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Night (A d20 Modern/Future Campaign Setting)


Indeed I have, marco.
After getting an invite to check out this thread, I've read it over. Definitely interesting setting.
A few questions though.. Are there other supernatural creatures besides vampires running around? Like werewolves? Trolls? Zombies and mummies (probably more located around Egypt and surrounding area).

If vampires are vulnerable to holy symbols, what about if someone held a cross in front of a light source to shine the cross on the vampire? Would it work to keep it at bay like garlic? Would it damage a vampire, although not as affective as touching a holy symbol itself?

German was one of the few countries to not be conquered during the Twelfth Crusade, and still remains under human control, we can assume that the Germans probably have slightly more advanced equipment than other areas as they hadn't been wiped out and had to rebuild entirely? So a company like H&K could still be around, providing high quality equipment, although expensive?

I have a slight issue with the HKA D80 "Cerberus". You say it's a triple barreled 40mm grenade launcher. Looking at the size of the trigger assembly in the picture, only one 40mm barrel can really be there. Also holding 3 40mm grenades in a metal storm style fashion also isn't quite plausible. If it was mini grenades, then yeah, I can see either dual barrel easily, maybe triple, with probably two grenades metal storm style mags.

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First Post
A few questions though.. Are there other supernatural creatures besides vampires running around? Like werewolves? Trolls? Zombies and mummies (probably more located around Egypt and surrounding area).

Oooh, questions! Yay!

Anyway, other supernatural creatures do exist. I'll detail them in an upcoming post. If I don't mention it there, you're welcome to update it from there. Keep in mind, though: I'd prefer this not turn into Urban Arcana.

If vampires are vulnerable to holy symbols, what about if someone held a cross in front of a light source to shine the cross on the vampire? Would it work to keep it at bay like garlic? Would it damage a vampire, although not as affective as touching a holy symbol itself?

A holy symbol used in that fashion could keep the vampire at bay, yes. Provided, of course, that the vampire in question is vulnerable to holy symbols. A good number of them are, however, so it's usually not an issue. A lot of vehicles used by the military of the NPS have shutters for their headlights that direct the light into a crucifix-like shape.

As for damaging vampires in such a way, it doesn't work. The holy symbol in question must physically touch them to do damage.

German was one of the few countries to not be conquered during the Twelfth Crusade, and still remains under human control, we can assume that the Germans probably have slightly more advanced equipment than other areas as they hadn't been wiped out and had to rebuild entirely? So a company like H&K could still be around, providing high quality equipment, although expensive?

Heckler & Koch could feasibly exist in 2512. As I said back on page one, weaponry in this setting is similar to what exists now, just slightly more advanced. So laser weapons are out of the question, but miniature grenades and railguns that are (almost) man-portable exist, albiet in limited numbers.

I have a slight issue with the HKA D80 "Cerberus". You say it's a triple barreled 40mm grenade launcher. Looking at the size of the trigger assembly in the picture, only one 40mm barrel can really be there. Also holding 3 40mm grenades in a metal storm style fashion also isn't quite plausible. If it was mini grenades, then yeah, I can see either dual barrel easily, maybe triple, with probably two grenades metal storm style mags.

The trigger assembly would be a problem, yes. But the D80 fires only one grenade at a time. Imagine it as an M203 with three barrels, and those barrels rotate after every shot to ensure that there's a loaded tube ready. Take three times as long to reload, but you don't have to reload after every grenade.


I wouldn't go to the extent of Urban Arcana, but things that usually go hand in hand in horror type settings, so were-creatures, mostly wolves or rats would make the most sense.
I can see zombies, maybe they are some sort of attempt at bolstering their ranks for fights. Could find some sort of dead body, imbue it with a bit of the vampire's con like in creating a spawn, and also some alchemy chemicals, but since the creature didn't die of the blood drain, it raises as a far weaker undead, and under complete control of the vampire. Possibly used by only a few vampire groups. Just an idea.

Holy symbol shone on vampire only keeps at bay, check.
Here's a question about sunlight though.. Is it light that is just shed by the sun, or is it specific wavelength.. meaning is it UV light? As I'm sure someone could make something, with enough resources, similar to the devices used in the second Blade movie, although a relatively new and prototype weapon used by Spec Ops and the like.

No lasers, and plasma weapons I take it as well, ok. Time to delve into retro tech super weapons XP


First Post
I wouldn't go to the extent of Urban Arcana, but things that usually go hand in hand in horror type settings, so were-creatures, mostly wolves or rats would make the most sense.

Yep. As I said, I'll have a little snapshot-style guide to the supernatural in this setting fairly soonish. But this is about right.

I can see zombies, maybe they are some sort of attempt at bolstering their ranks for fights. Could find some sort of dead body, imbue it with a bit of the vampire's con like in creating a spawn, and also some alchemy chemicals, but since the creature didn't die of the blood drain, it raises as a far weaker undead, and under complete control of the vampire. Possibly used by only a few vampire groups. Just an idea.

Yes, just an idea. An idea I LOVE. I'd been wonderign how to incorporate zombies into the setting, and that works far too well to not use it. Mighter change some details, but this is a great idea!

Here's a question about sunlight though.. Is it light that is just shed by the sun, or is it specific wavelength.. meaning is it UV light? As I'm sure someone could make something, with enough resources, similar to the devices used in the second Blade movie, although a relatively new and prototype weapon used by Spec Ops and the like.

It's the sun itself. The vampire's weakness to the sun is mostly due to the sun's mystical properties as opposed to any specific wavelength of light.

That being said, UV does tend to cause burns, and enough light can flash-fry the undead (much like what turned NYC into "the Black City"), so a UV-grenade or somesuch would be possible.


First Post
Other Supernaturals

After the Twelfth Crusade, the rest of the supernatural world followed vampires into the proverbial light, either by choice or by necessity. The following information is brief information about the supernaturals in Night, other than vampires.

Werewolves: "Vampires and thralls, I can handle...but everytime I hear that howl, I piss myself." -an Anonymous Knight.

Werewolves, and their associated cousins such as wererats, wereboars, and werebears, are just as real as vampires. Therianthropes don't need much explanation: they are otherwise-human entities who can shapeshift in animalistic forms either at the full moon or by choice. Werecreatures, while not unaging like vampires, do age very, very slowly.

What makes this a very bad thing is that most therianthropes have hair-trigger tempers, and having a wolf-human hybrid capable of tearing through steel angry at you is a very worrying thing. Unfortunately, lycanthropy and it's associated forms is a degenerative genetic condition, which causes those affected with it to become less and less mentally-stable over the course of their lives. As a result, in many places, werecreatures are mistrusted, feared, or even outright attacked.

In the New Papal States "high-functioning" therianthropes are treated as full citizens, and are awarded every legal protection other citizens get. The only difference is that all werecreatures are required to register their condition as soon as symptoms manifest, and are required to wear yellow armbands in public. This being said, they are fully-accepted in the NPS, even if less than 2% of the population is affected.

Zombies: "Remember: there is no cure for living death. Killing a 'zombie' is no more murder than euthanizing a wounded horse. The best thing you can do for them is neutralize them as quickly as possible." -"Threat Identification Guide for the Vigiles, 18th Edition", Major Jameson Roy, c. 2501.

Not all the undead are vampires. Some are in an even worse condition than vampires. Some are unfortunate enough to become zombies. A zombie (also called "Mobile Corpses", "Zeds", "Carnivorous Cadavers", "C.Cs", or "Maggot-Addicts") is created in almost exactly the same process as a vampire. A victim has their blood drained by a vampire to the point of death, but unlike the process of becoming a vampire, a vampire does not transfer their blood to the victim.

The corpse reanimates in roughly 30-45 minutes after death. The reanimated victim is all but completely braindead, is completely loyal to the vampire that created it, and has only one thing on it's mind: food. The zombie will attack anything alive, possessed with the same hunger that affects vampires who are starved for blood. Lacking the specialized dentition of vampires, however, the zombie will simply consume the flesh in an attempt to drain the blood of a victim. To make matters worse, this same condition will be passed on to any human killed by the zombie. Because vampires, past and present, have no intention of endangering the stability of their food supply, they will often destroy the bodies of their victims before reanimation.

Zombies have a "watered-down" curse of vampirism: they're still undead, but different enough to not simply be called flesh-eating vampires. Zombies are phsyically-dead, feeling no pain or fatigue. They have little dexterity and almost no intelligence; doorknobs are a challenge for them, and firearms are thankfully impossible for them to use. However, they're durable, expendable, can follow simple commands given to them by their master, and are immune to sunlight. Because of their rapid rates of "reproduction" zombies are serious business, especially when they occur in the NPS. Because where there's a zombie, there's a vampire...

Tommorrow: part two, covering mages and fae. Kronos, I altered your idea somewhat for the zombies.


Hmm... intersting about were-creatures can be part of the NPS.

Quite ok that you changed how zombies are created. I was thinking about it afterwards and using alchemy to create zombies would be prohibitive in massing a large army quickly.

Oh, something about the HKA D11 Stake Rifle. It says the stakes are 10 mm, is that 10mm diameter or in length? I'm assuming diameter. What would be the smallest size of stake that can affect a vampire?


First Post
You are correct. the stakes are 10mm in diameter. Lengthwise, the stakes used by the D11 are 140mm.

As for how much wood has to penetrate the heart of a vampire, it must be completely pierced (i.e impaled) by the stake. According to what I've found, the average human heart is roughly 60 milimeters long, and roughly the same again wide. Another thing to note is that while the stake in question may be capped with steel, silver, or other metals, the tissue of the heart must come within actual physical contact with the wood.

As for werecreatures being citizens of the New Papal States, while they're full citizens, there's still a bit of discrimination against them. Plus, any werecreature not wearing their armband in public is fined. And if you're an unregistered therianthrope, then you're persona non grata- you don't exist, and the police, Inquistion, Vigiles, or Knights can kill you for no other reason than the fact that you're unregistered.

Thankfully, most therianthropes in the NPS are registered, and there's nothing stopping them from doing what they want to with their lives. More than one werecreature has been a Knight or an Inquistior.


You are correct. the stakes are 10mm in diameter. Lengthwise, the stakes used by the D11 are 140mm.

As for how much wood has to penetrate the heart of a vampire, it must be completely pierced (i.e impaled) by the stake. According to what I've found, the average human heart is roughly 60 milimeters long, and roughly the same again wide. Another thing to note is that while the stake in question may be capped with steel, silver, or other metals, the tissue of the heart must come within actual physical contact with the wood.

As for werecreatures being citizens of the New Papal States, while they're full citizens, there's still a bit of discrimination against them. Plus, any werecreature not wearing their armband in public is fined. And if you're an unregistered therianthrope, then you're persona non grata- you don't exist, and the police, Inquistion, Vigiles, or Knights can kill you for no other reason than the fact that you're unregistered.

Thankfully, most therianthropes in the NPS are registered, and there's nothing stopping them from doing what they want to with their lives. More than one werecreature has been a Knight or an Inquistior.

Has to be at least 60 mm.. a shotgun shell is what... about 2.75 to 3 inches long? Meaning can be 69.85 mm to 76.2 mm. Already coming up with variant shotgun ammo.. shotguns become instant stake shooters, although making the rounds are more expensive than that for the Stake Rifle. Ideas are coming to me..


First Post
Other Supernaturals (Cnt.)

Mages: "I was fighting in the Hell-on-Earth that's the Chinese Front, 'bout a year ago. My squad and I were low on ammo, wounded, and surrounded by roughly a battalion of OpFor. We had Magus-Captain Clarke with us; he'd been cut off from his squad of knights, linked up with us. He told us to take cover, then called down a massive lighting storm that fried every one with a gun but us. We didn't even have to mop up afterwards. When we checked the Magus-Captain after the storm ended, he was dead where he stood. Calling down that storm fried his insides as much as it did any OpFor." -Sgt. Charlie Bolane, 12th Virginian Vigiles.

Ever since mankind first began to record our history, there have been accounts of humans who were, in a way, more than human. Shamans that could call down massive storms, witches creating alchemical brews, soothsayers and oracles fortelling events that would occur decades into the future. Magic exists, and mages (the blanket term for those who can use magic) likewise exist.

Manipulation of the arcane forces of magic is possible by anyone with the proper training, though a certain amount of genetic predisposition is required for more complex magic. This means that anyone can be a mage, provided that they're willing to spend year of their life studying arcana. Unfortunately, a large number of vampires, especially the nobilty, also possess magical talent, due to possibly centuries of study. Likewise, the Knights of the Silver Cross have some of the most-skilled mages in the world (mages in service with the Knights have ranks with prefixes of "Magus", rather than "Knight"), and the most-famous mage of the order, the late Archmagus Adamo de Luca, was canonized as the patron saint of mages.

In the New Papal States, mages are afforded legal citizenship as they are, technically, human (and those that aren't human are probably vampires, and thus need to be shot on-sight). The vast majority of the population do not have regular access to arcane magic, and those that do tend to be wealthy enough to afford the training. There's a great demand in manufacturing for enchanters, and thus citizens skilled in working enchantments into an item permanently are assured employment.

Also, there exist several magic-related medical conditions, the most infamous being Redson-Gertly Syndrome. RGS, also known as "Witch's Withering", is a genetic defect that affects an individual's blood, saturating it with arcane energies. While this results in a more capable mage, it also weakens the body of the affilcted, causing them to prematurely age.

Fae: "Tell you what, blood-sucker. For twenty ducats, I'll lead you through the sewers. And if you throw in that nice ring of yours, I'll tell the Inquisitors after you that you ducked into that bar there." -Unknown sprite. Conversation recorded in Los Angeles, CA, NPS.

To most people, sprites, pixies, and elves are thus subject of stories told to young children. This is an image that the fae are only too happy to allow to continue. There are numerous varieties of fae, so many that many scholars working for the Knights of the Silver Cross have simply abadoned their work. But if there's one thing that links all fae together, it's this: they cannot be trusted.

Whatever society the fae have, or even if they have one, is unknown. In fact, it's easier to list everything that is known about them. Fae, in general, seem to be capable mages without any form of training whatsoever. Many scholars theorize that they somehow have a bond with the forces of the arcane, but this is still a mere theory. The fae are also consummate mercenaries, siding with whoever offers them the best deal.

Keep in mind, however, that the fae aren't fighters. While some of the larger ones can handle combat, most are information brokers and spies. They have an unerring knack for appearing long enough to make a deal with somebody, then vanishing after they are paid. Many of the more paranoid people who know of the fae's existence theorize that they engineer events for their own exploitation, but there's no evidence of this.

Wouldn't put it past them, though.
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First Post
The items detailed below are common armors used by the NPS. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and you should feel free to add more.

HKA "Simon" Body Armor (Light Armor Prof.)
Type: Tactical
Equipment Bonus: +2
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Maximum Dex Bonus: +8
Armor Penalty: -0
Arcane Spell Failure: 3%
Speed (30 ft.): 30 ft.
Weight: 3 lbs.
PDC: 25
Restriction: Licensed (+4)

Named for the mage who attempted to purchase divine power from the Apostles, the HKA "Simon" Body Armor is designed to allow a mage in combat to utilize their full arcane power, while still remaining reasonably-protected. The suit itself consists of a form-fitting black bodyglove, featuring a Type-IIA kevlar vest that has been reinforced with bands of metal.


HKA "Watchman" Combat Armor (Medium Armor Prof.)
Type: Tactical
Equipment Bonus: +6
Nonprof. Bonus: +2
Maximum Dex Bonus: +4
Armor Penalty: -4
Arcane spell Failure: 25%
Speed (30 ft.): 30 ft.
Weight: 10 lbs.
PDC: 28
Restriction: Licensed (+4)

The standard combat armor for the Vigiles, the HKA "Watchman" features Type-III kevlar armor covering the chest, shoulders, and neck. Out of all of HKA's armors, the Watchman is the one with the most variation (some models feature additional armor, such as bracers and shinguards. German regiments of the Vigiles tend to wear armor accompanied by a Stahlhelm-like helmet). All of these variations are functionally-identical, however.

HKA "Paladin" Battle Armor (Light Armor Prof.)
Type: Tactical
Equipment Bonus: +3
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Maximum Dex Bonus: +5
Armor Penalty: -2
Arcane Spell Failure: 10%
Speed (30 ft.): 30 ft.
Weight: 5 lbs.
PDC: 20
Restriction: Illegal (+4)

HKA "Paladin" Battle Armor. Trading defense for mobility, the Paladin features a light steel sallet, metal-reinforced Type-II kevlar vests, and light steel bracers and shinguards. Favored by Knights in scout and sniper roles, the Paladin is one of the easier armors to use. Unless a member of the Knights of the Silver Cross, it is illegal to own a suit of Paladin armor (though exceptions are sometimes made, such as if a Knight leaves a suit to their children-most likely with the expectation that they use it).

Paladin Battle Armor features the Intregrated Equipment (Night Vision Goggles) Gadget, the Integrated Equipment (Gas Mask) Gadget, and the Integrated Equipment (Walkie-Talkie, Professional) Gadget, all of which are located in the helmet. These Gadgets are unremoveable, and cannot be added again.

HKA "Crusader" Battle Armor (Medium Armor Prof.)
Type: Tactical
Equipment Bonus: +5
Nonprof. Bonus: +2
Maximum Dex Bonus: +3
Armor Penalty: -4
Arcane Spell Failure: 25%
Speed (30 ft.): 25 ft.
Weight: 30 lbs.
PDC: 27
Restriction: Illegal (+4)

The Holy Knight Armory "Crusader" Battle Armor bridges the gap between the lighter Paladin and the heavier Templar armors. The Crusader features a steel helmet, breastplate, pauldrons, gauntlets, and greaves. In addition, the armor features a layer of Type-IIA kevlar. Unless a member of the Knights of the Silver Cross, it is illegal to own a suit of Crusader armor (though exceptions are sometimes made, such as if a Knight leaves a suit to their children-most likely with the expectation that they use it).

Crusader Battle Armor features the Intregrated Equipment (Night Vision Goggles) Gadget, the Integrated Equipment (Gas Mask) Gadget, and the Integrated Equipment (Walkie-Talkie, Professional) Gadget, all of which are located in the helmet. These Gadgets are unremoveable, and cannot be added again.


HKA "Templar" Battle Armor (Heavy Armor Prof.)
Type: Tactical
Equipment Bonus: +9
Nonprof. Bonus: +3
Maximum Dex Bonus: +6
Armor Penalty: -6
Arcane Spell Failure:
Speed (30 ft.): 20 ft.
Weight: 45 lbs.
PDC: 35
Restriction: Illegal (+4)

The iconic armor of the Knights of the Silver Cross, the HKA "Templar" Battle Armor is a fusion of archaic armor forging techniques and modern body armor. Templar armor utilizes steel plates of varying weights, combined with Type-III kevlar to create a comprehensive, if heavy, suit of armor. The stats above indicate a typical suit: many are enchanted, mastercrafted, or just plain decorated. Unless a member of the Knights of the Silver Cross, it is illegal to own a suit of Templar armor (though exceptions are sometimes made, such as if a Knight leaves a suit to their children-most likely with the expectation that they use it).

Templar Battle Armor features the Intregrated Equipment (Night Vision Goggles) Gadget, the Integrated Equipment (Gas Mask) Gadget, and the Integrated Equipment (Walkie-Talkie, Professional) Gadget, all of which are located in the helmet. These Gadgets are unremoveable, and cannot be added again.
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