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C. Baize

First Post
And just because I can, and make it look good, here are the weapons and gear in two tables.

[b][SIZE=2]New Weapons[/SIZE][/b]
[b]Weapon          |  Damage   |  Critical  |  Damage  |    Range    |  Rate of  |  Magazine  |  Size  |  Weight  |  Purchase  |  Restriction
[u]                |           |            |   Type   |  Increment  |    Fire   |            |        |          |     DC     |             [/b][/u]
Harpoon Net     |           |            |          |             |           |            |        |          |            |
[u]Gun (PL 5)      |  Special  |      -     |    -     |     50’     |     S     |   3 drum   | Large  |  18 lb   |      22    |    Lic +1[/u]
Harpoon Net     |           |            |          |             |           |            |        |          |            |
[u]Gun (PL 6)      |  Special  |      -     |    -     |     60'     |     S     |   5 drum   | Large  |  13 lb   |      21    |    Lic +1[/u]
Harpoon Net     |           |            |          |             |           |            |        |          |            |
[u]Gun (PL 7)      |  Special  |      -     |    -     |     80'     |     S     |   10 drum  | Medium |   8 lb   |      23    |    Lic +1[/u]
[u]Needler Pistol  |   2d10    |     20     | Piercing |     40'     |     S     |   20 box   |  Small |  2.5 lb  |      21    |    Lic +1[/u]
[u]Needler Rifle   |   2d12    |     20     | Piercing |     70'     |     S     |   30 box   |  Large |  8.5 lb  |      24    |    Lic +1[/u]

And the gear:
[b][SIZE=2]New Gear[/SIZE][/b]
[u][b]Item Name               | Size  |  Weight  |  Purchase DC  |  Restriction[/u][/b]
Weaponized False Tooth  | Fine  |    -     |      12       |    Ill +4
Chronomoter             | Tiny  |    -     |      2-12     |       -
Omni-Scanner            | Small |   3 lb   |      22       |    Lic +1
Engineering Scanner     | Small |  1.5 lb  |      19       |       -

C. Baize

First Post
Jaffa are the servants and incubators for the Goa’Uld.
Template Traits
“Jaffa” is a template that can be added to nearly any humanoid who undergoes the Prim’Tah ceremony or is given a pouch by a Goa’Uld queen utilizing a special device which prepares the victim for the implantation of a larval Goa’Uld symbiote for incubation. Both the Prim’Tah and the Goa’Uld Pouch device destroy the victim’s immune system (-10 circumstance penalty to Fort saves against disease or poison) so the victim’s body will not attempt to reject the larval Goa’Uld. Fortunately for the Jaffa, however, the symbiote’s immunities are far superior to the humanoid’s when it is within an incubating host.
Along with serving as the greatly enhanced immune system for its host, the symbiote increases the host’s Strength and Constitution. A Jaffa with a Goa’Uld symbiote receives a +4 bonus to both Strength and Constitution as well as a +2 bonus to Fort saves vs poison and disease.
The Jaffa uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Challenge Rating: A Jaffa’s challenge rating is the same as the base creature +2 and modified by class levels.
Type: Humanoid
Hit Dice: A Jaffa’s hit dice changes to D10 or by class.
Speed: As base creature.
Defense: As base creature.
Attacks: By class.
Damage: By weapon type.
Special Qualities: A Jaffa has the following special qualities:
Fast Healing (Ex): A Jaffa heals at a rate of 1 hit point per round.
Vulnerability (Ex): A Jaffa that loses its symbiote dies from massive infection in 1d4 hours + 1 hour per hit die.
Allegiances: A Jaffa acquires or keeps allegiances per individual.
Saves: A Jaffa’s saves are based on the base creature and by class except as noted above.
Action Points: A Jaffa gains Action Points normally.
Reputation Bonus: By class.
Ability Scores: A Jaffa’s ability scores change as follows: Str +4, Con +4.
Skills: By character class.
Feats: The Jaffa gains the Toughness feat.

Human Jaffa Tough hero 3/Strong hero 2: CR 7; Medium-size humanoid; HD 3d10 plus 2d8 plus 25 (Con modifier) plus 3 (Toughness feat) plus 3 (Robust talent); hp 61; Init 1; Spd 20 ft.; Defense 20, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 class, +5 equipment); BAB +4; Grap +8; Atk +8 melee (1d8+4, staff weapon), +5 ranged (2d10 fire, staff weapon), +5 ranged (2d8 electricity + special, Zat’Ni’Katel); Full Atk +8 melee (1d8+4, staff weapon), +5 ranged (2d10 fire, staff weapon), +5 ranged (2d8 electricity + special, Zat’Ni’Katel); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Fast Healing 1, symbiotic vulnerability; AL Higher Power (Apophis); SV Fort +8 (+10 vs poison and disease), Ref +2, Will +1; AP 15; Rep +1; Str 18, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +11, Concentration +9, Intimidate +3, Jump +1, Knowledge (tactics) +3, Pilot +9, Read/Write English, Speak English, Spot +4, Survival +1.
Feats: Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Athletic, Combat Martial Arts, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Staff Weapon Proficiency, Toughness.
Talents: Robust, Damage Reduction 1/-, Extreme Effort
Possessions: Staff Weapon, Zat’Ni’Katel, Chainmail Shirt, clothes.

New Starting Occupation

This occupation is for humans or humanoids who are raised within a Jaffa community and will become full Jaffa by choice when the time comes for them to undertake the Prim’Tah ceremony.
Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill.
Climb, Demolitions, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (tactics, arcane lore*), Listen, Pilot, Search, Spot.
Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (Light), Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Arts, Far Shot, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Staff Weapon Proficiency, Toughness.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +0

*Knowledge (arcane lore) in this case refers to the various abilities that advanced races demonstrate via their technological advances – such as Goa’Uld “magic”, or the various Ancient, Asgard, and other technological wonders that are indistinguishable from magic to a primitive culture.

C. Baize

First Post
Staff Weapon: The standard weapon of the Jaffa warrior, the Staff Weapon is capable of delivering devastatingly powerful blasts of charged plasma, as well as functioning as a melee weapon. At relatively close ranges, the Staff Weapon is accurate, but the accuracy decreases quickly at higher ranges.
The Staff Weapon requires the Staff Weapon Proficiency feat to use without suffering a -4 penalty to attack rolls.

Zat’Ni’Katel: The “Zat Gun” is standard issue amongst Jaffa warriors and requires the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat to use without a -4 penalty to attack rolls with it. This specialized weapon discharges a powerful beam of electricity causing great pain, stunning, death and disintegration to most species.
Upon its first discharge, the Zat’Ni’Katel deals 2d8 electricity damage to the target on a successful hit. This damage forces a Fort save (DC 15+ 1 per hit point of damage dealt) or the victim writhes about in agony on the floor for one round before falling unconscious for 10+1d20 rounds. Another discharge of the Zat’Ni’Katel upon the same target within 10 rounds of the first hit will, in addition to the damage dealt, force a Fort save (DC 10+ 1 per hit point of damage dealt) or the victim dies. A third discharge of the Zat’Ni’Katel upon a character or creature killed with one within 10 rounds of the killing discharge will force a Fort save (DC 20+ 1 per hit point of damage dealt) upon the body (treat as an object) or the body is disintegrated.

[b][SIZE=2]New Weapons[/SIZE][/b]
[b]Weapon          |  Damage   |  Critical  |  Damage  |    Range    |  Rate of  |  Magazine  |  Size  |  Weight  |  Purchase  |  Restriction
[u]                |           |            |   Type   |  Increment  |    Fire   |            |        |          |     DC     |             [/b][/u]
Staff           |2d10 Ranged|      20    |    Fire  |    20'      |     S     |  Unlimited |        |          | Unavailable|
Weapon (PL6)    | 1d8 Melee |            | Bludgeon |      -      |           |   Liquid   |  Huge  |   8 lb   | For Sale   |    Ill +4      
                |           |            |          |             |           |  Naquadah  |        |          |            |                
[u]                |           |            |          |             |           |    Core    |        |          |            |             [/u]
Zat'Ni'Katel    |   2d8     |    20      | Electric |     30'     |      S    | Unlimited  |  Small |   2 lb   | Unavailable|    Ill +4
(PL 6)          |           |            |          |             |           |   Liquid   |        |          | For Sale   |                
                |           |            |          |             |           | Naquadah   |        |          |            |             
[u]                |           |            |          |             |           |    Core    |        |          |            |             [/u]

New Feat
Staff Weapon Proficiency

You are proficient in the use of a Staff Weapon for ranged and melee combat.
Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls when using a Staff Weapon.
Normal: Characters without this feat suffer a -4 non-proficient penalty when using a Staff Weapon.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Great stuff, C.Baize. I personally have been thinking about importing select Stragate tidbits into one of my fantasy games I a working on, this saves me some time and gets the juices flowing. Thanks.

I've compiled the Stargate info into one document. Here it is for anyone that wants the compilation.


  • Stargate Info.doc
    32 KB · Views: 102

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