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Myconians -New Format, New Paragon Path!

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Couple of nitpicks regarding spell and grammar (eg. it's "Tier", not "Teir", and "Natures" needs an apostrophe).


Well, that was fun
Staff member
List of errors I've found after a quick glance (in other words, this may not be exhaustive).


When you activate a healing surge on yourself while in direct sunlight, Add ½ your -- random capilatized "And".

Natures Scent -- apostrophe.

bonus vs. being tracking by -- "tracked".

Target slowed until save -- 4E terminology is "Target is slowed. Save ends."


There skin color -- "Their".

some taller then 7 feet. -- "than".

There general appearance -- "their"

Myconians limbs can grow -- apostrophe.

Hmmm... OK, that's 4 errors in the first 5 lines; I don't think I have the energy to read through three pages and find all of them! :D

Definitely watch apostrophes and "there" vs. "their".


Ok I realize that what I'm about to say doesn't have to have anything to do with a fantastical race of forest-dwelling mushroom men, but I feel I should point out that one of the defining characteristics of mushrooms is that they "do not produce their own food by means of photosynthesis". Mushrooms are happiest when treated like low ranking employees - kept in the dark and fed excrement.

I think the Photosynthesis ability is great as written but to my eyes, the name is a bit dissonant, similar to seeing a race of Fish-men regain health by standing on land. I propose that the name and triggering effect be changed. Mushroom men could regenerate either when in the (deep) shade and/or when standing in a pile of filth (which should be common in mushroom-like mushroom-men settlements). "Cooling Respite" and "Deep Cover" are a pair of alternative names.

Other than that minor quibble the writeup is fantastic. Thanks for your hard work!


First Post
Hmmm... Well, as a race of meditative mushroom folk, I like the sunlight version better. I can see them standing in the sun for hours on end, faces upturned and thinking deep thoughts.

A more creepy, but not exactly evil, version would be the race of mushroom folk that live in the deep and dark parts of the forest. These mushrooms would trigger the healing serge ability from feeding on fresh wast- such as a human cadaver. There could be some great moments where the Myconian character plunges his hand into a recently fallen ally and starts to feed through his hand. All the other characters would be horrified, but the Myconian would stay completes expressionless.

AMP Productions

First Post
@ Khaalis

1. Strait up, just MSWord.

2. MSWord white color text over a image taken from wotc's preview articles, edited for color content in photoshop, pasted into word document.

@ Quindia

Lol, why does everyone like that line... I guess if it works and it makes you want to play one. Just funny what people pick up on though, I must say...

@ D&D Dave


@ Morrus

I would do the whole "We're not worthy" scene from Waynes World, but I'm at work and that might be frowned upon by the higgher ups.

Anyway... Thanks for the list of errors. It's hard being an editor and the layout artist and content manager at the same time. You just get tired of looking at the same page after a while.

Also thanks for the "Player Created Content of the Week" award/title thing.

@ Wartorn

I addressed this earlier on the WotC boards when they said that it should be soil instead of light, so I'm going to post it here as well.

Assume soil would be the same thing as a corpse. Would you want your Lawful Good Myconian Paladin of Bahamut to be lugging around a corpse just so he can get some extra healing? And you KNOW thats exactly what your characters would do to... Mine would.

I know that it would be more like an actual mushroom if they would heal more if they were touching "soil" but thats a lot harder to define then "sunlight" is.

Also after a couple of tests I have found some complications I would rather avoid with soil.
- You are pretty much always going to be next to some kind of soil that they player will say is adaquite to grow plant life. Lot's of arguments. Light, not so much so.
- The Jar of dirt... No I don't want my characters dragging around a jar of dirt for extra healing ability. You can't really bottle direct sunlight, can you?
- For fluff reasons as well, the moving from underground to the light, they now worship light that grows the plants that sustain them. I know it's against standard mushrooms but its like an evolutionary thing. Plus it adds the whole good worshiping pelor type, so it has the ability to tie in non nature deities to clerics and paladins, giving more options to the players.
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First Post
Thanks for this AMP! i printed it off because our mage in my party wants to be this Race, so this will work well for us.

It would be cool for an Orc race...


First Post
I have to admit I dont have much use for Myconids in my game ( as player race or enemy monster), but I have to congratulate you on a job well done. I am looking forward for more of your creations.

BTW where did you get the art? who is the artist?

AMP Productions

First Post
@ MasterZap
You want the Orc as a write up like this?

Well I'm not really taking requests atm, but I might find time in the furture. :)

Good to see the race getting some use!

If you could, come back after a session or two, and let me know how the Myconid Wizard worked out.

@ CangreJoide

Thanks! The artist is actually unknown at this point. It's a design sketch for a video game comming out in a year or so. Attack of the mushrooms or something.

I'm currently trying to find artists to do some work for me though, so if you know anyone... nudge, nudge. :)

AMP Productions

First Post
Update released!

Now with option of "Rotting Growth"

Also thanks to Morrus for pointing out some grammitcal errors and 4E wording.

If anyone else see's anything, please let me know!

Voidrunner's Codex

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