(OOC) Tal'Dorei 5e

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Over the weekend, I'll try to get a character portrait together and iron out a few inconsistencies in Cielo's backstory. It's a bit of a mess right now; it took me too long to decide if I wanted to play a Warlock or a Sorcerer.

Wondering if we should have any connections. I imagine that I’ve met @FitzTheRuke ’s character at some point when he arrested mine for loitering or something. Maybe in the early days, when he first came to town.

Now, at 17, he’s been working as an apprentice carpenter and living in a dingy apartment, barely able to make ends meet.

I’m open to any suggestions.
Throwing this in here too.


I'd like to know a little about my relationship with Brod before posting. Am I investigating him undercover? Did I take a leave of absence from the watch to help a friend? Did my superiors tell me to go do this job (either officially or unofficially)?

Is the answer to the above question up to me to decide, or are there behind-the-screen plans?


I was thinking that our characters might not have the most savoury relationship? You know, Tal was a drifter and a beggar and maybe a need up in jail a couple times. He’s turned things around in the last year or so, so I’m not sure what your character would think about that. My character probably wouldn’t like you because of your position.

The other option is that your character was actually kind to Tal the few times he got locked up. Not sure how outlook on things.



I was thinking that our characters might not have the most savoury relationship? You know, Tal was a drifter and a beggar and maybe a need up in jail a couple times. He’s turned things around in the last year or so, so I’m not sure what your character would think about that. My character probably wouldn’t like you because of your position.

The other option is that your character was actually kind to Tal the few times he got locked up. Not sure how outlook on things.
Yeah. Not quite sure yet. My intention for the character is that he is very serious about solving the case, not so much about doing it by-the-book. Happy to take valuables that "won't be missed". His attitude toward you probably depends on the severity of your crimes, and your motivations. He'd be sympathetic to a street kid who is doing what they need to in order to get by. Less so if there's victims involved.

We can say for sure that their relationship is complicated.

Yeah. Not quite sure yet. My intention for the character is that he is very serious about solving the case, not so much about doing it by-the-book. Happy to take valuables that "won't be missed". His attitude toward you probably depends on the severity of your crimes, and your motivations. He'd be sympathetic to a street kid who is doing what they need to in order to get by. Less so if there's victims involved.

We can say for sure that their relationship is complicated.
Probably more arrested for vagrancy, loitering, maybe just being caught with the wrong crowd at the wrong time, public complaints by business owners. Maybe petty theft when he was really desperate. Definitely, fighting and assault. Mostly against other rough and tumble gang-types that didn’t want him on their turf. If the police is crooked, arresting him and then taking his money for ‘bail’. Personality-wise, he’s trying to make a better life for himself but he’s been marked as a trouble maker/nuisance and is having a hard time escaping that and probably has a bad relationship with the ‘law’ in general.


Probably more arrested for vagrancy, loitering, maybe just being caught with the wrong crowd at the wrong time, public complaints by business owners. Maybe petty theft when he was really desperate. Definitely, fighting and assault. Mostly against other rough and tumble gang-types that didn’t want him on their turf. If the police is crooked, arresting him and then taking his money for ‘bail’. Personality-wise, he’s trying to make a better life for himself but he’s been marked as a trouble maker/nuisance and is having a hard time escaping that and probably has a bad relationship with the ‘law’ in general.
My character wouldn't take your money for bail, but you've probably had others do it, and therefore expect him to be capable of the same.

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