & 2, then season 4 started, and we're pounding through season 3 right now while waiting for the next season 4 episodes to start up again). Damn Tom Welling's good looking self. Damn him. (Luckily Kristin & Allison are easy on the eyes, so I get treats, too!)

I have a feeling your players are going to need to explore some caves near the edge of town sooner or later.... (winkety-wink-wink while pointing up at cave drawings)

Keep us informed, kay?!?


Clearly you're making some references to the TV series, I should clear up that I've never actually watched that series, so its obviously not going to play a big part in my campaign.

If anything, part of what I'm thinking of here is half-inspired by Hellboy and half-inspired by the Generations series of comics.
What if Superman (and certain other figures) were real, but were the products of man tampering with things he was Not Meant To Know?
How would his very presence end up affecting the course of the 20th century?

And what would be his ultimate destiny, in a lovecraftian world? Is he a Great Old One? One of their instruments or pawns? Or is he humanity's only hope? Will it depend on his nature, or on the conditions of the environment he's raised in?


Wraith Form

Oh, you haven't seen the show?! Your adventure set up sounded just like a "teaser" before the credits roll in the beginning of the show! (Good job!)

Smallville, despite some strong soap-opera elements (specifically Clark and Lana's love affair) and a real stretch of my suspension of disbelief (16-year olds driving these expensive cars? high-schoolers owning and managing coffee shops? hunh?), is a really fun show! Their use of symbolism is often cool--Clark is consistantly in blue and/or red shirts--as is the "guest stars" in the form of heroes and villains from DC Comics. You should give the first season a try, see if you like it!

More on topic, I think it'd be cool to see some Hellboy references in a CoC game...
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Tom Cashel

First Post
Nisarg said:
If anything, part of what I'm thinking of here is half-inspired by Hellboy and half-inspired by the Generations series of comics.

I'm seeing shades of The Invisibles and Planetary too...some of favorite comics. If you haven't checked them out, I heartily recommend both. Lots of "new spin on Cthulhu Mythos" in The Invisibles, as well as a major plot revolving around a moonchilde.

Sounds like a really cool idea, Nisarg, and in this context I understand why you were trying to get at the "source" of madness in CoC. Maybe you could go with the "radiation" theory, and somehow tie that to the phenomenon of kryptonite...the moonchilde can save the world, as long as he's not exposed to the sanity- and soul-corrupting power of the green crystals...the twist is that the stuff is nearly lethal to humans. Mi-Go would be carrying it around in stainless steel cannisters though. :]

And a suggestion...give your players more than one session in each time period. You could do 3 sessions in the 1920s, three in the 60s, and three in the 90s, for example, and I think this would feel more like a campaign to your players, rather than a series of one-shots. Not that that's bad, but a little continuity is good for a game where PC mortality is such a constant spectre.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.


Tom Cashel said:
And a suggestion...give your players more than one session in each time period. You could do 3 sessions in the 1920s, three in the 60s, and three in the 90s, for example, and I think this would feel more like a campaign to your players, rather than a series of one-shots. Not that that's bad, but a little continuity is good for a game where PC mortality is such a constant spectre.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

I would have liked to do more than one adventure per decade, but unfortunately this is my summer game (i'm in south america, and its summer right now), and I only have wednesdays free during the summer. So its basically nine sessions or bust.

And I will actually post an update of each game session as it is played out, for whoever might have an interest.



First Post
Nisarg said:
And I will actually post an update of each game session as it is played out, for whoever might have an interest.


Please do. I finally picked up a copy of "The Best of HP Lovecraft". So far I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I doubt I'd ever get my group to play a Cthulhu game, so it's pretty cool to hear about others. By the way, that sounded like a great session.


There was an article in Pyramid about mixing Supers and the Mythos. Very Interesting. You would need a subscription to access it, but I will post the link if any one is interested.


So I've now gone on to the second part in my campaign. Its ten years later, 1935. The player characters (some survivors from the earlier adventure and others new characters) are hired by Crowley, or more correctly by his patron a Dr.Thomas Wayne of Arkham, to join them on an expedition to the himalayas.

They have to enter the forbidden kingdom of Tibet, to the plateau of Tsang, seeking out the book of Ghul, in hopes of learning more about the moonchild and its supposed powers (as none of the pcs had any luck determining who or waht the moonchild is, the last clue being that mysterious meteor crash near Smallville Kansas).

Meeting in Katmandu, the PCs discover that there's another group interested in the same goal they are: A group of Nazi mountaineers and occultists, led by the famous mountaineer Heinrich Harrer, and supported by a Nazi "masked man" who dresses all in black, with some kind of cape-like wings, and has the symbol of a bat on his chest. The PCs are in a race to beat them to the temple of Tsang.

Along the way they have some encounters, with yeti, avalanches, and Tcho-Tchos, and finally with a giant spider, before reaching the dead city of Lo-Gor. Upon arriving the pcs find that the nazi team has gotten there ahead of them and are rushing toward the temple. They also come to realize that most of the city is underground, and find a tunnel to the catacombs. Along with a warning; that the book of ghul in the great temple is guarded by something called Zhar.

The PCs deside to risk the catacombs in the hopes of getting to the temple room before the Nazis. in the catacombs they are taken by surprise by a horde of Ghouls, who kill one of their party, and injure another to incapacitation.

The rest of the PCs press on, and hear gunshots ahead, finding the great temple, a huge pit with a shrine at the other end of a ledge they're on. On she shrine is the book of Ghul. In the pit is Zhar, a minor Great Old One, a mass of writhing fleshy tentacles.
The Nazis are going nuts and desperately trying to shoot at the thing, while two of the Pcs also get paralyzed with fear (d6/d20 SAN loss). The "fledermaus man" jumps over the chasm with his "wings" (which act like a glider), going for the scroll. One of the Pcs manages to shoot the wing and he falls back, stunned. Meanwhile Dr.Wayne gets to the book and the PCs flee for their lives.

Safely back in civilization, and with the book in the hands of Dr.Wayne, there is hope that they will at long last be able to unravel the mystery of the "moonchilde", and learn where to find him, what his powers are, and how to stop him if nescessary.

Unfortunately, only a week or two after their return to Arkham, Dr. Thomas Wayne and his wife are murdered on the way to the opera, in a seemingly random crime, but the Book of Ghul also disappears from his possession, leading the Pcs to suspect it was not as random as it appears.
The only witness to the crime is the Wayne's eight year old son, Bruce, who saw his parents murdered before his own eyes.



I would love to be in this game. If you are pulling in other DCU characters don't forget: Dr. Fate who is tied to an ancient egyptian spirit, Aquaman who could be a deep one hybrid, Zatara/Zatanna, and Green Lantern either as Alan Scott with an ancient artifcat or Hal Jordan with a Mi-go weapon.

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