Off to War - Duet (Aidan)


Thy wounds are healed!
"Wuild ye like a to see him whirl it about?" Heron asks perking up a bit at the prospect. "He can put on a show fur ye and yuir folk."

The innkeep looks sternly but before he can speak one of the children peeks around a corner and says, "That would be wonderful." A little girl says followed by a boys. "Please pa can we watch, please."

With the sterness leaving his face the innkeep looks to Aidan. "It's your weapon, your choice. But you will need to take it outside."

"Yes, yes." Heron says hopping down. "Let's go out to the circle."

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First Post
Aidan chuckled softly at the interested children and picked the chain up, placing one javelin on his back, just in case as he stepped out to the ring. As he stepped into it, he made sure his audience was ready as he slowly began 'warming up', the blade slowly whirling around and around before he snapped it forward, moving fluidly into a sweep as he began whirling and leaping about to avoid catching his own leg. He avoided going much more advanced than he had with Fallon, however.

Heron would likely note his increasing comfort with the weapon though.


Thy wounds are healed!
As Aidan "performs" he sees Heron making little jumping motions to indicate the halfling wants him to add more to the "show".

[sblock=OOC] add a Perform(exhibition) to the above post. And you may use one of the following skills to aid another - Acrobatics, Jump, or Tumble [/sblock]


First Post
Aidan's whirling continued as the chain grew faster, and the boy began tossing leaps in more frequently, the chain whipping around as a blur about his form, moving it from side to side, shoulder to shoulder. Were it not a spiked chain, he may have tried to spin the chain around his neck... but as it was barbed, that would be a highly unwise decision... Aidan liked his neck.

After a short while of it, Aidan pretended to trip... laughing as he landed on his back, pushing himself lightly into the air as he whipped the chain beneath himself twice before launching back onto his feet in a blaze of whips forward, cutting a make-believe opponent into ribbons.

(OOC: I'm not really sure where you want me to be going with this, so I tried to elaborate more. I figured too much would be unrealistic for Aidan's level, so I was trying to downplay it slightly. :p Anyway, first time I've gotten two posts in a day in this thread in awhile... lol)


Thy wounds are healed!
As Aidan keeps working with the chain he sees Heron walking amongst the crowd collecting money as he goes. He looks over at Aidan with a forlon expression that quickly turns to fear.

Aidan turns to see what the halfling is looking at, chain still spinning. Until it catches around the arm of the hooded man from inside the tavern.

"Where did you get this, boy? It does not belong to you." the voice is soft and yet hard at the same time, the accent is unknown to the young monk. Up close Aidan can see a little of the man's features.

Clean shaven with a long thin face but still his nose and eyes are in shadow. And whisp of long sandy brown hair fall from inside the hood.

[sblock=OOC] I was thinking of making a homebrewed rule to allow those skills without syenergy bonuses have you try a little self aid another. Still thinking on it. Will forgo it for now. [/sblock]


First Post
Aidan blinked and turned to look at the man, squinting slightly. "Er... it b'longs ta me fer now. 'Twas given ta me." The farmboy had a feeling this man should be familiar, significant somehow, but he just couldn't figure out why. "Why d'ya care? Was my show bad?" He was careful not to jerk the chain, not wanting to cut the man with it, since he had no idea whether he was friend or foe just yet, and he didn't want any trouble... all he was doing was giving the children a show!

[Ah, I was confused as I had no idea how to use "aid another" on yourself... hence my question. I'd say just give it synergy with... acrobatics, and maybe tumble.]


Thy wounds are healed!
"Mojaer-tal are not for irysill hands." The man says taking a hold of the chain.

Aidan watches as a light blue spark of energy flows from where the man's hand touches the spiked chain and approaches the boys own hand. Quickly Aidan let's go but not before feeling the slight tingle of energy leap from the weapon and lick at his fingers.

"Eh!" comes Heron's voice from behind both men. "Dat's not yuir's and ye best to give it backs!"

"It is..." the man pauses looking at the weapon holding it in both hands and staring down at it. "It was... I know this weapon." the man says reverently. "You should not have it so either give it to me or I will challenge you for it." He casts about. "And here you either accept or withdraw those are the rules of the circle."

Heron casts about and gulps, "He be right, we is in a circle."


First Post
"I ain't no airsill! I dun't even know what an airsill is!" Aidan protested, just barely avoiding the spark. He wasn't particularly happy with it, but he was growing very tired of being pushed around. While chances are he'd get beaten up or put to sleep or poisoned or some other nasty thing, he wasn't going to just give up and lose what was given to him just because someone claims it was theirs...

"Besides, ya ain't given no proof it's yers anyhow, fer all I know yer a thief and a liar! Since yer challengin' me, I get ta pick tha rules, yeah? No weapons... submission match, winner stops when the loser is in no proper condition to fight back even if he won't submit..." Aidan entered his stance, ready to fight.

[Since Tharivol goes first, I can't really post any actions. :p]


Thy wounds are healed!
The hooded man looks up at the boy and smirks, "No weapons. Agreed."

Heron starts for the ropes calling out "Bets on! Bets on! For Aidan of Burke Young Warrior of the Pesh!" the halfling quickly runs into the crowd to start dealing for bets.

As Aidan backs away from the hooded man starts to swing the spiked chain with a practiced ease. He leaps as the chain flows about his person. Aidan wonders at all the leaping and twirling. Why work up such a sweat before the fight even begins.

As if in answer the man finishes his twirling of the chain by locking it around his waste in one move. It rest like a belt, just like the way Jareth wore his.

Then the hooded man reaches for his forehead and with thumb and fore finger he takes the sweat from his brow.

"See he just... " Aidan's thought is interuppted as the man takes and moves his sweaty fingers down in a chopping motion.

{{"Ka'laa div!"}} the man shouts and a wave of black energy streaks towards Aidan hitting him full in the chest.

[sblock=not a spoiler] Need a Fort save DC 15 or become exhausted. If passed you are only fatigued. [/sblock]

[sblock=big spoiler]
Sure you want to look at this?
[sblock=OK I warned you]
It's not Tharivol
[sblock=Last chance]
It's his dad!?! :p [/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
"Oi! That's cheatin'! Magick's a weapon!" He protested, stumbling backwards as he felt his strength wane a bit. How totally unfair. Did anyone ever fight fair? So far only Rathman fought anything close to fair! He readied himself again, hoping he'd stop cheating and fight fair...

Haha, poor Aidan, a save or suck that makes you suck even if you save... he doesn't stand a chance.[/sblock]
Ready action to trip this guy should he approach. If Aidan trips him, he'll attempt a stunning fist to his chest. If he doesn't approach... Aidan will get pwned by the cheating magic-man. :p[/sblock]

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