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New GSL Announcement

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The EN World kitten
phloog said:
Also, I'd be interested in Clark or another attorney's opinion about this: True, Wizards has been pretty cool about personal/individual web sites with content...but when they introduce the GSL, won't they be in some way required to be more harsh about protection? I've always heard that in cases like this, if it can be shown that a company did not fiercely defend their IP (through C&Ds, lawsuit, etc.) then they could lose rights to defend in the future....so I guess I'm thinking that while they're pretty passive now, depending on what the GSL says they might crack down.

I'm not a lawyer, but I believe this is only true regarding trademarks, which is something else altogether from the situation with D&D and the GSL.

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Piratecat said:
Nope, I think that's accurate. I'm guessing 2-4 days until we get the interview questions back. We asked quite a few, but I'd say they were all good ones. The problem is that Scott is traveling right now, and he needs to take a look at them as well.

Wasn't the whole point of this exercise to quell the out-of-control rumors?

Now they're going to have a total of nearly a week of speculation and Slashdot articles. They had better pray Fark doesn't pick it up before their deign to clarify what's going on...

Gotta say this is very poor customer relations/damage control/whathaveyou on their part. They should've had a war room going all weekend long the instant they knew this was bubbling up, carefully crafting a statement to answer all the questions that have been coming up here and elsewhere about this issue.

Now it gives the perception that they're stalling, and that inevitably leads to the question, "why stall if you have nothing to hide?"

I want to think the best of WotC in this, but they're not making it easy.



Thulcondar said:
Now it gives the perception that they're stalling, and that inevitably leads to the question, "why stall if you have nothing to hide?"

Because you're frantically editing and try to get quick corporate approval?

Somewhere way, way, way up in the Hasbro hierarchy, where the air is thin and thus lack of oxygen has damaged brain cells, someone is scratching their pointy hair and saying, "Wait, what, why wouldn't companies instantly drop their entire product line if we gave them the chance to make D&D products? What's up with that?"


Arrond Hess said:
So, their saying they would have some info today was false... yet again.

Edit to add quote...

Nothing false in Scott's statement. He's been following the discussion (evidenced by his posts in this thread). He hopes to add clarity. Not "will definitely make a post on Monday enlightening everyone about the details of the GSL."

Frankly, under the circumstances, requesting input from the community about its questions may result in a more helpful response from Le Rouse.

Also, accusations of lying are kinda rude.


Arrond Hess

First Post
Thulcondar said:
Now it gives the perception that they're stalling, and that inevitably leads to the question, "why stall if you have nothing to hide?"
To me, it is just showing, just as in October, January and March with the GSL announcements, they still have yet to finish it.

Arrond Hess

First Post
Goobermunch said:
Nothing false in Scott's statement. He's been following the discussion (evidenced by his posts in this thread). He hopes to add clarity. Not "will definitely make a post on Monday enlightening everyone about the details of the GSL."

Frankly, under the circumstances, requesting input from the community about its questions may result in a more helpful response from Le Rouse.

Also, accusations of lying are kinda rude.

And yet, which I was guilty of in adding my questions to, if he was really reading and following the thread, why ask us for our questions? We already have them listed here in the thread.


This way he can make sure to get all the questions in a good clean copy. It's far better of us to give him a series of questions carefully spelled out than refer to specific post #s on a thread ;)


Thulcondar said:
Now it gives the perception that they're stalling, and that inevitably leads to the question, "why stall if you have nothing to hide?"
This time, at least, I can answer the question. It's because:

1. Technically we asked 18 questions. But a bunch of those had sub-questions, and some of them weren't easy to answer.

2. Linae Foster is in Seattle right now, but Scott Rouse is at GAMA in Vegas. Until yesterday, both of them were in New York at another trade event. And anything they answer has to be passed through WotC's various departments to make sure everyone is on the same page. We have a logistical challenge to deal with.

They know people are worried and upset, and everyone I've spoken to cares about this deeply. I'm suspecting that there's a Hasbro bureaucracy problem regarding information communication, but I can't confirm that for sure; I do get the impression that it isn't Scott Rouse or Linae Foster who are being deliberately cagey. It's frustrating to me because no information is worse than either good or bad information.

The good news is that our questions were designed for clarity. I have no idea if we're going to like the answers or not, but I believe that we will get answers to many or all of them.
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First Post
Thulcondar said:
Now it gives the perception that they're stalling, and that inevitably leads to the question, "why stall if you have nothing to hide?"
As we saw two weeks ago, the answer very well could be, "We're stalling because right now the answer is bad news, but if you give us a few days, we hope to turn that around so we can give you better news instead.". Maybe Scott read the concerns people had about the poison pill clause, told the right people, convinced them to consider some changes and now he's waiting to hear what the final verdict is.

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