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[OOC] Sundered Skies (Closed)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Related Game ThreadsFor KrunchyFrogg and Blackroot

We can use the following campaign idea or something else?
What are your posting times and frequencies? I am US CST I have access to internet pretty much all through out the day. My nights are generally pretty busy. I will have some time on the weekends as well, but not so much.

A campaign idea:
The world is in a post apocalyptic state following an epic battle between the draconic godlings and the gods of the world which tore it asunder. The skies are now dark and stormy and the rays from the 4 suns rarely shine through.

The result of the battle destroyed pretty much all of the gods and dragons. Most all magic users arcane and divine were destroyed in the aftermath of the Gods Wars due to a weave surge as well as the expenditure of divine essences. Planar rifts resulted and turned what remained of mortals corpses into undead and opened rifts to other planes letting foul fiends through into the surface world and fell abberations in hte underworld. The surface world is dangerous and filled with fell creatures and magic. The underground is not much better.

Civilization exists in small and large city states, some above ground some underground. Magic is harder to find and mortal magic users are rare as most were decimated in the backlash.

My General House Rules
We can use my following house rules or go house-rule-less or something else. As you prefer.

'Everyone will suck equally' stats: 18, 16, 14, 14, 12, 10

Class SKills:
Once a Class Skill Always a Class Skill

Skill Points:
Take 2 extra skill points per level with a total of 8 for first level. Cross Class skills can be taken for 1 point per rank instead of the normal 2 per rank, but you are still limited by the cross class maximum. This is preferably for skills that will round the character out: professions, knowledges, crafts, and cross-class skills, but it does not have to be.

The best of two classes: Gestalt Variant from SRD

Fighters do not automatically gain Heavy Armor proficiency at first level. Instead they gain a second bonus feat that must be drawn from this list: Weapon Finesse, Point Blank Shot, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, or Heavy Armor Proficiency. This allows the fighter to start off with a fairly clear archetype (swashbuckler, archer, master of unusual weapons, or tank) from the get-go.

Dweomer Channeling or Divine Channeling: uses the unearthed arcana variant for channeling - expending a turning attempt and role your turning the check. The result of the roll will show how much divine power was channeled. For arcane - it will be a spell craft check modified by a sacrificed spell slot.

This might be used to close or open a special portal. We can find uses for it as we go.

I am still working on this one.

Additional Feats or Feat Changes

Armored Specialist (class - armor type) [Fighter, General]:
Requisites: proficiency with the appropriate armor and a class whose features are limited by wearing armor; for Light Armor and Shields: BAB +1; Medium Armor: BAB +3; Heavy Armor: BAB +6; Exotic Armors and Shields: BAB +10;

Benefit: Choose a class that has class features that are limited when wearing armor when you select this feat. This class may now use those limited class features in armor of the lowest type that you are currently limited in.

Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it applies to a class whose features are currently limited by armor use, and each applies to the lowest level of armor that limits the class abilities

Example: A fighter/wizard could take Armored Specialist (Wizard - Light & Shields) to be able to cast spells in light armor.

A cleric/ranger could take Armored Specialist (Ranger - Medium) to wear medium armor and use their ranger abilities.

Toughness: Act as Improved Toughness with a minimum of a 3 hp gain.

Misc. Rules
Changes in intelligence are completely retroactive
Hit Points: Max for first and then half or better from then on
Feat Acquisition: you may use the feat that you gain as a part of level advancement for PrC requisites for that level

DMing Style
I look to challenge my players. If they have not feared for their life during the game I feel that I have not done my job. Your skills will get use, especially your knowledge skills. I will use your background if you give me some hooks. =) I am very flexible and will reward creativity. I am 'yes' MD vice a 'No, it impossible' DM. I will make most of the in-game rolls. If you feel that I have missed something then let me know. You roll for your hit points and I will trust you on that. =) In your posts if you want to make sure that I do not miss something (modifiers) feel free to post them.
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First Post
Sounds excellent! I'm also CST, and have access to a comp. anytime later than 5-ish. I'll probably start out posting like mad, but I may die down a bit after the first few weeks seeing as how right now I'm completely engrossed in the idea of an online campaign. Anyway, I like the house rules a lot, I'm up for a challenge anytime I can get one. The setting sounds a little heavy, but I can definately adapt to it. My fav. classes are usually spellcasters, but seeing as how most of them seemed to have been wiped out in the upheaval, I'm fine will using another class. anlo on the topic of classes, do you have any restrictions, if so what?


I forgot to ask, Would you want pcs to generate some form of backstory/lineage
/characteristics or anything of that sort?
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
You can still play casters with no restrictions. You will be a bigger exception than you already are as an adventurer. AS long as I have access to the book you can play it.

If what I propose is a little too heavy we can go with something else. If you have some campaign ideas or things that you would like to accomplish, do, encounter or whatever we can work with that as well. I am really flexible.

Feel free to stay with this as long as you like. If you find something else that catches your fancy and you do not have time for this, feel free to let me know. This is for you two. =)

Background is good. As we start with deciding on the campaign and stuff we can change and work with it until we are happy.


First Post
I'll generate a character within the next day or two and develope atleast part of a backstory. Will post it by wednesday at the latest.
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Alternative Campaign Ideas

Alternatively we could have you:
  • start out as a wizard's apprentice at a college and then have it move into intrigue.
  • in a military campaign based on small unit tactics
  • a part of a government's espionage group
  • a part of a thieves guild
  • start out as enslaved for a crime that you did not commit
  • could be your clone that wakes up a few thousand years in the future and things are very different than you remember
  • or I can work with your back story and we can talk about it from there.


First Post
All those beginnings sound fun. I started the backstory for a sorc/wiz gestalt character, who was disfigured and orphaned at birth, when both his parents died during the last surge in the weave. Grew up in a ophanage and studied the manuscrips and books his parents left (thus becoming somewhat of a wizard) him only to discover that (at age 17-18) he is infact a sorcerer due to the strong magical surge that coursed through his mother's body as he was born. That's what i have for the most part so far. totally willing to edit as necessary.


First Post
[sblock=Derin Mordale Human Gestalt]Derin Mordale
Male Human Sorcerer 1 / Wizard 1
Lawful Neutral

Strength 12 (+1) Size: Medium
Dexterity 14 (+2) Height: 5' 11"
Constitution 14 (+2) Weight: 170 lb
Intelligence 18 (+4) Skin: Light
Wisdom 10 (+0) Eyes: Gray
Charisma 16 (+3) Hair: Dark Brown; Straight; Beardless

Gestalt combination: Sorcerer Wizard

Total Hit Points: 6
Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 12 = 10 +2 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 10
Initiative modifier:+2 = +2 [dexterity]

Fortitude save: +2 = 0 [base] +2 [constitution]
Reflex save: +2 = 0 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +2 = 2 [base]
Attack (handheld): +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (missile): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength]

Light load: 43 lb. or less
Medium load: 44-86 lb.
Heavy load: 87-130 lb.
Lift over head: 130 lb.
Lift off ground: 260 lb.
Push or drag: 650 lb.

Languages: Celestial Common Draconic Elven Orc

Short Spear [1d6, crit x2, range inc 20 ft., 3 lb, one-handed, piercing]

Light Crossbow [1d8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 4 lb, piercing]]

No familiar yet


Point Blank Shot
Spell Penetration
Scribe Scroll [free to wizard]


Hard of Hearing

Skill Name Key
Ability Skill
Modifier Ability
Modifier Ranks Misc.
Appraise Int 4 = +4
Balance Dex* 2 = +2
Bluff Cha 7 = +3 +4
Climb Str* 1 = +1
Concentration Con 6 = +2 +4
Craft_1 Int 8 = +4 +4
Craft_2 Int 4 = +4
Craft_3 Int 4 = +4
Decipher Script Int 8 = +4 +4
Diplomacy Cha 4 = +3 +1 [polite]
Disguise Cha 3 = +3
Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2
Forgery Int 4 = +4
Gather Information Cha 3 = +3
Hide Dex* 2 = +2
Intimidate Cha 1 = +3 -2 [polite]
Jump Str* 1 = +1
Knowledge (arcana) Int 8 = +4 +4
Knowledge (local) Int 8 = +4 +4
Listen Wis -2 = +0 -2 [hard of hearing]
Move Silently Dex* 2 = +2
Perform_1 Cha 3 = +3
Ride Dex 2 = +2
Search Int 4 = +4
Spellcraft Int 8 = +4 +4
Spot Wis 1 = +0 +1 [hard of hearing]
Swim Str** 1 = +1
Use Rope Dex 2 = +2
* = check penalty for wearing armor

Zero-level Sorcerer spells: 5 per day

First-level Sorcerer spells: 4 (3+1) per day

Zero-level Wizard spells: 3 per day

First-level Wizard spells: 2 (1+1) per day

Extra feat at first level (already included)
Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)

Familiar / Alertness, etc.
Can know only limited numbers of spells
High charisma gains bonus spells daily

Familiar / Alertness, etc.
Bonus Feats (already included)
High intelligence gains bonus spells daily

Class HP rolled
Level 1: Gestalt 4

Derin Mordale's Equipment:

7 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
5 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x5
2 lb Backpack
5 lb Bedroll
1 lb Map/Scroll Case
3 lb 2x Flasks
Ink vial
Ink Pen
3 lb Lantern (bullseye)
Parchment Sheets x10
Signet Ring
1 lb Vial (for ink or potions) x5
2 lb Spell component pouch
3 lb Spellbook x1
49 lb Total

Blackstone Earring (In left ear, allows him to hear in his left ear)
Imbued prosthesis (attached to his left leg, allows leg to walk without limp)
Signet Ring- Silver and garnet, Belonged to his father; holds his family's seal- a serpent wreathed around a burning torch.
I will also email a word doc. form of this, considering this is kindof had to read.
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Opening Encounter is posted in the In-Character Thread.

New characters may join as they come.

The NPC, Elvar's classes, will change as needed depending on what classes the PC's are.
If someone else wants to be a cleric or ranger I may change Elvar's class to something else.
Feel free to play what you want. I may remove him complete as well. We will see.
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First Post
I saw your post in the Recruitment thread, and I looked at this campaign. Took me a bit to decide, but I believe that I will join. First of all, I absolutely LOVE Homebrew campaigns. I think that they're almost always more interesting than the cut-and-dry, overused campaign settings implemented in most of my real-life games, and that they always have a unique flavor to them. I did have a few things that I had to consider, such as this being a Gestalt game. I never really liked them, but I never really played them. But, then again, I'm a "start at 1st level, no LAs" kind of person, so I'm a little biased against high-powered campaigns. But I liked this idea so much that I decided to put my prejudices behind and jump in, for better or for worse.

If you will have me in this campaign, please read on to some personal details on how I play. If not, read no further, and please, simply tell me that I am not required at this time, and I shall leave without a fuss.

Firstly, I do have a good amount of D&D experience, but none at all in PbP. I am a little short of money, so I am only in possession of the Core Rules (PHB, DMG, MM1), but I am intimately familiar with most aspects of them. However, I do have a friend with many sourcebooks, and I can borrow from him as needed. Any material not from a Core book should be more or less accurate, but as I tend to return these books quickly and read hastily, if I make a mistake, simply tell me. I will correct it.

Usually, I can add a post every day of the week, multiple times per day if things speed up, but I can only post between 3 PM and around 10-11 PM (US Eastern time); in other words, after school. I can post at almost ANY time on Saturdays, but I am usually occupied on Saturday nights from about 6 to 11 PM. I might be able to snipe off a quick post after 11, though. The only major restriction I have is that I cannot post at all, with exceptions being exceedingly rare, on Sundays. My family believes Sunday to be a day of rest, and as such, all video games and computer use is generally suspended. Not an entirely bad policy, but it will restrict me from posting on Sundays. Any vacations I take in which I will be gone for an extended period of time you will be notified of, assuming I will not have a computer handy. I do get into a spot of trouble now and then, but I will attempt to avoid grounding and restriction of computer use. In the event that the right to use the computer is suspended, I will notify you immediately, as my last action granted to me by my parents.

As for roleplaying notes, I do write occasionally, with some degree of skill. I am particularly careful about spelling, and I do have a decent vocabulary, but with that comes the tendency to be a bit verbose. I will try to avoid this when unnecessary, but during my character's speech, it may come up. Fear not, as it is most characteristic of my character.

As for personal information... I generally do not share such trivialities online. But I am more than comfortable with informing you that I am a high-school student, I am located in North Carolina (and as such operate on US Eastern time), and, for sake of referring to me as a person, I am of the male gender. As for my name in real-life... as far as you know, it is Nazhkandrias. I am not attempting to be unfriendly, just safe.

And, so ends my introduction. For the sake of not fabricating the dreaded Post That Never Ends, I will provide character details in a separate post. I will put stats and such in a Spoiler Box, and will add them to the Rogue's Gallery if you should choose to allow me the privelage to take part in this story. My deepest thanks if you do.

Voidrunner's Codex

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