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D&D 5E Old settings coming back?

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I guess I just don't consider LG that bad a resource.
I've seen almost none of the material, I haven't a clue how to find it, and what I have seen has been almost totally dedicated to strange details of LG organized play thingies. So I don't know if it's good, bad, or otherwise, but it's certainly unavailable to the general public.

Generic or otherwise, saying it hasn't appeared since 2e is crazy.
Well, I didn't say that.

Good luck, at any rate, getting someone who really groks the setting in the way you hope, making the books that are more what you're looking for.
I was more than fine with the Greyhawk material that appeared in 3e, and 2e, for that matter. I loved Sargent's stuff. And Mona/Holian's stuff. But that doesn't mean that Frostburn is a Greyhawk accessory just because it mentioned Pelor.


In order to do Mystara, another retcon or Sundering would likely be neccessary. They hacked it all up for 2e just like FR, GH, Ravenloft, etc.
I like the idea of Mystara, but the implementation in D&D was a little...I dunno. Basic? Mongols. Vikings. Wizards. I'd like to see a complete reboot of the setting, making it a little smoother, less blocky, but still Mystara.

I don't think WotC will go back to hardcore setting support like the 2e era. That was the Golden Age, I think - not to be repeated. We're more likely to see something similar to 4e-style support, where each setting gets a core book and one or two accessories.

I'd dig a Nentir Vale setting, btw. That'd be cool.


I don't expect extensive support for any setting, but I would like to see (and would buy!) one big fat setting book for each of the following:

  • Greyhawk
  • Dark Sun
  • Birthright
  • Kara-Tur or Al-Qadim

I typically homebrew my campaign worlds, but I enjoy reading the setting material for the more interesting "official" settings, and sometimes pulling ideas from them. And you never know, something might really grab me and lead me to run a campaign there.


Not your screen monkey (he/him)
I guess I just don't consider LG that bad a resource. Many campaigns could beg for hundreds of adventures and hundreds more articles on wotc's website. In addition to official sourcebooks, adventures, and various setting mentions in almost every published product. Generic or otherwise, saying it hasn't appeared since 2e is crazy. It's fine to say you didn't like the treatment of it in 3e, though, sure. I don't like the treatment of many campaign settings during many editions. Or, for that matter, after the primary source drops like when Dark Sun's 2nd box set was retconned away entirely.

I thought the Living Greyhawk stuff was pretty decent too. Mixed in quality, yes, but pretty diverse and useful adventures for anyone running a GH campaign. My main complaint was (and is) inaccessibility. I think this could be good fodder for sale on the website as very inexpensive products - but chances are someone has messed up the legal rights or contracting with the materials so WotC can't do it.


I would like Mystara, Spelljammer, Planescape, Dark Sun, and Greyhawk.

The problem is that you need adventures to support the settings.

But I mostly want monster books and player books so I can have Rakastas, Lupins, Giff, Tieflings, Muls, and Thri-Kreen for my players to play again.


Personally Greyhawk is my number, would like to see darksun but might not happen, ravenloft also cool but might not happen, I am going off the wall a bit and say ghostchasers from the modern rules ie ala buffy, angel, supernatural world or like the dresden files books, don't see it happening just because its different and corporate never likes to change things. Forgotten realms is a given, dragonlance never cared for, Cthulhu would be a cool one but again doubt will happen as per the modern setting.


A lot of love for Greyhawk going on, and I'd certainly be on board to see it supported.

However, as far as revived campaigns, I'd like to see Birthright. Although I wasn't fond of the exact mechanics, I liked a world where kingdom building was built-in from 1st level. Though I think it needs some tweaks for proper troupe play - the 2E rules seem better suited for one realm per player rules, which made it difficult to have everyone doing adventures together.

At the very least, formalizing and creating a Birthright board game would be very, very nice.

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