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Of Jungle Deeps and Ocean Depths

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Well then, we can do that," the captain says, and then pulls out several charts. He quickly calculates the distance, then nods. "You're looking at a hundred and fifty gold per person for the passage," he says.

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"That sounds reasonable. I will need to confer with my companions and return a little later once the coin has been secured. Do you have any first hand knowledge of the area that we travel too? Will there be any dangers along the way that may need our special kind of treatment?" replies Undinar, hoping to gather enough cash from the sale of some of the items recovered from Killraven and the Beast in the Hole.

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Colonies of kuo-toa and sauhagin, krakens, the occasional reef, bad weather, the usual suspects," Captain Bolins says of the dangers. "Let me know when you want us."


After having spoken to Captain Bolins, Undinar returns to the main docks and turns to the rest of his crew. "I think that this ship will probably serve our needs well. I don't believe that the others will have much more to offer. I wanted you opinions though, should we continue looking or just go with the Gabrielle?"


"Hrothgar, Gudenny, Nick? If you disagree please let me know, I don't like to run this party as a dictatorship. We work together for joint reward and Gudenny as you rightly pointed out, joint say. As long as things are acceptable to everyone, Invelion will return shortly, hopefully having freed up some of our liquid assets to pay for the trip." replies Undinar.


"The Gabrielle would appear to be acceptable," Gudenny replies,"Not a bad vessal, not bad at all. Do you wish to review the others or are the price and conditions acceptable? If they are I suggest we retire out of the heat and make our plans and preperations."

OOC: Bardic Knowledge (6) and Knowledge: Chult (8) on Captain Bolins and his crew. Basically is Obars information accurate, are they sound, honest, good in a fight?


First Post
(I'm back. Sorry for the delay, I'm finally catching up from my vacation)

Nick shakes his head. "There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm just in it for the adventure and the chance at discovering new technology anyways. I prefer to let others make decisions unless I think they could have seriously bad ramifications."


"It's decided then, as soon as Invelion is back we'll hire the Gabrielle. Their speed should be to our advantage." replies Undinar happy for the concensus.


First Post
Back in Evermeet, Invelion strolls casually through the marketplace, his pack loaded down with loot. Moving away from the open stalls filled with elven merchants hawking their wares, Invelion arrives at an old building of stucco and wood. As he steps on the welcome mat, a small bell chimes as the door opens of its own accord. Breathing in the scented air, he steps inside. The gilded mirror facing him greeted him with a pleasant "Hello," and Invelion helped himself to a sweet candy from the table.

This was the abode and shop of the high wizard Sarona, one of Invelion's professor's at the University, and the one who first recruited him to the Harpers.

Sarona smiled as she entered. "Invelion, it's been some time since you've been gone. Welcome back to Evermeet"

"Sarona, you look lovely as ever! Yes, it's been a while, and sadly, I must leave again tomorrow. But look at the treasures we found in the jungles of Chult!"

Sarona's smile widens as Invelion empties his pack of his exotic treasures. "Spectacular!" she says. After detailed appraisals are done, Sarona conjures a chest out of thin air, and places stacks of coin and gems on the table. "These are fine treasures, not only for their intrinsic value, but for the exotic artistry in them all. They'll take quite some time for me to sell, but I can sell them, and make a pretty profit for myself and the Harpers," Sarona smiles. "But to take these off your hands right now, I'll pay you 40% of the value."



"50%, and you buy me dinner!"

"Done!" Sarona giggles. "How does Aglarondan cuisine sound?"

"Sounds perfect! Let's go, I'll fill you in on my adventures and you can tell me about everything I've been missing while away." Invelion offers Sarona his arm, and escorts her out of her building. As they leave, the doors close themselves behind them, and the shutters on the windows close on their own accord.

already deducted for the scroll of waterbreathing and writing it into his spellbook
sold robe of useful items for 3,500 gp
sold ten +1 seeking darts for (10 x 8300.5) / 2 = 41,502.5 gp
sold +1 icesteel spear for (2302 + 1500) / 2 = 1,901
bought: heward's handy haversack for 2,000 gp
total: 44,903.5 gp
anklet, bracelet, phylactery and cloak of the manta ray not sold

Voidrunner's Codex

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