• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Nova Wars Baby!


I guess I'm outnumbered this time. Then again I can wait for those colossal fighting machines to jump into the atmosphere and level entire cities. :)

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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Starships it is. I have a couple things to finish for a Year of the Zombie product, then I'll but out the rules for Starship Creation.

It's going to be detail oriented, IE: Life support systems, computers, hydroponics labs, lifeboats, etc.

Thank you for your patience.

Remember, in the words of Evil Dougie Houser on Starship Troopers: "It's simple numbers boys and girls. They have more."

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Thanks for asking. Just overtasking myself, and I get tired easier than I used to.

Now, the work on the starships are continuing, and an art free quickie-layout PDF will be here for free, eventually. It'll be totally OGC and everything, HUZZAH!

But, in mean time, let's revisit a few things...

In the opening of the 21st Century a Greenland expidition discovered an "anomoly" trapped below the antarctic ice pack. Requesting and recieving the aid of the United States, the engineers and scientists drove a hole through the ice to the "anomoly" and discovered a cliche.

An obelisk. An actuality a nanotechnology supercomputer that stored massive amounts of data on the history of mankind prior to homo sapiens arrival on the planet earth. A highly advanced AI inhabited the obelisk, instructing those who first viewed it where the obelisk came from, what it was created for, and how it could be utilized. The AI then deconstructed, leaving behind it's memories in storage, but the personality that had once driven it disappated.

Aside from the cliche, was also a huge ship, over ten kilometers long, a kilometer wide, and a half kilometer thick. Unlike many science fiction novels, the starship was not a simple exploration vessel, nor was it merely damaged by age. Age had not touched the ship.

War had.

Multiple weapon blisters, patched hull damage, hastily added on weapons pods, and thickly layered armor. Exploration of the ship revealed it to be a combination war ship, exploration ship, scientific ship. Technical data, machine shops, medical bays, cloning facilities, shuttles, massive FTL engines, repair robots, much, much data.

The obelisk powered up the ship, and used it's communications array to access the world wide data network, and began disseminating technology as rapidly as possible, to as many points as possible. The creators of the obelisk had forseen that one faction or another on the ravaged face of Terra may have been interested in hoarding the knowledge contained within the obelisk, and that the resulting battle of the information could have resulted in Armeggedon.

The effect of such a massive load of advanced theorizes, technological data, nanotechnology "creation templates", energy and agriculture data, the sheer plethora of information, started wars and skirmishes across the globe.

When the dust settled, the majority of the old governments were overthrown. The concept of "work for food" was cast aside, medical aid was as simple as inhaling, and the world had changed. Only a few governments had survived, and those by incorporating into vast multinational business conglomerates.

Religions were shook to thier foundations, and many collapsed into dust. However, Bhuddism, Islamism, and Catholocism were able to quickly adapt. Catholicism had the advantage of a fairly youthful and energenic Pope, a man of vision and political as well as religious and social savvy. The Catholic Church convulsed and tore at it self for a period of several years, and then emerged as the Church of Humanity Unbound.

Islam, long plagued with the same violent sects that the Catholic Church had also had to deal with, was better prepared. There was little fighting, and more discussing, between radical sects and mainstream Islam. The meteorite enshrined at Mecca was carefully analyzed by new technology, without the hands of mankind despoiling it, and, armed with it, many of the most radical sects left, aboard private starships, to seek out and regain the Holy Land from those who had dishonored and murdered thier ancestors.

Bhuddism went along as it always did.

The new world power, the Terran United Nations, passed what is, in retrospect, well meaning but foolish legislature, charging the wealthiest of the regions, that housed the most industry and the more technically adept workers, with creating starships for those nations that were less able to create thier own.

For every one starship created for thier own population, ten must be created for those nations that had been exploited, ignored, or abused by the more advanced nations.

While this was initially legislated with the best of intentions, human frailities such as greed (in the form of bribing inspectors, cutting corners, short inventories, etc), hatred (in the refusal to use state of the art components, designing equipment to fail, etc) and just plain stupidity made sure that these ships were anything BUT the best that the Terran United Nations could have sent into space.

A joint China/Russia/American/Japanese venture (J.-C.A.R. Pact) utilized the last remaining space asset of the 4 former nations (The International Space Station) and the Pearl Harbor Space Elevator, launched a sophisticated AI driven ship toward the asteriod belt. The ship was designed to seek out a concentration of minerals, set down, create a factory to produce ore gathering drones and smelting ships, and then send the gathered and refined minerals back to earth in large ignots on a ballistic arc.

This mining operation went on for several years, with the ignots impacting at the J-CAR lunar station, until a successful lawsuit in the World Court by the Pan-African Union stopped the operation from continuing, citing loss of livelihood.

However, the J-CAR Pact had, by that time, circumvented the TUN mandate and build several hundred ships, orbital facilities around Mars and Venus, as well as initial construction of solar collectors on Mercury. J-CAR insisted that TUN's authority only extended as far as the ionosphere of Terra, not to the surrounding planets or space ventures.

The TUN could not let this challenge to thier authority and power stand, and ordered the J-CAR to turn over all facilities, give over all profits, halt all operations, and pay massive fines to "nations and entities wrong by illegal operations" in order to make restitution for jobs/sales lost on Terra. J-CAR refused, and the TUN military arm moved in on the Terran holdings of the J-CAR multinational corporation.

When the dust settled, J-CAR and the Pan-African Union (who had sided halfway through the wars with J-CAR after realizing that the TUN would seek to break them up also if they were allowed to break the power of J-CAR) stood triumphant.

Outside of Earth, however, the limited FTL ships, most of which only able to make a little faster than 5C, were steadily heading out into space. Sadly, the majority (some scholars put the figure at 87%) of the starships were either lost or arrived at the wrong star or took far longer than estimated to arrive.
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Terran Unified Systems

After the collapse of the TUC, and the rise of megacorporations, the Terran system began a rapid industrial expansion, with colonization of Venus, Mars, and several of the moons of Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and the small planetiod Pluto. Explorers and astrogators found the remains of several G'Tak warships and probes in the nearest systems, which began to seriously worry the megacorporations. The evidence discovered provided evidence, backing the theory that while 65 million years had passed in the Sol System only 6,500 years had passed for the rest of the universe.

Colonies demanded that the Terran System Government protect them, and the Terran System Government demanded that the colonies pay taxes and provide certian favors to the Terra System. After approximately ten years of arguement, the Terran Unified Systems were formed.

Under the TUS the megacorporations ruled with a thinly vieled hand. During this time those cities that had not been abandoned on Terra grew upwards, and the difference between the have and have nots grew greater. Terms were extended further and further as rapidly advancing technology allowed humans to live longer and longer. Within fifty years the average election turnover rate for a set of the TUS Council stood at 100 years.

Many citizens, dissatistfied with life on Terra, or unwilling to stay on struggling colonies, joined the TUS Navy. There they found that more and more responsibility and duties had been turned over to aritficial intellignece and robots, manufactured by those who pulled the strings of the TUS, and those very creations seen as having unswavering loyalty, unlike normal humans.

Many whispered that the TUS was setting itself up as the first dictatorial council to span several dozen systems in Terran Human history. Those who spoke too loudly began disappearing, and discontent grew.

However, while the TUS deliberated over the status of artificially intillegent sentients, the Fist Artificial War began. When the war was over, the old system was discarded, and a semi-peaceful rebellion occurred.

When it was over, the present day Terran Confederation was created and empowered with overseeing human space. To facilitate control of it's territory, the TC created the Confederate Navy, the Marines, the Bounty Hunter Guild, and empowered all three to act as an enforcer of Confederate Law.

While each Sector/System/Planet was responsible for creating it's own laws, the Terran Law Enforcement Trio was to be used only for the worst problems.

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
The Silent Rebellion​

The Birth of the Confederacy
As the First Artifical War (then known as the Digital Rebellion) wound down, the majority of the population was unhappy with the Terran Unified Systems government. Most citizens felt that the corporate influence on the corrupt and incompetant beuracry was what led to the Digital Rebellion. Despite the fact that the the government claimed that all digital intelligences were out to kill every human in existance, many digital intelligences had infiltrated the homes of those referred to as "dregs" and befriended roughly 80% of the voting population.

During the years of fierce fighting, many new colonies either successfully broke away, or failed altogether, several of the larger, more established colonies, including the Orion Systems and the Hawking Trinary, established thier own independence. The TUS was too busy to bring the rebellious systems back in the fold, but still began making contingecy plans to bring the systems back into line through force after the war was over.

When the Digital Rebellion was over, elections were held once again, for the first time in the 20 years since the Digital Rebellion had started. The people in power agreed to let the newly formed Digital Artificial Sentient Systems overseeing the voting tabulation. The Free Colonies insisted that the people in power abide by the results of the election, and agreed to abide by the results of a second vote putting forward whether or not the Free Colonies should rejoin the TUS without penalty.

The people in power were confident in the fact that the three people that they had put forward for the position of President of the TUS would win, and that the several dozen "outside canidates" that were not supported by any of the three main political parties would have no chance.

When the votes were tabulated, the people in power of the Terran Unified Systems were shocked that an unknown candidate running under a reform banner had won. "Maylo Traven" of Signus IV had won the election, garnering a massive 80% of the votes. In a shock, most of the degens had actually voted, rather than let thier votes be sold, and over 90% of them had voted for Maylo Traven.

At first, the majority of Terra based super-corporations geared up thier mercenary forces and prepared to enforce thier edicts of what the elections results would be. Despite the fact that many of thier databases had been severely damaged and/or comprimised during the Digital Rebellion, most of the super-corps were convinced they had held the advantage in numbers and technology.

However, the Free Colonies had been brought back into the fold, and thier warships jumped into the Sol System to enforce the legitimate results of the elections. The majority of the non-Sol System based super-corps joined in with the Free Colony's fleet, and thousands of warships, dropship, and ground forces arrived.

A vote of confidence in the current government took place, with the government failing by an overwhelming 70%. After ten years, a new government emerged, the power of the executive office seperated by multiple layers and offset by several layers of beauracry.

With the discovery of ancient battlegrounds, G'Tak Empire monitoring stations, the frightened and technologically regressed former allies and enemies alike, and evidence that after 6,500 years, the G'Tak Empire was still intact, the population of the Terran Human worlds wanted to ensure that any attack by the G'Tak would not only be rebuffed, but a followup mission could be sent to persued the enemy to never return.

The military was carefully regulated, enlistment on an entirely volunteer basis, and lavish benifits provided to those who completed thier terms of enlistment. A full 40% of the governmental tax income was slated for the military. The military was seen as the enforcement arm of the new government as well as it's citizen's sword and shield.

For the most part, individual planets/systems answered to themselves as far as laws, customs, religion and the day to day running of operations. Tax limits were set at maximums for planetary and system governments to bring in, and limits were set on what each level of the government could take from those below.

In the five hundred years since the collapse of the Terran Unified Systems, the Terran Confederacy has kept several thousand planets moving in the same direction, and kept them protected from the very real threat of the G'Tak Empire.

While to outsiders the Terran Confederacy may see a monolithic organization, there are many different factions, based on religions, idealogy, genetic beliefs, and ancestory. Every election usually has several dozen canidates that have been nominated by the various political entities of the Confederacy.

With an election coming up in the next two years, members of the Confederacy and protected/member species alike are looking forward to the election.

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