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New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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A tall, rangy half-orc enters the Tavern. He shouts...

"Hello! I am Tonk. I need job! I work for cheap! If job need me for to hurt priest or lawyer, I maybe do for free!"

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"Dextyr, Tonk, we have yet to meet. I am Murphy Tang, and like yourselves, I be looking fer work, although my interest ain't as much fer the shiny stuff, but rather keeping my city safe from threats both near and far." The human at the bar says to the newcomers.

Looking around the crowded tavern the man smiles, "I'd like to be callin' a toast ta all the new faces hanging out here in the tavern. Hopefully Murphy Tang will get ta know ye a mite bit better than just a casual greetin'." as he grabs a new mug and raises it to the bar


First Post
At Tonk comment about the priests and lawyers Dextyr lets out a laugh that has ale almost squirting out his nose. Along with Mikara's 'Hear, Hear' Dextyr pitches in, "I too would offer my services pro-bono publico, punch-brother".

"Well met Murphy Tang", and he raise his mug in salute to Murphy's. "Although right now I cannot foresee a greater threat to this city then those aforementioned lawyers".

Dextyr waves over to Tonk. "Tonk, come and have a seat and let us drink to celebrate our new found return to the living". Dextyr then takes a long pull from his mug and then lets out a content sigh.



Shorrin grasps the offered hand, "No, I am not familiar with your race. To be quite honest I know little of any but my own kind. Yet, I am eager to learn what I may."
"I am sure you will gleam much during the time of our friendship."
"I have been taught, and I believe, that we all have a destiny. We all travel a path that was is ours and only ours to fulfill. As you say, if you died for a single life, it was your destiny to protect that life. We cannot fight against our deaths, but we can struggle for another's life. In the end, does that not matter more?"
"You take comfort in knowing that your path is set before you? That whatever choices you make, your destiny will be; is this not prophecy? If so, I cannot take such comfort, for I know that no prophecy maps my path." Though Psais says this with conviction; like he knows it is fact, his tone carries a hint of loss to those that are listening carefully.

"If I understand you right, you are asking why we seek this life, to fight or die for others. For me, it is a duty to my people. There is a threat looming over them, that may destroy them, but we cannot discover what it is or when. I am sent here to try and find out more, to seek knowledge in this place of knowledge. It is far from my people, so far I cannot hear them, cannot feel them -- but I cannot forget them or my duty. We are not a poor people, but we do not have wealth as it is counted here. Everything has a cost, even to breathe the air it seems. So I must earn that wealth as I can."

Psais considers the halfling, a small glint in his eye betrays an internal chuckle at the small man's brashness. The deva waves Gellan to a seat at the table before replacing his upturned hand on his knee.

"It has been said that the most beautiful things in the universe are the starry heavens above us and the feeling of duty within us. Who are your people, that the evoke such beauty from your soul?"

Lord Sessadore

Quietly and unobtrusively, an elf enters the tavern. He is wearing a heavy cloak that all but hides the simple shirt and pants underneath. The hood of the cloak is up, shrouding his face in shadow, but a few braids and strands of hair fall loosely out of the front of the hood. All of his clothes and hair are matted with mud, leaves, twigs, and dried blood, reminiscent of Dextyr and Mikara's clothing. Across his back is a longbow and a rather large sword, seemingly too big for one of such slight stature to wield properly. On his breast one can see the occasional glint of one or two pendants.

With a heavy sigh, he moves the hood back slightly to show his face, composed of sharp, clean lines and clear blue eyes. "Tristan Moonblade," he announces. Without waiting to see if anyone acknowledges him, he moves quietly over to Dextyr and Mikara, waving a hello to Tonk as he goes. "Hello again, friends." He frowns. "I want to get out of this city ... is there anyone here needing someone like us?"
[sblock=OOC]Hi everyone! Tristan Moonblade, level 2 avenger. Though since he has 1910 XP, he'll be level 3 shortly after his next adventure starts.[/sblock]
That would be the group from A Problem with Nobility. You remember Kruk pulling the head out of the sack to show the group while we came back after the adventure. I edited the post so that the head was mounted on the wall. I did this because Tinwe wanted his new character to see it as he entered the tavern for the first time. I hope that wasn't a pbp party foul. If so, let me know and I'll change it back to the way it was.
[sblock=OOC]Ah, I'd forgotten that you got it mounted. That's good, I was meaning to get it hung up in the Tavern. :)[/sblock]
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First Post
Silphyus let out a slight irritated growl as he set his book down and took another sip from his glass: between shouting orcs and singing patrons, concentration proved elusive at best.

This is proving more frustrating than I thought.

He rubbed his eyes for a moment, gathering his thoughts. But before he could return to his note taking, the deva just barely picked up on the conversation occuring behind him...

"It has been said that the most beautiful things in the universe are the starry heavens above us and the feeling of duty within us. "

At such a remark Silphyus could not help but laugh. He closed his book, picked up his glass, and turned to his fellow deva.

The stars of the night sky beautiful? No, my friend, I'm afraid I must contest you there. The heavens are not a painting, their arrangements not plotted by an artist or poet. They are distant lights, and they move about in accordance with things which we do not understand. At this, he glanced around him, eyeing each person carefully, before continuing in a noticably hushed tone. The wonder they invoke, I admit, is...considerable. But, then again, curiosity killed the kobold.

Silphyus sipped from his glass once again.


First Post
Shorrin looks at the man curiously. "You have skill indeed, if you made that armor. I cannot say I have done the same."

Gellan's eyes widen a fraction. "Oh, do not mistake me. I did not do the actual making, there are crafters among my people with much more skill than I in the working of the hide, the stitching of seams. I was able to provide a worthy material for their work."

Psais considers the halfling, a small glint in his eye betrays an internal chuckle at the small man's brashness. The deva waves Gellan to a seat at the table before replacing his upturned hand on his knee.

"It has been said that the most beautiful things in the universe are the starry heavens above us and the feeling of duty within us. Who are your people, that the evoke such beauty from your soul?"

Gellan eyes the purple man for a moment, gauging whether he was being mocked, before accepting the seat. "We are the Challa-Hin, our home is called here the Valley of Bone. We follow the herds on which we rely; we watch the great hunters to learn their ways, we honor them so," here he points to the marks on his face and arm. "Did I hear you say you have no such people of your own?"


First Post
"Ah Tristan you made it. I was beginning to worry you had abandoned the life of adventuring as Blade did. Let us raise a glass in honor of our departed companion", and with that Dextyr finishes off his mug of ale and signals to the barkeeper for another round at their table.

"As far as possible employers go, I have seen none."
With that said Dextyr takes a look around the Tavern to see who he and his friends will be competing with for any upcoming jobs.

[sblock=Who's in the Tavern?]
OK so aside from looking back a whole bunch of pages I count...

Dextyr M'rgan (Half-elf bard 2) [leader]
Mikara Li Meshadh (Elf ranger 3) [striker]
Tonk (Half-Orc Rogue 2) [striker]
Tristan Moonblade (Elf Avenger 2) [striker]
Murphy Tang (Human Assassin 4) [striker]
Psais (Deva Invoker 1), [controller]
Janus (Human Wizard 2), [controller]
Shorrin (Dragonborn Fighter 1), [defender]
Alex (Human Warlock 2), [striker]
Gellan (Halfling Barbarian 1), [striker]
Silphyus (Deva Warlock 1), [striker]
Feyr (Bladeling Invoker 2) [controller]
Zharne (Elf Druid 1), [controller]
Larinza Tsani (Human Warlord 3) [leader]
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First Post
Murphy Tang is a Human Assassin

Wow... 7 strikers, 2 leaders, 1 defender & 4 controllers.... should we try for Can Dextyr and Larinza keep all these strikers alive?

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