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My Cthulhu Campaign


Stormborn said:
I would love to be in this game. If you are pulling in other DCU characters don't forget: Dr. Fate who is tied to an ancient egyptian spirit, Aquaman who could be a deep one hybrid, Zatara/Zatanna, and Green Lantern either as Alan Scott with an ancient artifcat or Hal Jordan with a Mi-go weapon.

Crowley is basically taking up the Dr.Fate/Zatara role; but given that he's much more recognizeable in south america, I've had him use the nom de guerre of Mandrake the Magician instead.

as for the others, well, you'll just have to wait and see for future installments. I plan to write a summary the day after each session. ;)

I know some uruguayans do read these fora, and I wouldn't want to accidentally give away anything.


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okay now Im giggling.
I would like to provde help or advice, but my DC hero lore is a little rusty
esp if you are going with the oldest heros -
the flash? Wonder woman ? Captain Marvel ??
you gotta go with the deep one wonder woman :)


Evilhalfling said:
okay now Im giggling.
I would like to provde help or advice, but my DC hero lore is a little rusty
esp if you are going with the oldest heros -
the flash? Wonder woman ? Captain Marvel ??
you gotta go with the deep one wonder woman :)

Captain Marvel won't be in there, because he wasn't strictly a DC character per se, in the historical sense.

As for the rest, I will fill you in as the campaign progresses, though anyone with cool ideas will be appreciated and perhaps plagiarized. :p

As a final note, the pcs themselves will never be the big heros, at best they will be secondary, and as a principle they will be generally the characters who are acting behind the scenes while the epic battles occur, dealing with the REAL dangers (ie. not the supervillains but the mythos forces that propel them), and ultimately realizing that most of the "superheros" are as tainted and influenced by the Mythos toward a dark end as the "supervillains".



Third part of the campaign: 1945

The PCs are in liberated France, in the final days of WWII, working for an occult division of the OSS, under the command of Colonel Lex Luthor. One of the PCs, a painter who had psychic dreams, had basically been kidnapped by Luthor and drugged in efforts to force him to have visions that would provide intelligence to the allies.

This character starts to dream about something called Gotterdammerung, a last-ditch "secret weapons" the Nazis intend to use to win the war. However, the PC sees them not winning the war, but destroying mankind, should they let loose their secret weapon.

Luthor deems this issue to be of too great an import, so he calls up the Justice Society: Hawkman ("leader" of the JS, who apparently believes himself to be the "reincarnation" of an ancient god), Wonder Woman (who comes from a mediterranean island kept secret from the eyes of men by the blessing of a dark goddess, and who has now come to man's world to preach mankind's doom, and perhaps play some dark part in it), Green Lantern (who's cursed ring grants him more power than any man, but is slowly driving him into the abyss), the Flash (who's formula for super-speed is burning him out from the inside, he already looks 20 years older than his actual age), and Dr.Mid-Nite (a PC, obsessed with knowing these powerful beings and protecting humanity from them).

Using the psychic pc, Luther gets a series of sketches and drawings that are tied to the site, including one of what appears to be a concentration camp, and another that seems to be the central plaza of a town. It is only when one of the Blackhawks (Polish pilots now serving as the most elite RAF squadron, who are almost singlehandedly responsible for the salvation of england during the Battle of Britain) identifies the town square as Oswiecim after being shown a picture by a PC that the mystery location is solved and the PCs and the Justice Society are on the move.

The two teams are dropped in occupied Poland, and make contact with the Polish Partisans (led by another PC); and quickly split into two parties: the Justice Society learn they are just in time to confront the Ubermensch (their German superpowered equivalents) who were sent into the area as a last-ditch effort to stop the Russian advance. That leaves the PCs to go to Oswiecim, break into the Nazi headquarters there, and find out precisely what "Gotterdammerung" is.

The PCs, accompanied by Dr.Mid-nite, head to the town, and are in the process of working out a plan when they learn the Red Army has broken through all German defences, and are going to be in the town very shortly. This emboldens the partisans, who decide to risk a raid on the Nazi headquarters. Some of the PCs will join the partisans in their frontal attack, and others will make their way in secret to the roof of the building, enter from above, and find the offices for Projectgotterdamerung. The partisans are ultimately driven back, but not before the PCs get ahold of the files for the project.

The revelations for them are shocking; a series of disconnected documents: a photo of the book of Ghul, clearly passed to the Nazi government after the murder of Thomas Wayne. Pictures showing a huge transport mission, seemingly starting in western germany and ending near Oswiecim. Documents regarding the construction of and photographs of a nearby concentration camp, Auschwitz, whose existance the pcs knew of, but had no idea of its magnitude. Thousands and thousands of people every day, being sent to their death in gas chambers. And underneath a central building, a single grainy photo shows a creature which is a mass of tentacles around a huge central eye.

One of the occultist pcs realizes this creature is a Great Old One, Cyaegtha, who is in a dormant state. But the Germans are feeding it, making it grow and helping it to wake, with an endless stream of human sacrifices. If they succeed, the creature will rise up and destroy all of humanity.

Now the Red Army has arrived.

The PCs rush to find the Justice Society, and discover that the superheros have ruthlessly killed almost all of the German Ubermensch. Only one of them, Fledermaus, seems to have escaped. Upon hearing of the creature in the concentration camp, the JS wants to attack and possibly destroy the camp, until they are dissuaded by the PCs who (wisely) figure out that more killings in that place will only risk waking the creature at last.
They travel their with the intention of putting a stop to the killings in the most bloodless way possible, only to learn that Auschwitz has just been liberated by the Red Army.
Bound by the alliance between the USSR and the US, and by the sheer number of tanks and men the Russians display, the Pcs (and supers) have no choice but to let the camp, and the Great Old One, fall into Russian hands.

Returning to Paris, the Pcs find Luthor enraged that they have let their "allies" take such a powerful and dangerous weapon, knowing that in a very short time they will be America's enemies. He is on the verge of doing something rash when the news gets out, reports about a young member of the press corp who apparently took on a german tank shell in the chest and lived, and went on to demolish the tank with his bare hands. Luthor says something about the moonchilde, and leaves the PCs with their failure.

Some of the PCs later learn that after some difficulty the Red Army figured out how to transport the creature, still in a dormant state, back to the USSR. To a secure installation in the Ukraine, a place called Chernobyl.



This is so very cool! If all these superheroes have such a dark twist, Batman is going to be even more psycho than usual. o_O


Once again, truly excelent, obviously you have an encyclopedic knowledge of DC and Mythos lore that rivals my own. I commend you.

On another note, how do you handle having PCs who are not usually together? You seem to have Dr. Mid-Nite, the artist PC, a Polish Partisan, etc. Does the parts when they aren't together happen in narrative, short segments, or how?


Stormborn said:
Once again, truly excelent, obviously you have an encyclopedic knowledge of DC and Mythos lore that rivals my own. I commend you.

On another note, how do you handle having PCs who are not usually together? You seem to have Dr. Mid-Nite, the artist PC, a Polish Partisan, etc. Does the parts when they aren't together happen in narrative, short segments, or how?

Not really.
I've never been a fan of the "keep the whole party together" style of play.
I just go from one character to the other, and if there are some that aren't together for some or all of the adventure, so be it.


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