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OOC: Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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Hommlet Notes: The Welcome Wench, The Old Faith, St. Cuthbert, and the Wizards

The Welcome Wench
The Welcome Wench is the primary inn the PCs gather at (and the nicest Inn in Hommlet). The Welcome Wench has two enterainers, Dalamar's slight of hand spellthief and Rethidor Halfmoon, an elven singer and musician. Neither entertainer collects much in cash; rumor has it that Ostler Gunigoot thinks having the entertainers is a sign of charity and good will. Ostler Gunigoot, the owner of the Inn, and his wife, are old and mostly retired. His daughter Vesta is the manager of the inn (and the boss of the various PCs that work at the Inn). At least ten people work for Vesta (bartenders, waitresses, serving girls, etc.).

The Old Faith
Jaroo Ashstaff, an aged and powerful Druid, is the leader of the Old Faith in Hommlet and maintains a Grove on the outskirts of Hommlet. Jaroo is becoming senile and is forgetting things. It is rumored that either his assistant Yundi or (Paxus' PC) will soon replace Jaroo as the head of the Old Faith in Hommlet. Yundi used to work in the Welcome Wench as a potboy, but has taken to assisting Jaroo in the Grove on a fulltime basis.

Church of St. Cuthbert
Cannoness Y'Dey maintains the largest Temple in town. Y'Dey fought in both previous battles against the Forces of the Temple of Elemental Evil and is getting on in years. Rumor has it that Elmo blames Y'Dey for the death of his older brother Otis, and that Elmo and Y'Dey do not talk to one another. Most people in town worship at the Temple of St. Cuthbert. The Church of St. Cuthbert recruited Xaod, an experienced Paladin from Furyondy (at least, that's what he claimed) to mentor (Isida's character), but Xaod turned out to be more interested in drinking ale in the Welcome Wench (and seedier joints) than teaching.

The three primary Wizards in Hommlet are the famous Lord Burne and the potion maker Spugnoir and the scroll maker Zerosh Nubric. Lord Burne occassionally has apprentices show up at his doorstep, begging to work for him (and sneak glances at his legendary spellbooks). To all appearances, Burne is retired. Spugnoir knows a lot about potions, but it is unknown as to whether he knows any other types of magic. Zerosh (a gray elf wizard) makes arcane scrolls. Its unknown how Zerosh could make a living selling scrolls, when there are so few wizards living near Hommlet.
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Add in to the story part of your dwarf fighter that your dwarf is one of the few survivors of his/her clan of dwarves was almost slain 100 years ago in the Lortmil Mountains. The clan owned a diamond mine at an extinct volcano until they dug too deep and woke a terrible demon of Fire and Shadow. If your character is younger than 100 years old, than it was one of your parents who escaped the slaughter.


p.s. nearly every dwarf has a tale of having lost a fabulous mine to a terrible monster.

Pyrex said:
Endur, I'm going with the Dwarf Ftr.

Mechanics related portions of the charsheet are nearly done.

Story related portions need a lot of work yet. :)
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I made the first post in the IC thread

I made the first post in the IC thread. I'm not really expecting people to be ready to post yet. The characters havn't been posted yet. But I wanted to give you something to think about. :)

Feel free to start making posts in the IC thread once your character has been posted in the Rogues Gallery thread.
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Ok, I guess it's time to finish the character sheet then. Hope I'll manage to do that today. :)


Only the family tree (and some names) is still missing now... let me know what you think!

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Thanee said:
Only the family tree (and some names) is still missing now... let me know what you think!

Very cool character and background story. I bought the Complete Arcane book just to look at the Warlock class. Very neat class.


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Is a Scribe acceptable form of employment in the Hommelet, or is it too small of a town?

And how detailed do you want the relatives in the family tree to be? Is a name and form of employment / other achievements enough? If Elves have to go back 1000 years, there's going to be over 60 relatives (twenty or so still alive), if I stop adding great-grandparents' (and up) brothers and sisters.

Also, I really don't have much knowledge about Greyhawk geography. I don't really know any Elven lands, or which side of the world the Hommelet is.


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The nearest elven country is Celene, which is very close. Hommlet is near Verbobonc (human city), the Kron Hills (various gnome communities), and Enstad, capital of the Fey Kingdom of Celene, ruled by Her Fey Majesty, Queen Yolande, Perfect Flower of Celene and Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind. Celene is the primary home of the Gray Elves of Flanaess.

If you want, your elf can be a Gray Elf, all the usual elven stats plus an additional +2 to int and -2 to str. Most elves in Celene are Gray Elves.

Relatives in the family tree can be as detailed as you like. And, Elves wouldn't necessarily have 60 people in the family tree. Think small families for Gray Elves, one child usually, and elven childbearing age would be when the adult is 150-250 years old. I was really only thinking three or four generations back.

Culturally speaking, the Gray Elves have the longest civilization in the Flanaess and are arrogant of the newer races (even when they try not to be arrogant). Think somewhere in between Lolthlorien and Rivendell, and you have a fair approximation of Celene.

A scribe would be fine. Although, that would mean working for Lord Burne and Lord Rufus, as they are the only people in town who have the wealth or need for a scribe.

Hommlet is southwest of Greyhawk. South of Veluna and South of Furyondy. North of Celene. East of the Lortmil Mountains.
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If you want, your elf can be a Gray Elf, all the usual elven stats plus an additional +2 to int and -2 to str. Most elves in Celene are Gray Elves.

I was thinking about that, and actually forgot to ask about it. I'm changing to Gray Elf then. That strength penalty just hurts...

Relatives in the family tree can be as detailed as you like. And, Elves wouldn't necessarily have 60 people in the family tree. Think small families for Gray Elves, one child usually, and elven childbearing age would be when the adult is 150-250 years old. I was really only thinking three or four generations back.

I assumed an average of 200 years between generations. That would mean about 5 generations, but from great-great-grandparents the amount of relatives starts to get ridiculous. And I actually did use mostly one child.

A scribe would be fine. Although, that would mean working for Lord Burne and Lord Rufus, as they are the only people in town who have the wealth or need for a scribe.

Now that wouldn't be a bad thing really. :D

Thanks for the setting info. Much easier to do background now...


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As for the family tree, I'll probably not branch out too far and just list some parts as number of brothers, sisters, sons & daughters.


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