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(OOC) A Hard Time in Harrowdale

Myth and Legend

First Post
I read the entry on Harrowdale in the FRCS, it certainly has potential! The town is run by a council of 7 of the richest merchants in the town, but the constabulary is headed by a Sun Elf Fighter5/Wizard4 :) It'm glad i chose to play this character. Also, which time of the year is it? Which season in particuler, as the entry on the Cold Fields and how only fools venture there in the winter struck me as interesting :)

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Well, I suppose some young djinni sneaking away on his own might be possible........ But he wouldn't have a home region or related benefits, nor a patron deity (so death is permanent). Most divine spellcasters would not cast healing spells for him, though priests of Shaundakul or similar deities may sell such services to a djinni.

But Savage Species gives djinni too many benefits at 1st-level. I'd move their initial Dexterity bonus to 2nd-level. Perfect flight, darkvision, Outsider type, Intelligence bonus, and 100-foot general Telepathy is plenty for 1st-level. I'll have to compare the 3.5 djinni to the Savage Species version to be sure about whether or not anything changes for their low-level savage progression.


First Post
You are right CM. I'll stuck with the Cali sorcerer. As for the feat I found this:
http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Jinnbond,all thanks to WD.
A Djinni would be fine I think.
I'm going to say no to that feat. It's basically the FRCS Bloodline of Fire but expanded, and the djinni option for it is rather worthless for this game (and just generally pathetic, though there are rare occasions it would actually do something for a lower-mid-level sorcerer or a high-level sorcerer).

Anyway, if you did play a 1st-level djinni, you'd have something of a tough time in combat. They get no armor or shield proficiencies, they start at Medium-size, and their slam attack doesn't arrive until something like 4th-level, though they are proficient in simple and martial weapons at least.

Myth and Legend: It'll be autumn, but I haven't decided the exact date yet for the in-game start. I'll have it decided before I get the IC thread up.


First Post
Arkhandus thank you very much for the patience and sorry to be such a bother :) I beleive i fixed all my mistakes (I really don't know how i ended up with 160 lbs of stuff lol). I took Artist instead of Lingering Song, as Artist is my regional feat, it fits the character background and can only be gotten at level 1. Please let me know if there is anything else that i have missed.

Oh and i understnad that Faerun and 3.5 both are not as popular in these forums, but if we start having fun it would be great to have it run past level three :lol:
Looks good.

Only 2 minor things now: you spent 99 gp and 1 sp, so you should have 60 gp and 9 sp remaining (though it's best to split one of those sp into 10 cp, so 60 gp, 8 sp, and 10 cp, since low-level adventurers sometimes have to deal in copper pieces to avoid going broke). Other thing is just that your choice of bonus starting equipment doesn't really help ya; I mentioned in one of the other posts that Knock isn't a Bard spell, so that scroll is worthless to you unless you invest skill ranks into Use Magic Device, and the feather token is of little real use (sure it creates a nice little tree, but how useful is that to an adventurer? Sure, clever adventurers can find some kind of use for it in rare circumstances, but.....). I'm just suggesting that it might be better to take the masterwork item option or the potions option from Evermeet's bonus equipment choices.


First Post
Character uses set 2 (16, 16, 14, 12, 10, and 8) for ability scores. I decided to change her deity to Sehanine Moonbow in order to synch her class, race, region and deity a little better.

[sblock=Selua Thylari]Race: Wood Elf
Class/Level: Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow
Experience Points: 0
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Region: Elf, Wood

Ability Scores

10 Strength (+2 racial)
16 Dexterity (+2 racial)
14 Constitution (-2 racial)
08 Intelligence (-2 racial)
16 Wisdom
12 Charisma

Combat Stats

HP: 10
Speed: 30
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
BAB: +0
Grapple: +0 (+0 BAB, +0 Str)
Melee Attack: Longsword +0 (+0 BAB, +0 Str), 1d8 slashing damage, 19-20/x2 crit
Ranged Attack: Composite Longbow +3 (+0 BAB, +3 Dex), 1d8 piercing damage, x3 crit, 110 feet range increment, +1 attack/damage within 30 feet

AC: 16 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
Touch AC: 13 (+3 Dex)
Flat-Footed AC: 13 (+3 armor)

Fort Save: +5 (+2 base, +2 Con, +1 feat)
Ref Save: +3 (+0 base, +3 Dex)
Will Save: +6 (+2 base, +3 Wis, +1 feat)


+4 Concentration (2 ranks, +2 Dex)
+2 Handle Animal (1 rank [cc], +1 Cha)
+5 Listen (+3 Wis, +2 racial)
+1 Search (-1 Int, +2 racial)
+5 Spot (+3 Wis, +2 racial)


Domain Bonus: Point Blank Shot
Level 1: Strong Soul (+1 Fort, Will saves; +1 saves vs energy drain, death effects)

Class Features

Moon Domain: Turn/Destroy Lycanthropes 4/day
Elf Domain: Point Blank Shot bonus feat
Turn Undead 4/day
Spontaneous Casting: Cure spells


0 (3): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
1st (2+1): Bless, Entropic Shield, True Strike (D)

Racial Traits

+2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Int
Size: Medium
Speed: 30
Immune to magic sleep effects, +2 on saves vs enchantment
Low-Light Vision
Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow, shortbow
+2 Listen, Search, Spot
Free Search check to notice secret doors within 5 feet
Favored Class: Ranger




Masterwork Studded Leather (20 lb) (regional bonus)
Elixir of Sneaking (regional bonus)
Composite Longbow (3 lb) (100 gp)
20 Arrows (3 lb) (1 gp)
Longsword (4 lb) (15 gp)
Silver Holy Symbol (1 lb) (25 gp)
Explorer's Outfit (starting outfit) (worn)
Belt Pouch (1/2 lb) (1 gp)
14 gp
16 sp
10 cp​
Mule (8 gp)
Bit/Bridle (1 lb) (2 gp)
Pack Saddle (15 lb) (5 gp)
Bedroll (5 lb) (1 sp)
Winter Blanket (3 lb) (5 sp)
10 Candles (1 sp)
Flint/Steel (1 gp)
Grappling Hook (4 lb) (1 gp)
10 days Rations (10 lbs) (5 gp)
50 feet Silk Rope (5 lbs) (10 gp)
10 Torches (10 lbs) (1 sp)
Waterskin (4 lb) (1 gp)
2 Traveler's Outfits (10 lbs) (2 gp)
Soap (2 lbs) (1 gp)​
Saddlebags (8 lb) (4 gp)
10 days Feed (100 lb) (5 sp)
Waterskin (for the Mule) (4 lb) (1 gp)​

Total Weight Carried by Selua: 31.5 lb (Light load)
Total Weight Carried by the Mule: 181 lb (Light load)

About the Mule

The mule's name is the elven word for "Dwarf", as in "stubborn as a..." Selua has taught it the following tricks with her Handle Animal skill: Come, Heel, Stay, Work, and Perform. It has one more trick that it could learn, but she hasn't taught it any more, yet.


Age: 127
Height: 5'
Weight: 87
Appearance: Selua has the look of a wolf about her, with silvery blond hair that falls about her shoulders and down her back wildly, yet untangled and deep green eyes. Her skin is a bronzed copper from spending most of her time in the sun.


Selua's birth was blessed by Sehanine Moonbow. So said her parents, both of whom were Lythari wood elves from a small wood elven clan that once dwelled in Cormanthor, near Harrowdale.

Selua was destined to become lythari herself, but, just a few scant years before she was deemed an adult and ready for the ritual, a raiding party of gnolls attacked her clan, nearly decimating it and killing both her parents.

The handful of survivors chose vengeance over common sense and tracked the gnolls back to their lair. Selua doesn't know what became of them as she, in a moment of grief and doubt, looked to the moon and Sehanine for guidance and was granted a vision of the moon's light acting as a beacon, guiding her way. The moon's light led her to Harrowdale.

Selua is still prone to bouts of melancholy and throws herself into her devotion to Sehanine, fasting and meditating for long periods. She tends to avoid people and can come off as aloof at times.[/sblock]
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First Post

Only 2 minor things: you have 1 GP too much, but you also have a redundant set of saddlebags on the mule. They weren't factored into the mule's carried load anyway, but you do get the GP back from them, because you don't need them. A pack saddle holds everything the pack animal is capable of carrying; saddlebags are just for carrying a modest amount on a riding animal.

BTW, Myth and Legend: I forgot to mention it again a bit earlier, but you do need to note on your sheet that Abrielle only has a speed of 20 feet with her medium load (and her armor check penalty is -3 for that, or -6 on Swim checks). This is the advantage of getting a pack mule. And I think her AC line is still set for a chain shirt, not studded leather.

Just checked, yeah, her AC is still set for a chain shirt; which she can afford if she wants it instead of the studded leather. Besides that, I'll also suggest that you might want to swap out 1 or 2 of her spells known; Lullaby is useful but not much for a 1st-level Bard, since you can't cast Sleep yet, and Ghost Sound or Summon Instrument just have limited usefulness. Mainly just suggesting that you might want to pick up Daze or Prestidigitation (especially since your high Charisma makes the save DC for Daze a 14).

So.......we have a sun elf bard who'll focus on archery, magic, and social skills, and a wood elf cleric who'll focus on archery, magic, and perception, both female. That leaves 4 other slots, and we have 3 other prospective players so far. So at least 1 open slot (more if anyone winds up needing to bow out, or if I decide to let one more join).
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First Post
I'd like to keep the saddle bags for flavor purposes (Selua likes to keep the mule's feed and water seperate from the rest of her stuff). I'll factor the weight in (can't believe I forgot that).

Walking Dad

First Post
Would be a Shield Dwarf Barbarian be fine? Barbarian lists shield dwarf and the region has the same name (dwarf (shield)).

Regional Bonus Items:
Breastplate, potion of cure light wounds

Feat: Power Attack


One of the famous Bonebreakers from Mithral Hall. Could I add spikes to the armor?

Str 18
Dex 14
Con 16
Int 8
Wis 10
Cha 8


Will post more Monday. Nice WE!
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Myth and Legend

First Post
I changed the starting items and added 25 gp to my money since i never paid for the armor. (I am so bad at math it's embarrassing, hopefully i've made no more mistakes :eek:). I changed the spells, fixed the armor penalty checks because of the masterwork armor and then gave the checks with the current load (whcih can quickly be dropped). I am such a bother... Hopefully now everything is fine? :D

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