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New RPG soon to be released


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My RPG, "Gieden" is due to be released this year, and I'm very excited about it! It's post-apocalyptic high fantasy, and depending on which aspects you choose to play up, it can support anything from cyber-punk to traditional dungeon crawling to magic realism. The main sourcebook includes not only the basic rules, but also sections covering creatures, quick reference charts, information on how to convert the system so that it better meld with your current game (the system is D10), and even modules to help you get started. I also included a section on how to "destroy" any city - this means that you can take maps of the town you live in, work with them for a bit, and have a "ruined city" for your characters to explore.

The game is easy to learn, and I have already told my publisher that all supplements must rely only on the original work...no supplements that rely on other supplements! This way, referencing is simple and you never have to buy a book that doesn't really interest you just to use one that does. I have also written a novel over the world and concepts behind the game; it is due to be released this year as well.

I'll give more information as things develop!

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Yeah, but sometimes old-school is good ;)

Also, as I mentioned, I have included a section on conversion. It includes how to bring the flavor and concepts of my game into other systems. Theoretically, you could play under my system for everything but combat, or you could play in my world but under a completely different system. I do not go into detail about any other rules systems, but if you already play under a different system, conversion - in part or altogether - should not be too difficult.

The game revolves around its concepts, not its rules.

Anyway, like I said, the game isn't even officially available yet. I'm just mentioning it because I'm excited and like to talk about it!


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I'm afraid that a "small snippet" of the rules wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. I can give more background and story info, but copying it straight from the sourcebook would probably annoy my publisher, and doesn't seem to be what you're looking for anyway.


Well, here are some of the things that set this game apart, anyway:

*There are no formal "classes". There are, however, political and social factions that have their own restrictions in place. You choose who you are allied with, and whether or not you secretly break their rules.

*Magic is personal. Magic is divided by type and power level, not individual spells. You may have a totally different style than anyone else you ever encounter.

*Magic can transform you. In this game, using magic carries a heavy price. If you ever lose control, you are bound to a nightmare creature (called Nuameii). Forever after, any loss of control will destroy part of your body and bring the Nuameii more fully into your world. Your character may be normal, except for that one arm that looks suspiciously draconic...

*Play can take place in the post-apocalyptic version of your own home town, in the forest, or on the high seas; cities and locals are given as part of the sourcebook, but there is also an entire chapter dedicated to taking any current map and using it as a setting. You'll never run out of new areas to explore.

*The included modules and handy reference section make it so that anyone, regardless of experience, can pick this book up and be ready to play within an hour. During one playtesting session, I handed the manuscript for the game to someone who had never before seen it. I then told him to run a game in under an hour for several people, atleast one of whom had no idea what "RPG" stood for. They had a blast.

*Characters tend to have a surprising amount of depth. It's built into the concepts, rules, and character sheets. Also, it is possible to go from not using magic, to using it, to being one of "The Tainted", to being completely transformed into a Nuameii - and there is a possibility of continuing to play as the creature you've become.

Like I said before, though, this game is really about the concepts and not the rules. It would be really hard to outline all the concepts of this game (or even all the things that set it apart from other games) without giving out far too much info on a not-yet-released title.

I just wanted to let people know it's coming...and more than that, I'm just excited enough to want to mention it to anyone who'll talk to me and write it on any legal surface! :D


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thanks sounds interesting.

One key thing if I may: pre-made adventures and plenty of back up for the system make or break the new system.

d20M and F get away with it because they are a big name, but smaller don't.

Best of luck :D


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I look forward to checking this game out. So, its a PA game with magic? Is it similar to some japanese animie in the sense the magic is almost more like super powers than 'casting' spells? What about mutations or mutants? What time period does it take place in, how destroyed is earth?
I'm not really familar with d10, how different is it from d20? Same mechanics, but based on percentile?


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"Is it similar to some japanese animie in the sense the magic is almost more like super powers than 'casting' spells?"

Yes, it is similiar to anime in that "spells" do not require special chants or components. Energy is channeled through the caster, molded by the caster's personality and will, then released into the world.

"What about mutations or mutants?"

The only thing similiar to mutatants are people who carry a "Taint". A Taint is when you have lost control of your magic, and the part of you that you were channelling through has been destroyed and replaced by a Nuameii. For instance, someone channeling by focusing the energy through an outstretched hand could lose that hand if they lost control of their magic. The hand would be replaced by the corresponding part of the Nuameii that bonded with them upon their first magical mishap.
Needless to say, the Tainted are not welcome in most societies...they are considered reckless and potentially dangerous. People are never sure how much hold the Nuameii has over the person.

"What time period does it take place in, how destroyed is earth?"

The time period is not exactly set in stone; that is mostly up to the GM. The basic idea is that "The Breaking" happened only about 10 years after our current time. GM's can set a campaign at any time before, during, or after that point. The novel that was the inspiration for the game took place about 150 years after "The Breaking", and the modules included with the main sourcebook take place about 50 years after that. Earth itself takes no damage during The Breaking; mankind, technology, and society are what take the brunt of the damage.

"I'm not really familar with d10, how different is it from d20?"

I use ten-siders with the system that I created. It's a new system. People can use the conversion ideas given in the sourcebook if they would prefer to use my concepts but continue to play under their current system, whether it's a "build" system like Mage, a "card" system like Deliria offers, or a "roll" system like D&D.

"So... who's your publisher? Any web link?"

My publisher for "Gieden" and the novel "The Queen's Hound" is Windstorm Creative, at www.windstormcreative.com . They have a roleplay division called Immortal Day, and my game is listed there. This publisher has been very easy to work with and pay a good royalty. My books will be available at several major outlets, including Barnes and Nobles (online and on the shelves), Amazon, and whatnot.

Of course, right now my books are in the "Pre-order" stage; you can order them, but you won't get them until they are officially released. The cover art and other info isn't even up yet; the webcopy people aren't always up to date. I have to speak with those guys soon, as my work is currently listed as OGL or D20 (which it is not, though as I have said, it can easily be converted), and it is currently *GASP* misspelled. I have sent them an E-mail about this and expect it to be resolved shortly. If it's not, I'll give them a call. I know that recently they have fast tracked a LOT of books, and are busy with those. They are less concerned about minor mistakes on the webpage - especially for books that won't come out for several months.

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