Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:


Thy wounds are healed!
Welcome all to the second year of my first EnWorld campaign. For anyone new viewing this thread I have opened the second post directly to you.
For everyone else who has been in this game or still is, a special welcome to you and thanks again for the great RPing this past year. I hope to hold up my end of the bargain as DM and I know all of you can and will do the same, and I want to thank you in advance.

Plans for the next year I have already been throwing out there and as we are in the middle of an exciting battle I will keep this short and just quote two of my favorite sayings about D&D.

"Together the Dungeon Master and players make the game come alive." quote PHB pg.4

"D&D is a social experience as well as an imaginative one. Be creative, be daring, and be true to your character... and most of all, have fun!" quote PHB pg.6

You can all count on me to be trying to have fun. :p

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Thy wounds are healed!
For new people:

The Treylor Empire is set to invade The Five Kingdoms of Borlim. The Great King of Borlim has sent out word to all the lesser kings to prepare for war. They in turn have sent word to their lords of the lands, all of the kingdoms brace for war.

The PC's will be part of a larger group setting out to join the army of the Great King. This way other player's can join or a player can run another character if they wish to play someone else. These characters are just people that were in the large encampment or whom you meet travelling.

There will be plenty of side adventures on the way to confront the Treylor.

The game will be open to all noone will be turned away what I want to do is have like a campfire setting PC's sitting around talking then as a group forms I'll run a mission/adventure. Leftover PC's or late comers will be on patrol/guard duty till mission is over or I'll run a related adventure or they could join up to replace characters who die or drop out.

This free flowing style has worked so far as when I have had drop outs they were eaisly explained away and there was always enough players still playing to form a group. Been a little light in the Rogue department so far but I have worked around it.

And also I have decided that XP earned by players is kept for the players, so if you wish to trade out a PC for a new one (for whatever reason) all the XP you earned is kept.

Characters Generation rules are here:
Off to War Houserules

And are very flexible and fair as like I said in the first post I am here to have fun. The customization rules are for you to make the ideal warrior, mage, or scoundrel. This is a character development heavy game and a few encounters thrown in to keep everyone from getting a big head. (To the group: still need to deal with that hydra btw)

If you like the character gene rules and have no extra time on your hands for a game make a character and when you do see some free time you will be ready to go and like I said you could be on guard duty/patrol when not active.

Thanks for stopping in please fill free to say hello, and have fun here at EnWorld.


Myth and Legend

First Post
Angry, bossy Wizard reporting in for year 2! :)

From Lora to the others:
[ame=""]YouTube- Meredith Brooks - Bitch [OFFICIAL HQ VIDEO][/ame]

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First Post

House-trained stud-muffin reporting in for year 2! :)

@Lora: Yeah, and that is why we love you. Haha. You crazy-B-you...


Thy wounds are healed!
Thanks everyone :D and I know ghostcat is around just having internet problems (like I was two weeks ago).

And that is an apporiate song to describe Lora, ML :p

Wonder if Vance can break down that bearer?? LOL

Ok back to the fight about to get very interresting.



First Post

Vance and Loreen?

HolyMan, I swear to Cambi. If you try to have Vance put the moves on Myth's character, one more time... I'm gonna find a reason to punch that bearded freak right in the nose. Haha. *Kapow!* XD

Trust me. If crazy ol' Lora wants a man, she will tackle one and just cast sleep. The End. Game over. Check Mate. Bye bye virginity. Haha.

So please... Let it die. Just let it go man. Just, walk away... :D:D:D

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