OOC: Equivalent Exchange--Can Take one More for Psiren

Dire Lemming

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Festy_Dog said:
Well, the answer is a fairly simple one really but can be considered a pretty big spoiler.

[sblock=Warning! Spoiler!]They killed Hughes. Biggest no-no they could have done. I loved the series until that point, then I became largely apathetic to it.[/sblock]

Oh come on, don't be like that! :\

If you continue watching the series you'll realize just how important that event was, especially to Mustang, whose actions in the last episodes are driven mainly by that one event. They never let you forget.

[sblock=Big spoilage]Hughes' death was one of the most important turning points in the plot, not to mention a major wake up call that major characer's can die, so be worried. Before, Mustang's only goal was to rise through the ranks and become Fuhrer but after this he was equally concerned about finding Hughes' killers, even at the risk of his military career. In the end he even sacrificed it all in order to stop the homunculi. Winry was terribly confused as to how the man who had killed her parents could have been such good friends with Hughes. About the only reason they still focus on Schiezka after Hughes' death is because she's trying to investigate it as well. Then of course there's the final fight between Envy and Ed.[/sblock]

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Dire Lemming said:
If you continue watching the series you'll realize just how important that event was, especially to Mustang, whose actions in the last episodes are driven mainly by that one event. They never let you forget.

I didn't say I stopped watching, I was apathetic to the rest of it. I watched the rest of the series (and the movie) and they did nothing for me compared to the first half of the series.

[sblock=Spoiler]Killing Hughes ruined it for me because I really liked a character who could be brilliant without alchemy. Then he got killed off by doing what he did best with the whole investigation thing. Drove me up the wall and I couldn't watch and not feel agitated after that.[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

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[SBLOCK]I was a bit moved by the episode where they killed Hughes, but in the sort of way that you knew it was going to happen but hoped he would escape somehow, but he didn't. Realistically, they had to be able to kill the Hughes-es to keep their secret. The only thing that did not impress me was when they failed to kill Winry and Scieska too. They knew for a long time, even Archer who asked for her especially to recover the lost files and then ordered her to burn the documents after he read them himself, that Scieska had memorised restricted files. If they wanted to keep them secret, she should have been killed, plain and simple. Then in the scene where they are backing up and Sloth is chasing them at a painfully slow rate, they should have been caught and killed there too--Sloth is significantly faster than that in every other scene. They had to make her move slowly to save Winry, though, since she had plot immunity. And after escaping Sloth, they should have never been allowed to leave Central alive, honestly.[/SBLOCK]


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winry and Szcheska (sp) didn't know the entire deal, they may have had some of the facts but they hadn't put it together the way Hughes had. Szcheska kept prattling on about aliens instead of homunculi.

They probably weren't viewd as a threat; where Hughes was doing a full blown military investigation and had ties to Mustang neither Winry or Szcheska (at that point) were in the military and didn't have the connections to give the information to anyone who could do anything about it.

Just like Pride didn't do anything when he killed Martel inside Al with his Ultimate Eye in full view; He knew Al couldn't do anything with the information until it was too late to stop Scar from making the Philosopher's Stone.


Rystil Arden

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[SBLOCK]If it was enough of a threat to go down there and reveal even more information, it was enough of a threat to kill them. Besides, Winry was likely to release critical information to the Elrics if she ever found them, and they clearly knew this (I say they clearly knew this because the bad guys had to have held a meeting to discuss Winry--the evidence is the fact that Envy can take her shape perfectly in Words of Farewell and play Ed and Al against each other with her by knowing their relationship, even though Envy cannot have possibly ever seen Winry in person based on their respective locations at all times in the storyline).

With Pride, I think a big factor is that Al is a bit...naive and trusting. He was actually likely to buy the explanation given afterwards, plus the progress towards the goal was pretty much 100% complete already by then--there was time for a phone call by Winry or Scieska.[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

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[SBLOCK]Oh--they just showed Pride killing Marta, so I checked and noticed that he never showed Al the Ultimate Eye (it was in his normal happy-closed position), and he said nice words afterwords to keep up his facade "I hope she didn't cause you harm Alphonse. Now the fugitive chimera has been executed. I thank you for your help."[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
Okay, we haven't gotten many more entries, so I'm going to give a few definitive character assignments (based on people with strong preferences:

Raylis is Elysia Hughes
stonegod is Lust [SBLOCK=Picture]
Festy_Dog is Selim Bradley

For the others, currently Dire Lemming is probably going to play Al but might wind up being Fletcher, perhaps, if we get a new applicant who strongly prefers Al (as DL is ambivalent). unleashed is probably going to play Rose but might wind up being Psiren, perhaps, if we get a new applicant who strongly prefers Rose (he is also ambivalent).

I'll get started e-mailing people!


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
unleashed said:
Okay, no need to SBLOCK for my benefit anymore...I'm finished watching FMA. :D
So you finally saw the one where the two people used the thing to do that thing that ended upon blowing up the thing with the thing!

Finally! :p

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