Norum da Salaex: The Blade of Phoee


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Rhynos looks at his newest apprentice and whispers back, "Of course not. Return to your studies. Just be prepared to leave here on my command. You may use Soter's home, if you require privacy."

Soter's mouth unhinges for the billionth time within the course of one day.

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hobbit_killer said:
Rhynos busies himself with the native women until further notice. He suggests that Cassock loosen up and get himself :p :lol: :eek: :eek:

Perhaps your right for once Rhynos, perhaps your right. But I shan't treat them as cattle to do wish as I please. And perhaps you don't realize that your seed could have effects that you can't contemplate at this time.

After conversing with Cassie and her Grandmother, Cassock moves to join in the festivities. His drinks tend to be light and he continously studies all the inhabitants.


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Moving on...yet again.

Alright...I'm going to push this a bit...yet again.

Some of you have said what you've done during the party...some of you haven' I'll fill in a bit and we'll move along.

At the beginning of the festivities, Ana goes off on her scouting mission. Cassock and Mechae disappear for a bit. Gregor goes to continue his studies. Rhynos and Soter partake in the festivities--sharing many an embellished tale and many--well use your imagination.

Toward the witching hour, Ana returns to find Rhynos and Soter half-drunk. The festivities have died down--most villagers returning to their huts to gather some sleep before their return to the Aedilean empire. Some villagers have opted to stay behind; Leuo has after all become their home.

"Report!" barks Rhynos at the returned rogue.

"It'll be a treacherous climb," she hisses at the command. "One neither of you are likely to make in the morning. We'll have to delay for another day until you....recover." She gives both a chiding glare but is promptly startled as Mechae's hand closes upon her shoulder.

The other party members stumble out of their individual locations--Cassock with the little Cassie in tow.

"I have heard" the iron giant speaks--his voice is still deep although kept to a whisper for the sake of the sleeping villagers, "of the noble deed your party has commited in trying to help out these refugees of the Aedilean Empire. I owe you one boon."

Rhynos' eyes alight with greed for the moment--but the Giant doesn't let the slurring warlock speak. "Cassock has spoken to me of your need and desire to return to your own homes. For aiding my people in the same task, I offer my ship as transport to wherever you need go. One-way only. You may discuss as you see fit." He shambles off toward the ship but stops to speak a few more words. "You may give me your answer in the morning before I depart with the Aedileans."

The hulking giant vanishes into the rear of the ship--leaving you all with your thoughts...


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"I will gladly take easy over treacherous... " Gregor straightens his robes while looking for agreement with the group. "Not that I don't think I'm up for the task..."


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Filling in for Ana...

Ana turns and gives Cassock a look of disbelief. "I said treacherous," she reminds. Clearly, she seems a little upset with all of the circumstances. She adopts as friendly a voice as possible and clarifies:

"You're looking at a straight, treacherous climb, of somewhere between 700 and 1,000 feet. That's with few handholds on a near-perfect vertical wall of possibly loose rock and dirt. After that, its probably another few thousand feet to the precipice of the mountain. It may not be a straight climb after that point, but I'm sure there may be points in time where we are forced to climb once again.

"If we were to start farther back from the waterfall, we could cut our initial climbing in half, possibly. But then we'd waste a lot of time hiking up a dozen trails (that we'd be forced to blaze ourself). It would--possibly--quadruple the amount of time it takes to reach the precipice, with additional breaks for meals and other necessities.

"I re-entered the chamber and tried to get an approximate measurement of the distance to the precipice through the hole cut in the ceiling of the main chamber. Unfortunately the illumination makes an accurate assessment impossible. It could be 1000, 1500, or even 2000 feet to the point of illumination--I'm not sure.

"We could--I suppose--turn tail, walk out of the valley, around the mountain range and find some path. This plan though is by no means sound. It will increase our time and there's no guarantee that a path, an easier path, could be stumbled upon. If I had wings--and could fly--maybe I'd be able to give you a better estimate." Her voice cracks--some annoyance seeping into her voice. Rhynos licks his lips and winks at her--enticing the rage to fruition.

"AT ANY RATE--I am up for the climb, if that's your decision. BUT, I would suggest we accept the boon--if for no other reason than it will speed us along our journey. Perhaps there is some point above where we can be easily set down. It could very well cut the time wasted in half--if not more."

Rhynos flicks his tongue at her, one hand erotically rubbing up and over his own nipple. He stumbles a bit--nearly loosing balance because he's still quite intoxicated. Ana's hand bunches up into a tight fist, but she manages some control and turns away from the party. Rage dances across her eyes.


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