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Nazareth Awakened - Chapter 02: Wives of Solomon


Harper, Thyrsus mage

Harper looks up from where he sits hunched over his guitar plucking out the melody of the Johnny Cash song that was on the radio the night before. He nods a greeting at Law.

"Not here yet. And no idea what's going on; just that cryptic text." Harper stops his playing for a moment and looks at Law with a serious look on his face. "What do you think about that stuff from last night and from Penrose?"


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"Not really sure, what I do know is is that he is piling on tasks pretty quick. More investigating to do before we're even finished with the last. I got the name of the owner of that trailer, stopped bu her house earlier but no one was around. Was about to let myself in the back door when I got that cryptic text from Agnasci. Not only that but the damn neighbor had one of them tiny ankle biting dogs that wont shut up."

Law straightens out his uniform.

"Never thought I'd be drawn back to this hell hole, believe it or not I made it out. Had a damn good career going in the Phoenix Police Department. I was on the fast track to making it up the ranks. Now I'm making a third of the money and starting all over."


Harper, Thyrsus mage

Harper looks at Law as if he's seeing the man behind the uniform for the first time. Slowly he nods and it is clear he feels much the same about the sentiment expressed. "I don't think things have quite turned out the way any of us expected. I sure didn't expect to be here after college. Go Wildcats." He grins but it is fleeting.

"So, yeah, I understand where you're coming from. But why aren't you still in Phoenix then? If you don't mind me asking."



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Law shuffles slightly,

"My mom ain't doing so well. Grew up here just her and I. She raised me on her own and well, ain't right for her to go on her own. Not sure she has much left in her but I'm around to make sure she comfortable."

Law hardly shows any emotion and it's clear that he's come to terms with the inevitable.

"I know death. There's no escaping it."


Harper, Thyrsus mage

"I'm sorry." Harper reaches out and squeezes Law's shoulder briefly in an attempt to show the man he isn't alone in his troubles despite their differences. He drapes his arm back over his guitar and lapses into silence.



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"Ho, that's the guys," Chance whispers, peeking out around the edge of her hoodie. "That's the guys that's the guys. Agnasci, that's...oh right, you know, he was in your house. But that other guy was there too...he's the one who drowned the dog. I don't see the leader though."

She grimaced as the light changed and quickly grabbed her phone and snapped a shot of them before putting her clunker in gear and starting forward.

"Alright, bookstore." Chance laughs as she drives and rubs her hands on the steering wheel. "That was intense, right? With the camera and the thing, and then those guys? Man, I wish I had more time. I bet we've got all kinds of threads to them. Dogs of war. Hey. Hey Agnasci. I bet you five bucks the leader's name is Havoc. Five bucks." She slaps the sun-cracked dashboard.


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7:20 AM
A few short hours after the group last dispanded Chance's Honda is pulling onto the path behind the stores at the Main Street shopping center. Up ahead Law's police cruiser is parked alongside Faye's Tundra in front of Nazareth Secondhand Books. Harper and Law are standing outside, in the middle of a conversation. The sedan comes to a stop in the last open spot and Chance and Agnasci climb out.


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Law finishes his sentence just has the Honda pulls into the driveway.

"So what's up?"

"Not here," Agnasci says, and leads the others into the book store.

Once everyone is inside, Agnasci finally seems to lighten up a bit.

"Penrose is wrong," Agnasci says simply. He doesn't even care if Faye overhears him. "I think we all know it. The Dogs of War are into something dangerous enough that we probably ought to stop it, and I'll bet my last dollar they're mixed up in whatever is interfering with the ley, and the new hallows appearing. Penrose wants us to investigate the hallows, but the new hallows aren't doing ritual magic with statues of our likeness. The hallows aren't bursting through my door when the sun's barely risen, and scaring the crap out of my girlfriend. I think busting up this gang should be first priority."

Agnasci looks around the room, hoping to see nods of agreement. "And I even have an idea how," he mentions. "The big, dumb one Chance saw in her vision; well, let's just say he wants to be a little more friendly with me than I want to be with him. I can put him in a room with enough narcotics to keep him in jail for a long, long time, if Johnny Law happens to show up at the right moment. Might even be able to snag a couple of the others on blackmail and intimidation charges, depending on whether I can talk a certain doctor into witnessing for the cops..."


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Law nods.

"Thats certainly one way to get him. I don't want to know how you plan on getting those drugs but I'm sure my Captain would love the drug bust. I'll make sure I get lead on the case. Try and make sure those fools don't try some of their voodoo hoodoo on my brothers in blue. I could always shoot the sonuvabitch in the head and make it look like a hematoma..."

Law trails off.

"Just let me know time and place."

Voidrunner's Codex

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