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My D20 Future setting.

C. Baize

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The Goa’Uld is a unique creature in that it is both its own creature and a template to be added to other creatures. In its native form, the Goa’Uld resembles a water snake with 4 red eyes and frilled fins. Once it takes over its host, however, it is nearly indistinguishable, physically, from an average member of that species. The only things that distinguish a host from her pre-blended state are a usually marked difference in her speech patterns, an egomaniacal attitude, and the fact that her eyes will glow white when she is excited and/or angry.
Hailing from a world with vast waterways, the Goa’Uld are a naturally aquatic race of serpentine parasites who require hosts to effectively move about on land, or to use technological devices such as weapons or starships.
A unique feature of the Goa’Uld is their genetic memory. A Goa’Uld is born with all the knowledge of its direct ancestors. This has created a race of beings with great technical knowledge but very little creativity. Truly parasitic, the Goa’Uld gain the knowledge and memories of any being they take as a host and adopt the knowledge of other races for their own usage, adapting only the aesthetics to match their own tastes. The Goa’Uld have amassed a great number of technological advances with which they were able to carve an empire out of the galaxy, and wage war on several of the most powerful races still existing within the galaxy.
Goa’Uld possess a specialized form of psionics. Their psionics are only in effect when they wrap themselves around their host’s cerebral cortex, and insert thousands of tiny membranes in their victim’s brain. When this has been accomplished, the Goa’Uld absorbs their host’s memories and knowledge, and attempt to take complete control of the host. Control of the host is accomplished or failed within the first hour, with the Goa’Uld generally killing the would be host by dealing damage directly to the victim’s brain while it is physically inside the victim’s head if they fail to take control.
Nearly all Goa’Uld have a primary allegiance to themselves, with certain individuals swearing allegiance to a more powerful member of their species. Goa’Uld believe wholeheartedly in the concept of slavery and mobility within their own social circles. While they are always looking for ways to improve their personal standing, personal survival is paramount and they will not hesitate to become subservient to those who defeat them in battle if they are unable to escape. On the other side of that, Goa’Uld are nearly always willing to spare a defeated enemy who will swear allegiance to them, in order to see them subjugated and humiliated as their personal servant. Their desire to see their opponents humiliated overrides any form of caution they may feel at having a former deadly enemy in such close proximity. In spite of this, it is relatively rare for a Goa’Uld servant to kill his superior by taking advantage of this situation. They would generally prefer to subvert their rule from within, and escape servitude while taking as much of their superior’s military might with them as they can when they leave, only to return later and challenge them in open battle.

Species Traits
Combined Challenge Rating:
The Challenge Rating of a Goa’Uld with a host is equal to the host’s Challenge Rating +2.
Jump (Sp): A Goa’Uld can jump through the air at a speed of 40 feet for up to 20 feet at a time. The Goa’Uld can use this jump as a charge attack.
Genetic Memory (Ex): A Goa’Uld is born with all the knowledge of its parents (though it is not a genetic clone, and thus possesses its own attitudes and desires). Any Knowledge skills and technology based feats (eg Personal Firearms Proficiency, Staff Weapon Proficiency, Knowledge (technology), etc…) the parents have at the time of conception, and any the brood queen gains during gestation are passed on with only the highest ranks passed onto the larva (meaning a queen with 7 ranks in Knowledge (technology), and a sire with 8 ranks in Knowledge (technology) will only pass on 8 ranks, not 15). These ranks count against a Goa’Uld’s total ranks they can have in a skill until their level would allow them to surpass those ranks. The feats a Goa’Uld is born with count against their total number of feats they have available by level, except for bonus feats gained by Occupation (unless a Goa’Uld already possesses all of the bonus feats available).
The Goa’Uld genetic memory can be suppressed in part or in whole by the brood queen if she specifically chooses to do so. She can suppress certain portions of the genetic memory if she chooses.
Adrenal Control (Ex): When a Goa’Uld requires a burst of strength or a temporary constitution boost, it will manipulate the portions of its host’s brain that controls the adrenal gland. This confers a +4 boost to the host’s Strength and Constitution scores for a period of 3 minutes at a time. After this, the Goa’Uld (and thus the host, as well) is Fatigued for one hour per 3 minute period of adrenal boosting. When a Goa’Uld does this, the host’s eyes glow a bright white. While there are other times a Goa’Uld can choose to make its host’s eyes glow, they always glow at the beginning of an adrenal boost.
Naquadah (Ex): A Goa’Uld parasite produces tiny amounts of the element called Naquadah, and automatically dumps it into its host’s blood stream. This small amount of the element is not harmful to the host. The presence of Naquadah in a host’s system confers a Will check bonus when using Goa’Uld technology. This bonus varies based on the length of time a Goa’Uld has been blended with a host, and whether the host has a living Goa’Uld within her body producing more Naquadah, or is a former host. This will be expounded upon in entries for Goa’Uld technology.
Naquadah Detection (Sp): A Goa’Uld is able to detect the presence of Naquadah up to 5’ away per character level of the Goa’Uld parasite. This allows Goa’Uld to detect each other within hosts, and to detect a former host as well.
Psionics (Sp): Total Domination: With a number of opposed Will checks, the Goa’Uld attempts to take complete control of its host. 5 successes in a row (a check is made every 10 rounds) will give the Goa’Uld complete and permanent control over its host, while 5 successive failures means the would be host has permanently fought off the control of the Goa’Uld parasite. If a Goa’Uld has not successfully taken control of a host within one hour of infestation, it is an automatic permanent failure.
Forced Mindlink: The Goa’Uld inside a host’s skull forces a mindlink between them. Sharing memories with a Goa’Uld is normally overbearing for the psyche of a non-evil human, and they will generally shut down their mind rather than share those experiences. This results in a sort of dream state wherein they seem to be outside observers to their body’s actions.
Thrall (Sp): If a Goa’Uld successfully uses Total Domination on its host five times in a row within an hour of infestation, the final effect is permanent, bonding the host to the Goa’Uld. The thralled host will carry out the orders of the Goa’Uld, including self-destructive orders. Injuries that stun or otherwise greatly injure the host (and therefore the Goa’Uld parasite within the host) will allow the host to make a new set of Will checks to regain temporary control of her body as the parasite shuts down its mind to concentrate on healing itself. A successful set of checks allows the host to regain control for 10 minutes + 1d20 minutes, but the host remains the Goa’Uld’s thrall. After the time has elapsed, the Goa’Uld will automatically regain control over its host.
Host Protection (Ex): An attached Goa’Uld uses its host’s base saving throw bonuses for Fortitude and Reflex, and its own base saving throw for Will.
Shared Skills: The Goa’Uld retains its skills when it takes a host. The blended host only has the Goa’Uld’s learned skills, and a +1 unnamed bonus to all skills in which the host had ranks before the blending. Any trained only skills in which the host possessed ranks are usable by the blended host.
Infestation: On a successful bite attack, the Goa’Uld will attempt to enter a host. The victim is granted a Reflex saving throw; the DC is equal to the Goa’Uld’s total modified attack roll.
Classes: Due to the nature of the way a Goa’Uld infests its host, any of the physical base class levels are kept (Strong, Fast, Tough), while any of the mental class levels are replaced by mental class levels the Goa’Uld parasite itself has (Smart, Dedicated, Charismatic), including all skill points and bonus feats gained within the respective classes. A Goa’Uld whose host body (human Tough 3 / Dedicated 8) dies or is abandoned will only transfer its mental class levels to its next host (Dedicated 8) and will gain any physical class levels the new host has (Strong 2 / Fast 1).

Goa’Uld: CR 2; Tiny aberration; HD 1d8; hp 5; Mas 11; Init +4; Spd 5 ft., swim 40 ft.; Defense 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+2 size, +4 Dex); BAB +1; Grap –11; Atk -1 melee (1d4, bite + infestation); Full Atk -1 melee (1d4, bite + infestation); FS 2 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 6 in.; Reach 0 ft.; SQ jump, genetic memory, adrenal control, naquadah, naquadah detection, psionics, thrall, host protection, infestation, classes; AL self, evil; SV Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +5; AP 3; Rep +0; Str 3, Dex 19, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14.
Skills: Swim +20, Other skills vary by Goa’Uld.
Feats: Varies
Advancement: By class within a host..

Goa’Uld Blended Human Smart Hero 3 / Fast Hero 2 / Dedicated Hero 3: CR 10; Medium-size humanoid aberration; HD 1d8 plus 3d6+3 plus 2d8+2 plus 3d6+3; hp 30; Mas 13; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 48, touch 20, flatfooted 38 (+7 class, +3 Dex, +8 advanced chain mail [max Dex +3], +20 personal shield device); BAB +5; Grap +6; Atk +6 melee (1d4+1 unarmed or 1d8+1 Staff Weapon); Full Atk +6 melee (1d4+1 unarmed or 1d8+1 Staff Weapon), or +8 ranged (2d10 Staff Weapon, or 2d8 + special Zat’Ni’Katel, or 1 / round Wisdom ribbon device, or 1 / round Intelligence ribbon device, or 1 / round Constitution ribbon device); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ genetic memory, adrenal control, naquadah, naquadah detection; AL self, evil; SV Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +9; Rep +3; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14 (Goa’Uld mental stats, human host physical stats); AP 26
Occupation: Heir (Educated: Knowledge (tactics, technology)); Sense Motive, Knowledge (history)
Skills: Bluff 16, Computer Use 15, Decipher Script 13, Diplomacy 16, Gather Information 8, Intimidate 16, Knowledge (civics) 15, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 15, Knowledge (Goa’Uld history) 16, Knowledge (physical sciences) 14, Knowledge (tactics) 20, Knowledge (Technology) 18, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 15, Listen 10, Repair 10, Sense Motive 11, Speak Language (English) 1
Feats: Action Boost, Alien Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Attentive, Confident, Deceptive, Educated, Frightful Presence, Goa’Uld Technology Proficiency, Iron Will, Personal Weapons Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Staff Weapon Proficiency, Trustworthy.
Talents (Smart Hero): Savant: Knowledge (technology); Trick
Talent (Fast Hero): Evasion
Talents (Dedicated Hero): Skill Emphasis: Knowledge (tactics); Faith
Possessions: Staff Weapon, Zat’Ni’Katel, Ribbon Device, Personal Shield Device, Advanced Mastercraft (+3) Chain Mail Armor (Improved Defense gadget, Reduced Weight gadget), Goa’Uld Sarcophagus, Goa’Uld Ha’Tak craft.
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C. Baize

First Post
Okay... because of the way the Goa'Uld work in the series, they were pretty difficult to stat up, and remain true to the source.
I took a few liberties, with the mechanics, and it ended up that for some Goa'Uld, the only benefit to levelling up will be an increase in Hit Points and Saving Throws, and such.
Some may be born with so many skills and feats that they'll never increase that on their own. They may, in fact, have to infest other beings just to gamble on the ability to gain more knowledge and feats.
Someone playing a Goa'Uld true to the source, however, won't do this, as it's against their egotistical nature. They only change hosts when they must. As in, if they're in danger of death or capture.

In the next few crunch posts of mine, I'll detail some of the Goa'Uld technology (Ribbon Device! Sarcophagus! Woohoo!) and what can happen if you remove a Goa'Uld from its host, or the host wins the Will checks and pops himself in the head or something.


That's really well done. It's mostly very true to the source material without being terribly unbalanced.
The whole never learning issue seems appropriate for many of the Goa'Uld; I consider it a feature of your design, not some kind of flaw, and it is both appropriate and pleasing to see it as a subtle feature rather than a blatant and clunky tacked-on mechanic.

I look forward to seeing how you do the Ribbon Device. :D The Sarcophogus is something I can basically figure out for myself (Heal and Ressurection, maybe with some sort of Wis damage) but the Ribbon devices have been boggling my gamer brain for a while. So much flexibility contained in one device....

C. Baize

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Mind if I borrow s couple of these stats, Baize? I mean, well.... the write-ups are excellent (especially the gear ones).

That's why they're posted.
In the spirit of sharing.

C. Baize

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Keeping you on top, my man.


Been thinking about this thread.
I will get back to it after I'm done editing and proofreading the next few RPGO things. ;)

But I've got a couple items on my desk I really want to get done so others can have it, too.

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