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[OOC] [Eberron] Beer n Pretzles Keep on the Shadowfell


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Err.. Graf: I don't think Irontooth could legally move to Iridian unless he pulled some string. If has a normal move of 6, that doesn't clear him of the lower lip of the wall separating the two parts of the SW chamber... thus, he couldn't charge (you have to "move directly" to the target). If he ran as his move action, he could charge, but at a -5 to his attack (for a net -4 after the charge, which would miss the ranger).

That's assuming IT isn't doing something I'm not aware of. I haven't looked at the bugger's stats.

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Ah, the move directly conversation.

I've seen this argued by somebody else too. Here's my understanding:
1. I've heard on a bunch of podcasts, etc from the designers that they didn't like charge as written so they made it simpler. You can now charge around corners, etc.
2. Move directly doesn't mean in a straight line to me. (I understand that Jemal and some other folks argue that direct comes from the latin for "straight" so it's supposed to be straight).

Personally I think that if they wanted to write "you must move in a straight line" then they would have put "you must move in a straight line" like they did with 3.x.

I just think it means "you have to go directly toward that person". I suppose, if I had to make some sort of complex legalize sort of rule for what that means I'd say, directly = "every square you move must take you closer to the target".
(and you must stop once you can attack the target)

I will go check the errata though. I may have missed something.
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Here's the actions as I have it

I think I may have shafted Tyron somewhere (which is why the action is currently a future vision). But you've gotten all your actions I think.

Round 10

Zaram hits Irontooth (the round before he's been Dailied by Brock so he's down to 28 at this point)

Tyron misses Ambusher.

Iridian hits Irontooth.

--Wyrmpriest kills Brock.

--KDS1 charges Adain

--KDS2 hits Zaram.

--Irontooth misses twice.

--Abusher hits Tyron for 2.

Brock down

Adain wiffs with mace

Round 11​

Zaram misses Irontooth, shifts.

Tyron finally blinds the ambusher, injuring it.

Iridian kills Adain's Dragonshield

--KDS2 stabs Zaram.
--Irontooth kills Zaram.

--KA crits Adain and downs him.

Brock down.
Adain down.

Round 12​

Zaram down.

Iridian hits Irontooth for 19, moves away.

Tyron gets to go (I think this is where he lost his action)

--Irontooth and gang go. Iridian charged and dropped.


So I have moves for Iridian on round 10 (shot irontooth), round 11 (kill KDS) and round 12 (19 on Irontooth).

SInce he drops you on round 12 when it gets to be your turn on 13 then you're down.

Tyron has two actions; but I can't really think of anything he can do to save you....

The best would be to "ready an action to blast anyone who attacks Irididan" and then hope to do 19(?) points of damage to Irontooth.

So you could survive, if he does that and rolls well. :)
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Things just got a lot more interesting.... The question, really, is, what does Adain do...?

The longer Tyron leads them away from the cave, the more chance you have to heal up.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Things just got a lot more interesting.... The question, really, is, what does Adain do...?

The longer Tyron leads them away from the cave, the more chance you have to heal up.
Chances for the others to heal; Adain has no other means to do so (other than w/ a heal check). Of course, Brock is up now as well...

Can't act until round 13 (death save happens last in the round).


Brutal! I'd heard that this was a TPK and I do have the mod but resisted the urge to crack it open and find out why. Irontooth is just huge, wow!

All in all I've definitely had a lot of fun with this game Graf. I like your DM style and commitment. The maps and the style you use are very tactical and make me flex some wargaming skills that I havent had to in a long time (my F2F group plays 4e with no minis or maps). I've had a great time and look forward to playing under your lead again soon. Though I shouldn't speak to soon with two nat 20s for death saves we are still in business... maybe.

If you'd like to close up KotS I'm okay with that, but I'd like to continue with this group of players either here or in L4W.


regarding round order. thats how i was reading it but missed Iridian's action in rd. 12.

Regarding charges, I've read it to mean you can move around corners but you can't try to move past the target to get into a better flanking position when charging.


Thanks for the complements.

No, I'd really ruled out the odds of somebody getting a natural 20 before the fight ended. Let alone 2. Back to back.

If Tyron runs away we can set up some kind of skill challenge. Maybe a 5/2 stealth vs. perception (their perception is pretty weak). Each success is a minute, two failures and he has to fight.

(Actually, once he gets to 2 successes they probably won't come back in time. So two successes and then one more roll to lose them... 3/2?)

Once you ding 5 minutes.... everybody's got lots of hit points, encounters come back, and some serious hurting happens. Irontooth will probably heal up to non-bloodied, but the monsters haven't been resting so the few encounters they have don't come back...

Alternatively... you could just fight it out now. Brock and Adain are up. Iridian and Zaram can be brought back with heal checks. Ranged combat favors the party (assuming you can do something about the priest).


First Post
I too would like to continue in with this group in one form or another. Looks like it is time to party, though I have one thing to ask. How is it you can revive unconscious party members with heal checks? I thought you only do that to let a character use their second wind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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