OOC Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP by MLeibrock and Scotley


Have a good trip, Scotley! Don't let the fact that we were 'the Jonesboro Hurricane' in high school influence your desires to miss the weather.

Hahaha, maybe the storm was sympathetic to a Hurricane alum, it was really not a big deal at Orange Beach. We arrived a couple hours before the storm and stayed about a mile inland the first night before venturing to the beach house, which was all boarded up the morning after. I did get drenched by a thunderstorm at the leading edge of the storm going for Chinese take out (literally the only restaurant open for miles around). But the actual hurricane came and went without causing any damage or trouble where we were. I saw that the Mississippi Gulf coast across mobile bay from us got hit a little worse. Sunday the surf was still too rough to get out in the ocean, but we had a pool at the house. The rest of our stay the weather was great. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. Now I'm ready to game.

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I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to withdraw from this game. I have no idea what's going on at the moment. You and the other PCs deserve better, so I'm stepping aside. Thanks for the game!


I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to withdraw from this game. I have no idea what's going on at the moment. You and the other PCs deserve better, so I'm stepping aside. Thanks for the game!

Sorry to see you go, but I understand. I'm sure we can work you back in at some point in the future should you desire.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
A few things struck me as I read through the last few IC posts.

First - having so much OOC chatter in the IC thread makes it really hard for me to winnow out the bits that actually are IC. I'm respectfully requesting that OOC stuff be put either in spoilers or in the OOC thread, just to help me keep it sorted.

Second - it occurs to me that every time we "talk tactics" out of character the metagaming robs us of a great opportunity for role play (vs roll play). That stuff could just as easily be said in-character... just sayin'...


First Post
Good points both. I will take that to heart moving forward. Lately I've been trying to squeeze posts in whenever I have a moment, and it hasn't been doing any favors for the quality of the posting. :(


Queen of Everything
And I totally missed where Scotley said he was waiting on Mel... I was like, who is that?? And why haven't I posted in so long?? :duh:

So, I should probably admit, my mind has been a mess lately. As in mama brain... I'm 18 weeks pregnant and losing my mind lol. I'm so sorry. Life is always chaos here and this isn't helping.

I put up my initiative (as you will see, my mind is so crazy I rolled a 73 lol) and since as usual I'm going last, I will just wait to see what happens. :D

edit: To add to what [MENTION=29558]Maidhc O Casain[/MENTION] said, I would love to have more role play. That's what keeps me in a game and pure rolling kind of bores me in the end. SO I'm all for more role play and trying to keep OOG in spoilers.

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