[OOC] Horror High - Freshman Year


Maybe we can be sisters, Shayuri? I'm the older, prettier, "better" sister whose reputation you always had to put up with until I moved away to college, then you got to grow into your own for a bit and that's when you got into crime...?

Maybe something like a Doug/Pacey paradigm from s1 of Dawson's Creek?
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Could be. I was thinking I'd gotten into some gang-related stuff, though I'm not yet fully committed. Maybe that ambivalence comes from having a cop in the family? Or maybe it's just from the general misogyny of the gang lifestyle.

Either way, Juno Reyes isn't sure what she wants out of life yet. School and job and all that feels like a lie to her. Gangs and crime are real, but she isn't sure she wants to make the compromises, the sacrifices, that sort of lifestyle demands.

But what else is there?


First Post
I figure dad at least is. Might as well go whole hog, if you're okay with it. :)

I'm thinking perhaps dad is a vet as well, with health issues that make holding full time work difficult for him. Mom probably works a couple of jobs as a result. You were probably Juno's de facto 'mom' as a result. Further complicating their relationship. :)

Open to ideas though! What do you think?


First Post
Omg...I love this thread so much.

Also intending to be female, if it counts for anything.

More seriously, I think my character's dad, being an immigrant at the time with poor English who wanted to stay off the grid, would have turned to organized crime to support the family. My character has only recently learned about the sacrifices her parents went through to protect her, but is still in that phase where she's mad at them for putting themselves through all that trouble when she never asked for any of it. I imagine she'd occasionally be asked to do (or cornered into doing) favors for that organization.

If we want to connect backstories a little, I could see her family's gang being rival to Juno's, occasionally putting pressure on their ability to work together? (Or they could be allied, which could help explain why they end up in the party, but it's certainly not as dramatic.) If my father is a moderately well-known associate of the gang after all these years, just not quite arrestable, I imagine law enforcement would know of him, and be wary of me as well. How's that for a start?

(Also, apologies if I seem inattentive. I get ready for bed as most of the US is eating breakfast, so I'm usually not around during active-conversation-time.)
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First Post
Well, Juno's dad would 100% not be on board with Juno being in any way associated with a gang. In fact, her flirting with one probably has a LOT to do with resentment and issues around him and her sister, as well as her relatively normal drive for autonomy at her age.

So if your dad's involved with a local gang, it's possible it's the same one. This wouldn't be a family thing, since Juno's gang activities are done without the approval and knowledge of her family. But it could influence Juno and your relationship. Are you in the gang too? Are they trying to recruit Juno, or are they suspicious of her (given that her sister's a cop)?


First Post
I think they would regard me as a member by blood, as long as my dad is indebted to them, so they sometimes require me to do small jobs for them. This life is "normal" for me, but I have no real loyalty to the gang and don't consider myself part of them, just connected in a way that wasn't my choice. I don't call on them for help or make a habit of doing illegal things when I don't have to.

However, I don't especially hate them morally; if people want to join, that's their choice. Maybe when Juno first started approaching them, they asked me to vouch for her, that she wasn't going to betray them to the police or something. If you were clear, that would also give them a bargaining chip when dealing with the law, so bonus for them. Since then we've been sort of loose associates at school and elsewhere. Of course, being more embedded in the gang would mean they'll go a little further to protect me from the law and give me a little more leeway, and I would have a little more savvy about gang life, so I could be using that to help you: steering you away from really dangerous work, working with you to spread liability, etc.

If that sounds okay, it could make an interesting dynamic between me and your sister, where she thinks the best thing is for you to quit gang life and straighten out, and I think it's best that you be free to do what you want, no matter what. We'd sort of be conflicting mentors. But of course you and I are the same age, so there's no need for me to be a "mentor" of any kind rather than just an acquaintance.


Mom working two jobs to support Janice's sporting activities and family on top should only fuel Juno's rage.

Mind, it's also the reason why Janice pushed herself to excel - she wanted to give back to the family (and town) who supported her.

And now some other girl's trying to get my sister... MY sister... to join a gang? Yeah, we'll see about that...

Also, I heard this campaign was about school kids and monsters...? *G*

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