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New Member Sign Up Thread!


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Guess its time to join the GMF myself. I've been hanging around on this board for a couple months now, and i like what i see, and most definately liked Nightcloaks DM binder stuff. Cant tell you how much of a help that was.
Slaunts my name, and GM'ing is my game. Been GMing for about 4 years now. But have been playing for 15+ years. I run primarly d20, and am currently running a game using Arcana Evolved as my own homebrewed setting.
I have a wide selection of RPGs. Rifts, Brave New World, Deadlands, Gurps, and World of Darkness, plus some more obscure games like Forbidden Kingdoms, and The End(d20 stuff).

My specialty is World Building. It is one of my favorite things to do as a GM, and i love to make maps of imaginary places. My goal is to one day draw the ultimate fantasy world map that will cover an entire wall of my game room. hmmmm....maybe that day will be tomorrow :p


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Gold Roger

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Hi, I'd love to join.
I've been playing for 3-4 years now and have been DM since I've started. I struggled alot in the beginning as a self-taught. I've run 3.0/3.5 almost exclusively (one d20 starwars one shot) until I've picked up Iron Heroes. I used Eberron, Forgotten Realms and homebrew.
Currently I DM a Iron Heroes game with homebrew traits, play in a d20 modern/apokalypse game and struggle creating a d&d 3.5 homebrew setting that suits my taste, but doesn't make to many changes to the Core Rules and acounts for many different play styles. Other than that my main occupazion is finishing my last year of school and manga (Fullmetal alchemist, naruto, one piece).
My weaknessess are a bad memory for names and numbers, bad organization, underpreparation and a tendency to get stuck up or getting distracted. Sometimes my fights are a little to unexciting for my taste.
From what I've been told and my own perspective my strength are athmosphere, interesting, detailed and lifelike NPC's and locations and mostly exciting and hard-but-not-to-hard fights.
My style is one of varied waves of seriousness and lightheardetness, making fights as exciting as possible, great player freedom in game and just a slight hint of manga in everything.

edit-added a missing "and"


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Welcome to the group Gold Roger, I'm sure you'll find lots of valuable information to help you with the organization and remembering of names and numbers you claim as a weakness. And any advice you have to offer in any thread let it flow freely, although some of us have been DMing for decades it never hurts to share...sometimes the old geezers don't see things the way someone as new to the game as you see it...afterall we're all here to help each other. And again welcome.


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Catavarie said:
Welcome to the group Gold Roger, I'm sure you'll find lots of valuable information to help you with the organization and remembering of names and numbers you claim as a weakness. And any advice you have to offer in any thread let it flow freely, although some of us have been DMing for decades it never hurts to share...sometimes the old geezers don't see things the way someone as new to the game as you see it...afterall we're all here to help each other. And again welcome.

Just because I had to color my first dice in with a crayon doesn't mean I'm a geezer!

Damn kids anyway...


Oh... And welcome to our humble family Gold Roger


First Post
Crayons say you? SO IT WAS A WEIGHTED DIE!!!!

Anyway.... <.< >.>

Welcome Gold Roger, I'm sure you'll find much to help you with your difficulties here. I might suggest Nightcloaks "Guide to a GM's Notebook" thread.


First Post
Well, umm...I wrote more things here, but apparently closed the wrong Firefox tab and lost all of it. So, summary -

Joined in its pre-Hosted/DMF state, long hiatus from gaming/internet/etc, re-joining now (hopefully) because I'm back on my world-building kick.

In case anyone's interested, it's a top-down approach to unify all the various elements I want in my game once I go about getting a new group to play with - and an excuse to write new and interesting secrets for classic D&D elements. I'm probably going to excessive levels of detail in its creation and on too large a scope, but I'd never be satisfied doing it any other way. I'm under no illusions of getting it published, since that's not what I'm writing it for, and thus I'm pillaging everything I can lay my hands on for material and resources.

So, well...happy gaming and GM'ing to everybody, and maybe we can accomplish something useful or at least entertaining with this forum.

Also, what's a Zombie Fight? Besides the obvious.

Imret said:
Well, umm...I wrote more things here, but apparently closed the wrong Firefox tab and lost all of it. So, summary -

Joined in its pre-Hosted/DMF state, long hiatus from gaming/internet/etc, re-joining now (hopefully) because I'm back on my world-building kick.

In case anyone's interested, it's a top-down approach to unify all the various elements I want in my game once I go about getting a new group to play with - and an excuse to write new and interesting secrets for classic D&D elements. I'm probably going to excessive levels of detail in its creation and on too large a scope, but I'd never be satisfied doing it any other way. I'm under no illusions of getting it published, since that's not what I'm writing it for, and thus I'm pillaging everything I can lay my hands on for material and resources.

So, well...happy gaming and GM'ing to everybody, and maybe we can accomplish something useful or at least entertaining with this forum.

Also, what's a Zombie Fight? Besides the obvious.

Welcome back Imret! Always good to have more members.

As to you world building, you might want to check out our campaign setting thread if you're interested.

The Zombie Fight is really just our random-crap joke thread. It has no real logic or reason behind it, it is merely there so everyone can have fun. You pretend to do random things involving zombies, and fight other contestants. Its also the thread where you post stuff that has nothing to do with anything.

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