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OOC: City of the Spider Queen [Full]


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I'll return late this evening but 'till then I'll be away (my mother's birthday). Merion will simply go along an check everything within range for magic :p

Edit: The search DC for a greater glyph of warding is 31 - that's by no means easy, so don't be hating of Lady Luck ;)
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Rules discussion

In my position as resident expert on the undead I took a quick peek into the SRD (don't kill me :p) and found this:

Horrific Appearance (Su): Any living creature within 60 feet that views a ghost must succeed on a Fortitude save or immediately take 1d4 points of Strength damage, 1d4 points of Dexterity damage, and 1d4 points of Constitution damage. A creature that successfully saves against this effect cannot be affected by the same ghost’s horrific appearance for 24 hours.

And this:

Restoration, Lesser
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Pal 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the subject’s ability scores or cures 1d4 points of temporary ability damage to one of the subject’s ability scores. It also eliminates any fatigue suffered by the character, and improves an exhausted condition to fatigued. It does not restore permanent ability drain.

I read this as lesser restoration being able to restore 1d4 points of the ability damage suffered by Jyren. Am I overlooking something? Of course this specimen may be different from the 'standard' one ...

Dakkareth, not trying to be a rules lawyer
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I am aware that regular Horrific Appearance and Corrupting gaze does ability damage. However, this woman ghost does ability drain with both her attacks, for some reason. I'll put it up as errata, and Jyren now suffers from ability damage. :)


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Quick question, Rayex: How do you handle the possible consequences of Contact other Plane? (link goes to SRD)

The way I see it Merion has quite a good chance to come out on top, but a really unlucky roll could still get him. Greater restoration would probably help, but we have no immediate access to that. But would restoration or break enchantment? The rules situation is a little confused ... :confused:
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Dakkareth said:
Quick question, Rayex: How do you handle the possible consequences of Contact other Plane? (link goes to SRD)

The way I see it Merion has quite a good chance to come out on top, but a really unlucky roll could still get him. Greater restoration would probably help, but we have no immediate access to that. But would restoration or break enchantment? The rules situation is a little confused ... :confused:

Hmm.... I agree that a Greater Restoration should fix it. As for Break Enchantment or Restoration... I would say a Restoration will restore one of the abilities, and you will be able to cast spells. The other ability will still suffer a -8 for the apropriate time. Sounds fair, or?


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I would say a Restoration will restore one of the abilities, and you will be able to cast spells. The other ability will still suffer a -8 for the apropriate time. Sounds fair, or?

Well, according to the text (most likely a 2e holdover :\) it's not a penality, nor ability damage, nor drain, but a 'decrease' to 8, whatever that is - this condition not being listed in the rules was the main source of my uncertainty.

I'm perfectly fine with your ruling though, even if you change it again. I just needed to know in order to gauge, how Merion would see CoP - just another divination, a somewhat risky tool or a potentially deadly (indirectly anyway) straw to grasp for in desperate situations. Being more flexible than commune there should be a drawback and the risk that remains even with a means to remove the very harsh spellcasting loss is IMO appropriate. Plus it's a fun mental image to interrupt some god and get slapped in return. :D

Mmhhh, I only now noticed, that we're playing in the FR and I spoke about Merion feeling some philosophical connection to Wee Jas earlier. Maybe I should read up on what gods exist where ... never played a cleric :heh:

(Can you tell I had a little to much time yesterday to think about all this? :p)

I realize that I'm being a little petulant, but wouldn't the negative energy plane coun't as 'appropriate' (as per the table) for matters concerning the dead and undead, just like you'd contact the elemental plane of fire to ask about an efreet? Of course I'm perfectly fine with any call you might make about this change to the RAW.
I seem to be unable to restrain myself when it comes to such matters. I do claim artistic reasons instead of munchkinry, though - when I first skimmed over the table I blindly assumed it worked like that, thought 'Neat, that should be something Merion will like' and added it to the spell list for this kind of thing - petition the ancient lichs of the negative energy plane for secret knowledge, etc. And as in Planescape terminology the NEP belongs to the inner planes just like the elemental planes ...
*hides* :uhoh:
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Um.... what?
You lost me about halfway through your post. *laughs*
But if I understand you correctly, you say that the negative energy plane is the right plane to contact when using CoP right?

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