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My group needs a system!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
So play 5E then! :)

You seem to have very specific tastes in what you want from an RPG, and anything that doesn't meet those exacting specifications is aggressively condemned as "garbage" etc. Fate, WOIN, Pathfinder...

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Other ideas:

I know that DriveThruRPG had the Novus beta rules up for free for a long, long time. It's a class and level-based RPG that uses a 2d10 mechanic instead of d20. I really liked the beta rules, though I haven't played the game.

Fantasy Craft is an amazing, if very crunchy, interpretation of the d20 system (but not free).

If you want a "steampunk"/"electrotech" d20 variant, definitely check out Radiance RPG, which has a free core rulebook PDF available right on the creator's web site.

The D6 system seems like it might be a good bet as well, with fantasy, "modern"/pulp, and sci-fi flavors already out there.

I personally dislike both of the more "realistic" 3d6-roll-under systems in GURPS and HERO, but they have a lot of adherents out there. Most people who find that it's their "thing" generally will put both of those at the top of their RPG list.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
So play 5E then! :)

Or is there a reason your group isn't playing 5E right now?


First Post
Basic Fantasy is free and has a lot of free adventures to support your group. Check out the download page as it has a ton of stuff to help you. The adventure anthology has some shorter modules so you could try it out and see what you think. It is a nice mix of d20 and old school make it up on the fly. It is a pretty easy system to figure out and there is plenty of support on the forums.

I am just getting into Star Wars D6 and really like the system. It is what Open D6 is based on. I would also recommend that as there are many different genres for the same system.


First Post
Basic Fantasy RPG

I would also recommend Basic Fantasy RPG.

It is free, well supported, and has many extra supplements if you ever want to expand beyond the straightforward and simple rules. I've ran games for total novices as well as hardened grognards, and it's been well received!

I'll second D6. Take a look at the website--there are three complete games (with art and all). If you go to Drivethrurpg you can also find some free supplements like a bestiary for the fantasy version. All of this free.

Talislanta is an interesting game you don't hear much about that I'm taking a look at now. It's one of those games that used to sit on store shelves with multiple supplements, and now is available as free pdfs.

Ars Magicka 4e is now a free pdf.


There's quite a few options out there for free. I was going to initially respond with FATE as my primary suggestion until I read the rest of the first post, then your second post. I backed the kickstarter for FATE Core, so I'm kind of partial to it and feel the need to defend it when you say that it's nonstructured. One of the cool things about FATE is that it's as structured as you - the GM - care to make it. Are there hard rules for death? No. The game is designed with storytelling in mind and one of the things in the core book revolves around the players and GM building the world together as they make their characters. Also, FATE is open source and can be tweaked and modified to fit the needs of the game and setting.

Don't badmouth games because you don't like or understand them.

Perhaps you could build your own system? That won't cost anything other than free time and you could build a system that you like. Be prepared to have to fix things so that no one is overpowered though; that can wreck a game when one player (or all of them) finds ways to work the rules to have an unbeatable character that wreck all the npc's they come up against. Will it be a lot of work? Potentially, depending on devoted you are to it. Start by drawing inspiration from systems you've used before and work from there. This is probably your best option.


? Well people don't usually badmouth the ones they like & understand....

Disliking/not understanding something or someone doesn't condone bad manners. A simple "I don't like it" is enough without bad-mouthing the target of ire. It shows a few personality quirks about how to deal with feelings and situations. Usually followed by excuses. But this is all off-track.

From years of enjoying the system for Star Wars D6, I recommend again trying Open D6. It's not d20 system and will require open-mindedness not generally found in the d20 era, but is considerably crunchy and well-made.


First Post
I never said any of them were garbage, just that they got shot down by the group or me. The only system I said was garbage was fate, but thats my opinion and my opinion only, if you enjoy fate, enjoy it. I won't start a riot and burn things if you do. The reason we aren't playing 5E is because we are kind of 5E'ed out. I will have to look into ars magika though. I will look into D6, possibly not the star wars D6 unless I like it enough to strip it down and cut the starwars out of it. I have thought of making my own system but my mathmatic skills are really limited, like barely able to multiply levels of limited.

Whoever reccomended radiance is awesome and I love you so much. We will be starting tonight.
I shall be sending a basket of dark choclate walnut brownies to that person as well as blood sacrifices
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