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Niobe's Dilemma (Manzanita Judging)


Jaan Saaresar, male human Servant of the Greenman.

Jaan grabs up his back and climbs into the carriage.

"I have some food, a little fresh meat and cheese, as well as a couple of days travelling rations. We should be alright."

He pulls it out the food before he shoves his backpack under the seat. While he is in there, Jaan has a poke around inside the table. He takes out the bottle of wine. "This should make the journey go a little faster."

Jaan spots Wilhelm stepping aside for Lesair, and the paladin hurriedly adds his food to that in the table and scrambles out of way.

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Rystil Arden

First Post
*Not wanting to be left out and unsure if this is customary for everyone to do upon entering a carriage, Lasair somewhat awkwardly repeats Wil's bow before stepping aside after Jaan to get out of the way as well.*


The man with the probe
Once everyone has boarded the carriage, the driver closes the door and climbs up onto the front of the carriage. Soon, the carriage is moving through town and beyond.

The sun sets shortly after that, but the carriage rides on, and eventualy you manage to get some sleep as you adjust to the ride. Dawn breaks, and some of you rise, while others sleep till closer to mid day. The food is simple dried meats and bread, and the wine is cheep but washes down the food well. You pass through one town and continue on, finally ariving in a second town. Daylight begining to wind down, the carrage stops by the stables, and the driver opens the door.

"We'll be about an hour taking care of the horses and supplies and such. Just meet me back here around then and we'll be off again."

OOC: You have an hour to buy any more supplies, grab dinner, or whatever. If not, we'll continue on with the journy.


The man with the probe
Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: :lol: I think we've actually all stepped out of the way instead of getting in :D)
OOC: Nope, Troi and Jaan are already in. Jaan scooted asside to let you get in the carriage. No matter anyway :p I'll wait till everyone has at least had a chance to see that the carriage stoped before continuing (maybe later tonight/tomorow morning).


Jaan Saaresar, male human Servant of the Greenman

Jaan watches the world go by outside the window as they passs out of Orussus and through the lands beyond. The road to Rivenblight is a familiar one, the paladin having travelled it a few times now. Some of the memories are good, some not so good.

Jaan offers to the others the food he brought when the table is breached.

After breaking fast on the seconds day, Jaan gets around to asking Lasair about where she is from, and what brought to this part of the world. While most of the people he has encountered in the Red Dragon Inn are from elsewhere, Jaan gets the feeling that Lasair is from further afield than most.

At the first stop, Jaan gratefully climbs down from the carriage and stretces out his cramped muscles. "Mankind was not meant to spend days on end in a box on wheels. Its not natural," he remarks with a small grin. Once he has had somehting to eat, he spends the rest of the time available to them walking around, getting what exercise he can before having to get back on board the carriage.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"I agree. It is just not normal. Our own two legs are good enough for anything, do you not agree, Jaan Saaresar? I think the Nomads prove this. I was not going to speak because I feared that all westerners preferred these carriages."


Jaan Saaresar, male human Servant of the Greenman

"Well, I am glad we did not have to walk all that way. I would have prefered a horse, but you can only go so far on a horse in a day. A carriage can cover much more ground if it can change horses along the way.

"I don't know much about these Nomads. But it sounds like they can cover considerable distances if the stories are to be believed. Have you ever met any?

"Are you perchance a Nomad yourself?"


Troi stretches a bit when the others get out, and he follows suit. He seats himself on the edge of one of the benches in the carriage so that his feet dangle outside of the carriage, and strums his lute, starting with simple chords and octaves, then eventually starts hesitantly playing a few simple songs.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Riding on a horse is not natural either...the way that you westerners have transformed the wild horse into a timid mount is very similar to the way you have transformed the life-giving tree into a wooden box to carry people, I think."

"Me, a Nomad?" Lasair chuckles, "Oh, that is a funny joke, Jaan Saaresar. However, I do know several Nomads."

*Lasair turns and takes note of Troi playing his lute.*

"Hmm...I did not know that you played music as well, Troi Delmontes--are all males in the western lands versed in music? How very contrary to the ways to which I am used."

Voidrunner's Codex

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