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Never played D&D and taking role as DM

Deuce Traveler

Mitchbones said:
Hello just wanted to introduce myself and plea for osme help :p

Basicly, Ive wanted to play D&D for about 6 years, but never knew anyone interested, recently with changes of turning 16 and meeting new people I have found 5 people wanting to play. One of the players used to play for about 2 years but then stopped, he mentioned that he could DM but he kinda sucks at it. I considered having him do this, but I've had my heart set on DMing for quite sometime.

I picked up the PHB read it about 2 times, got the DMG read it once and someone got lost....and I picked up the DMing for Dummies book (excellent for noobs). Ill just get to the point, Im wondering if there is any general advice for newcomers to D&D and/or DMing, online recorces, or modules you guys recommend ( I already picked up sunless citadel)

Im willing to spend up to $100 (my guitar money :'( ) on books and materials for this group...I was thinking about getting Ebberon, but i dont know much about it....

thank you,
mitchbones out

Don't spend any money on anything except for dice and the core books (3.5 player's handbook, dungeon master's guide, and monster manual I). Start the party at first level, and try not to introduce magical items in the beginning. Try to ensure they do not level up to second level for at least 2 or 3 long sessions. Consider giving experience points for gameplay and bonuses for roleplay instead of adding up XP for each monster. Finally, focus on story and try to make your NPCs act logically and enemies behave sneakily to make things exciting. Use humanoid or animal monsters before moving on to magical beasts and other abnormal creatures.

Begin adding elements such as magic items and abnormal creatures slowly into your game. This should allow you to slowly get into the game and understand the 'feel' of it before adding to any complexity that can disrupt your sessions.

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First Post
I am not experinced with the classes (havent actually played) Which would be better for a nub player who wants a warrior type. Fighter or Barbarian? Lucky me I already have players who want to play a cleric and rogue, and sorcerer...balanced party *gasp*


Staff member
Back in 1Ed or 2Ed, it would be a no-brainer: Fighters were the easiest PCs to build.

However, in 3Ed, Barbarians are a bit simpler.

That said, though- ask the player what kind of archetype they like- a Barbarian may be easy to build, but their concept may be closer to a Fighter...or Ranger or Paladin!

And IMHO, n00bs tend to learn the game faster and more enthusiastically when the PC they start off with is closest to the image they have bouncing around in their heads.


First Post
None of my players have their PHB yet, should i encourage them to pick them up after a session or two? We are all teenagers and most dont have jobs, I want them to make sure they like the hobby before they put money in it.

Dr Simon

It's been my experience that the players don't *need* any rulebooks, although some who have really got into a type of character have bought rules expansions for that particular type of character. But for now, your friends should be fine with looking at your copy, and the SRD.

As for learning the rules, I strongly suggest that you create a character or two by yourself, and try a small fight against some goblins or other low CR critters, just so that you can make all the mistakes that everyone makes *before* the game starts, and get a better feel for the way the game works, what modifiers do what, how initiative works etc. etc.


Staff member
If money is tight, 1 copy of the rules is usually sufficient to run a game.

However, check out your local book resellers regularly- you can usually find a used copy of the various rulebooks (even Core books, on occasion) for a significant discount at places like Half-Price books. You can also occasionally find bargains at traditional bookstores when they have sales, or if someone has a discount card.

Another way that I've seen groups handle it is to have a group pool- everyone puts in $1/session, then votes on a book to buy (and where- see above) to add to the group library. Typically, a decent sized group can buy a book a month. If, after 2 months, someone wants to buy the book from the group library, they must reimburse the group for 50% of the cover price (it IS used, after all)- but they can't take it out of group circulation until the group replaces it. One advantage to this is that, since the group votes on the books to be bought, the library contents delineate the books in use in the group campaigns- in a sense, they've been pre-approved.


Mitchbones said:
Hello just wanted to introduce myself and plea for osme help :p

Basicly, Ive wanted to play D&D for about 6 years, but never knew anyone interested, recently with changes of turning 16 and meeting new people I have found 5 people wanting to play. One of the players used to play for about 2 years but then stopped, he mentioned that he could DM but he kinda sucks at it. I considered having him do this, but I've had my heart set on DMing for quite sometime.

I picked up the PHB read it about 2 times, got the DMG read it once and someone got lost....and I picked up the DMing for Dummies book (excellent for noobs). Ill just get to the point, Im wondering if there is any general advice for newcomers to D&D and/or DMing, online recorces, or modules you guys recommend ( I already picked up sunless citadel)

Im willing to spend up to $100 (my guitar money :'( ) on books and materials for this group...I was thinking about getting Ebberon, but i dont know much about it....

thank you,
mitchbones out
With out having actually played, I think it is a bad idea for you to DM. However, with your situation, one guy who sucks at DMing and no one else to do it, if you are willing, go for it.

Here are 10 tips.

1) First time around, no house rules.
You will be tempted to put in house rules, specially if the players bring up some valid points, and they will, but don't do it. Until you understand the fundamentals of the game, changing the rules will get confusing and ruin the experience. That said, things in sources like Dragon magazine are usually well balanced and could be used, but see number 2.

2) Use the Player's Handbook, the Monster Manual, the Dungeon Master's Guide and a recommended module, and that is it. If you start going into too many books, it bogs down play and can get very confusing for new players and DMs. There are way too many feats and different uses for skills and races and magic items and monsters and spells out there from way too many sources. Stick to the basic three books and after a few adventures, maybe, if you start to get a grasp of the way to handle things, consider using the Dungeon Masster's Guide II and the Player's Handbook II. However, I wouldn't push it past those books until you know them in and out.

Seriously, that is the best advice right there, keep it simple to start and don't go into too many books. Eberron, while fun and I see you mention it, covers some advance concepts and I think a more experienced DM is needed to run such an adventure. I would recommend getting a copy of the next Dungeon magazine. They are going to start a new Adventure Path, covering materials for your characters to go from level 1-20 over the course of a year. They have two other adventure paths currently completed, but by starting on this one, you can buy the mags for cover price, or less with a subscription, and get them as they come out. Thus you don't have to track down old issues or buy one large book for $75.

3) Make sure your players know you are new to DMing and that you can and will make mistakes.

4) Don't be afraid to make mistakes, but when you do, don't go back and retroactively fix things, unless it is a PC death. You will be tempted to go back and fix things that you screwed up on, but when you do your players will expect that from now on. It is best to learn from experience and then make a mental note not to do it again later. If you screwed up and caused a PC death and you realized it was your fault cause you failed to understand the way a rule worked, then I would go back and fix that. Also, if the players are new as well, and they died cause you both didn't understand, then I would also fix that death. If a player died cause he didn't understand a rule, in the begining, I would make a point of explaining to him that such an action may cause a death.

5) Track down the last two issues of Dungeon Magazine. Monte Cook as some tips for being a DM, and the last two issues deal with mistakes DMs make and how to realize that you are being a bad DM. Very good columns.

6) You are the DM and what you say goes, period. See number 7.

7) Don't go on a power trip and abuse your power as DM. You will quickly learn the habbits of your players and the ways to push their buttons. Make things challenging but by no means go over board. Change the adventure around if they are not challenged enough. Tone things down if they are becoming over matched. You are a DM, a judge for a game, you have to maintian balance. You are not a Greek God with a wraithful need to smite. At least I hope you are not. :D :p :lol:

8) Remeber, always remeber, you are the DM and it is a game and a game should be fun. Going through modules or adventures of your own making where everyone constantly dies is never fun. If people are constantly argueing over the rules, handle those conversations as much as possible outside of the gaming table.

9) Aswalys be prepared. You set the time people come over and play. If you say, there here at 6:00, then start at 6:00, even if only a few of the players show up. They will learn to be on time. On the other side of the coin, make sure you read the adventure you are preparing to run them through a few times and get familiar with the material and new monsters and such. You won't remember everything, but try and be as prepared as possible.

10) Going off the map. New PCs, mostly anyway, will say, "Hey, what is over there, beyond those trees?" And you as a DM will scratch your head and say, "I don't know. Don't go there, I don't know." That is the wrong answer. Exploring is part of the game, it will happen. In a perfect world, the PCs will go where you want them too, but as you know, the world is not perfect. An important part of DMing is being to make stuff up off of the top of your head. Maybe prepare a quick side adventure ahead of time for just such an occasion. Mabye try your hand at making random encounter tables for unexplored areas. You will get ideas as you grow as a DM. Ideas that don't get used often get thrown into adventures of your own design. I still have at least 20 great adventure-room ideas that have never seen the light of day cause the PCs, by the fates, never go through those rooms.

Now, that is not to say that you can't gently steer them towards your own goals and back into the line of the adventure. But don't pull a mists of Ravenloft on them. "You head towards the woods you want to explore and a mist arises. It is thick and you can't see in it. When the mist clears, you are back where you started." That only makes the PCs mad and speaks to your lack of imagination.

Hope that helped. :) ;) :cool:


Crap. Okay, after reading some of the other comments, I have more advice to offer. I will log on tonight and offer some more :D ;) :cool:

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