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Niobe's Dilemma (Manzanita Judging)

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Rystil Arden

First Post
"It is the new name of the man who was once called Cedric," Lasair explains, "He has cast that name aside, and thus we should never speak it further, in accordance with his wishes."


The man with the probe
"Oh," Niobe says, looking back at Pician. Pician gets ready to say something, but sees her gaze and holds back. Niobe, meanwhile, says nothing further either.

[sblock=Lasair]Pician grimaces at the mention of his brother, as you might expect if there was bad blood between the two, as Carsis has said. Niobe looks like she might wish to talk about the subject further, but not around Pician.

OOC: Nice Sense Motive roll[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Lasair already knows the cause of the bad blood between the two and declines to mention the matter further--she had not planned on it even without the grimace as clear proof. Nonetheless, she will tarry and see if Niobe wishes to mention it to her later. It is only right to listen to a Holdmistress's words while accepting her hospitality.*


"There is little to say of Zidaniel, except perhaps by Troi."

Troi waits for a pause in the conversation before speaking.

"He was my teacher, a long time ago." He says quietly. "In Lathirn, to the south. We had a..." He pauses, clearly attempting to regain his composure. "Falling out, you could say. As Lasair said, he is a scoundrel. He and I have unfinished business..."

He looks to Lasair. "I want to apologize for earlier, for not being as helpful as I should have been. And I should not have run off as I did."

[sblock=OoC]In case anyone is wondering, his accent has been dropped intentionally - I haven't forgotten about it.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit Vundinn, Dwarven Barbarian

Rasereit, in typical dwarven fashion, attacks the food voraciously. Through mouthfuls, he gives a blow by blow account of both battles: the chase on horseback and the raid in the inn. "So Ah run up the stairs an' barrel past ol' Wil here, 'e already got stabbed an' slashed an' what 'ave ye bloody bad, righ'? An' Ah get t'the room an' there's me mate Ogrin on the floor, an' Ah jus' went mad! Ah threw meself righ' in the middle o' those murderers, Ah was hackin' an' slashin' an' jus' tryin' t'get to me mate! 'E's a brave 'un, that Ogrin, 'e dove 'eadlong into the battle not knowin' a thing about who 'e was up against or nothin'! A right brave 'un, an' a 'elluva fighter with them li'l tiny swords 'e's got, but they get ye where it hurts, eh?! So anyway, Ah barge in the room an'..."

He goes on in detail until, "An' then Ah jus' blacked out. Din't even feel nothin', no pain, jus'... straight to black. 'Tain't the first time Ah've gone down in a fight, but by the Dog, Ah've ne'er felt so... empty... ye know? Well, maybe ye don't... Anyway. That's that." There's a silence. He absentmindedly takes a bite out of the leg of lamb in his hand and washes it down with a swig of whatever alcoholic beverage Lord Pician provided. Razh remains uncharacteristically quiet for a while.

Razh is oblivious as the others talk about the holdmistress and the politics of the abduction. That kind of thing is completely over his head.

And when Troi talks about Zidaniel and apologizes for leaving, Razh comments, "Oi, less feelin' an' more grubbin', mate! We won the day, din't we?" But somehow, there's a measure of concern in the raucous dwarf's words. As though he suddenly realized, half way through his statement, that the day was almost lost, and that he and his friend almost didn't make it. He grabs another lamb leg and takes a large, thoughtful bite.


At least it wasn't the guys father, Ogrin thinks to himself.

While Ogrin can understand the conflicting emotions of the return of Niobe and the imminent death of his father, Ogrin thinks lord Pician sounds a bit callous talking about his own coronation before the father is already dead. I just hope poppa don't suffer no sudden steel poisoning tonight.(OOC: Sense Motive -1)

"T's been a long day, and with your leave I'll retire, lord Pician. Your healers have worked wonders with my wounds, but some rest would be much appreciated about now. I'll see y'all in the mornin'"

OOC: I thought it was 40000 gold we'd be sharing? Though it might have been corrected later on and I just missed it.

OOC2: I've submitted Ogrin for level 5 but have some equipment-related things to sort out. I'll fix that together with the treasure in a day or two. Ogrin plans to get back to the city to buy clothes for the funeral and the coronation, and perhaps one or two baubles and gewgaws.


The man with the probe
OOC: THat's correct.

OOC: My wife's birthday is on Wensday, and we have new Countertops coming in on Tuesday, so I might be gone for a day or two.


OOC: Rystil, the calculations above did not include the other non-magical stuff and the bag of gold we found, right? If so, there should even be another six to seven thousand gold left to share.

Listing is here
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