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(OOC) A Hard Time in Harrowdale


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Monkey can provide the reference check on Lingering Song. :D

Source: Song and Silence page 40

Prerequisite: Bardic music ability

Benefit: If you use bardic music to inspire competence, inspire courage, or inspire greatness, the effects last twice as long as they otherwise would.

3.5 Updated Source: Complete Adventurer page 111

Prerequisite: Bardic music

Benefit: If you use bardic music to inspire courage, inspire greatness, or inspire heroics, the effect lasts for 1 minute after an inspired ally stops hearing you play.

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First Post
Abrielle has a few minor errors. HP should be 5 (6 base, -1 Con), Fortitude should be -1 (+0 base, -1 Con), her racial skill bonuses aren't factored in yet, and I'm not sure where Lingering Song comes from, but it's not in the books I listed. I suppose I'll allow that feat, but I would like a source noted and verified by someone.

You need to decide her Patron Deity (I forgot to mention this in the first post, but I'll include it now, since it's required in FR), and her Home Region (which must be listed on the sheet). Her home region would be either Evermeet, or Sun Elf (for purposes of regional feat access and regional bonus equipment). She needs an appearance description as well.

Checking the FRCS, Evermeet has Bard as a preferred class, allows selection of the Artist, Courteous Magocracy, or Education regional feats (they aren't bonus feats), and provides a choice between A) a Scroll of Knock and a Quall's Feather Token (Tree), or B) masterwork studded leather armor and 3 Potions of Cure Light Wounds, or C) a masterwork longsword or a masterwork longbow.

Choosing Sun Elf for her home region (odd as it is) also has Bard as a preferred class, allows selection of the Discipline, Education, Mind Over Body, or Strong Soul regional feats (they aren't bonus feats), and provides a choice between A) a masterwork longsword or longbow or longspear, or B) a Scroll of Invisibility and a Scroll of Levitate, or C) a Wand of Color Spray with 20 charges remaining. These generally represent hand-me-downs or familial gifts.

Note that Color Spray, Knock, and Levitate aren't Bard spells, so the scrolls or wands of those spells would be unusable to you unless you invest ranks in the Use Magic Device skill (preferably 4 or more ranks). UMD is a class skill for you, at least.

She has a medium load carried at least, if not more, so that will reduce her speed to 20 feet and change her total armor check penalty to -3.

Equipment-wise, her armor's check penalty isn't factored into appropriate skills, and her masterwork instrument's +2 bonus on Perform (Stringed Instruments) checks isn't factored in yet (which, BTW, is what Music: Lute should be on her skill list). However, you spent way too much gold at first; bards get 160 GP max at 1st-level.

Her rapier is 20 GP and weighs 2 pounds (a longsword would be 15 GP and weigh 4 pounds, and better for her to start with),
her longbow is 75 GP and 3 pounds (a shortbow at 30 GP and 2 pounds or a light crossbow at 35 GP and 4 pounds would be better to start with),
her chain shirt is 100 GP and 25 pounds (probably worth it for her, given her low Constitution, but studded leather for 25 GP and 20 pounds or scalemail for 50 GP and 30 pounds would be more cost-effective to start with, given her various other equipment purchases),
her MW instrument is 100 GP and 3 pounds (should most certainly be just a common instrument to start with, for 5 GP instead of 100, though still 3 pounds),
her arrows are off (each quiver holds 20 arrows, costs 1 GP, and weighs 3 pounds, but if she gets a crossbow, their bolts come in packs of 10 for 1 GP and 1 pound),
her backpack is 2 GP and weighs 2 pounds,
her bedroll is 1 SP and weighs 5 pounds,
her blanket is 5 SP and weighs 3 pounds,
her map case is 1 GP and weighs 1/2 pound,
her entertainer's outfit would be a free starting outfit per the Clothing section of the PHB (and as her worn outfit, it wouldn't count towards her carried load, though it weighs 4 pounds for all other intents and purposes),
her ink vial is 8 GP and has no notable weight (effectively 0 pounds),
her ink pen is 1 SP and also has no notable weight,
her hooded lantern is 7 GP and weighs 2 pounds,
her mirror costs 10 GP and weighs 1/2 pound,
her mug is 2 CP and has no notable weight (it only weighs 1 pound when filled with liquid),
her 2 oil flasks are 1 SP each and 1 pound each,
her 5 paper sheets are 4 SP each and have no notable weight,
her silk rope is 10 GP and weighs 5 pounds,
her sewing needle is 5 SP and has no notable weight,
her soap is 5 SP and weighs 1 pound,
her 2 waterskins are 1 GP each and 4 pounds each (when filled with water, as they presumably are),
and her spell component pouch is 5 GP and 2 pounds.

So, she's spent...... 346 GP and 4 SP and 2 CP (this is counting the 50 arrows, which are two-and-a-half quivers' worth; and this is counting the fact that every 10 SP is equal to 1 GP). That puts her 346.42 - 160 = 186.42 GP (in other words, 186 GP, 4 SP, and 2 CP) over the limit (before counting bonus equipment for home region, which may replace some of her current items or be sold off to cover the excess spent).

And she's carrying..... 160.5 pounds (not counting the outfit, since it's worn). Way too much, and that's not even counting the weight of whatever bonus equipment she gets. If enough stuff isn't sold off to bring that weight down to a decent amount, she may need to pay for a mule with bit, bridle, pack saddle, and one or two days' worth of feed.

It would just be a good idea to have at least 1 or 2 trail rations (5 SP and 1 pound each) along to go with the waterskins (perhaps also buying more waterskins, if you can afford to haul the extra weight). Flint & Steel (1 GP and no notable weight) is also a must for any traveler who can't just start campfires with magic. Other PCs may carry torches, so you probably don't need one (and probably wouldn't have a hand free for it anyway, since you'd be wielding your bow fairly often).

Remember that you'd be carrying various stuff (perhaps your waterskins, rations, bedroll, and such) in your backpack, so you could ditch the backpack before any fight (or at the start of a fight) to lower your carried load (if it would be enough to give you just a light load; otherwise, don't bother).

I'd recommend ditching a few items and replacing some others, as mentioned above, with cheaper ones until you've only spent the 160 GP alloted your 1st-level Bard. Factor in your bonus gear from your home region, and then determine whether or not you want to sell any of that bonus gear for half value to help afford the stuff you've already purchased (though you'd probably still have to ditch some of that purchased stuff for lack of enough gold).

Soooooo............there's the stuff Abrielle needs to change/go over again.
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First Post
Page 93 of Monsters of Faerun (left column, directly under the shark illustration). Chaotic Good elven werewolves (with no hybrid form). :D
Alright, I checked the book and found it. Wood elven werewolves, that transmit their lycanthropy only through a ritual with another willing elf. Unfortunately, given the likely short nature of this game, you wouldn't get enough levels before we finished to cover any Level Adjustment or Savage Species progression from lycanthropic benefits. Though it's possible this game may go on beyond 3rd-level, it's not my current expectation.

STILL, if you really want your PC to become a lythari, we can have the transformation start during play, assuming that he/she either already met a lythari and performed the ritual with them, or that he or she meets one during play and undergoes the ritual. It will hold back your class level/HP/etc. advancement though past 1st-level, since you'll start acquiring a Level Adjustment from the Savage Species progression.

Afflicted werewolves have a +2 LA and 2 bonus HD, which I would turn into an LA+1, HD+1, LA+2, HD+2 Savage Species progression. I may or may not ditch the second point of LA since Lythari have some drawbacks. Still......... You'd miss out on your 2nd-level HD, and your 3rd-level HD would be the first wolf HD instead of a normal class level.

If you want to start with the ritual already completed, I'll give you a +1 LA to start with and the associated benefits as I'll determine them for Lythari savage progression level 1. Which would probably just be the Shapechanger subtype, Low-Light Vision (which the elf would already have, anyhow), Alternate Form (but without the animal's bonus HD yet), the chaotic good alignment, and the standard Lythari good looks, along with Control Shape as a class skill. His or her first transformation would have already occured before play, if starting with the "affliction" of a Lythari, so he or she would be able to try CS checks for controlled transformations.

Damage Reduction, Scent, Lycanthropic Empathy, and the Wisdom bonus would be delayed for the later LA and HD increases from the Savage Species progression. You would still gain Scent in wolf form since all wolves have it regardless, but wouldn't have it in elf-form yet. Wolf form would have its normal Str/Dex/Con bonuses regardless.


First Post
Myth and Legend:

Actually, it just looks like you originally spent 2 skill points each on Listen and Search, but I forgot Search isn't a Bard class skill. So instead, you just forgot to apply your +2 racial bonus on Spot checks, and still have 4 skill points left to spend.

I'll finish looking over your character's background in just a moment, but what I've skimmed over so far looks good. Also, checking Monkey's post on Lingering Song, I'm going to go with the 3.0 version for your Bard, since I have Song & Silence (just haven't used it in quite a while). So it'll double the duration of Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, and Inspire Greatness, as described there.

Also, note that I moved and expanded my examination of Abrielle's sheet, moving it to another post just above my response to Monkey about Lythari. I don't mind the errors, I understand, I'm just pointing them out so they can be fixed before the In-Character thread begins. This thread will become the Out of Character thread once recruiting is complete.

Crazy Monkey:

See response in the post above. Also, you should pick up some things from RPGNow for GM's Day super-cheap. I bought myself tons. ^_^


First Post
Sure, you can join!

But what do you mean to use for representing his djinni bloodline? I don't remember any regional feats or the like for it (just Bloodline of Fire, a regional feat for having an efreeti bloodline).

Voda Vosa

First Post
Genie lore and mind over body for example. I was delirating about playing a monster race. I was reading Savage species and found the Djinn progresion, what do you think about it? What to DM Shazam? ^^


First Post
Monkey thinks maybe monster progression is not such a good idea for short term campaign. ;)

I'll just go with the wood elf cleric of Selune and have the lythari bit be background (and maybe something to multiclass into later on if the campaign does end up lasting longer than 3rd level).

Character sheet should be up and running some time tomorrow (maybe tonight).

Myth and Legend

First Post
Arkhandus thank you very much for the patience and sorry to be such a bother :) I beleive i fixed all my mistakes (I really don't know how i ended up with 160 lbs of stuff lol). I took Artist instead of Lingering Song, as Artist is my regional feat, it fits the character background and can only be gotten at level 1. Please let me know if there is anything else that i have missed.

Oh and i understnad that Faerun and 3.5 both are not as popular in these forums, but if we start having fun it would be great to have it run past level three :lol:

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