Scars Unseen
Probably. But as it gets used in todays climate? No. I am not a fan of how deplatforming and cancel culture tend to get applied (which is usually to exaggerate a person's offense, pressure a platform to remove them, and tar anyone who even likes, agrees, or defends them with the same). I don't support social ostracization, and I don't support taking away a person's livelihood (especially given how dangerous it can be for a person in a country with a weak social safety net). I am not going to say never because I can imagine scenarios where someone is using a platform to stalk someone, or engineer violence against a person. But as I've seen it used in the hobby, on twitter, etc? I think it brings out the worst in us, makes us more tribal and weakens our ability to engage one another.
Agreed. I've posted this video before, but Lindsay Ellis' harassment is a good example of how our tendency to jump to judgement of not only content, but the people making said content can be substantially harmful. It's worth noting that while she says she's fine in that video, after 6 more months of constant harassment, she quit, going so far as to say she regretted ever making anything at all.
Making purchasing, reading and viewing decisions based on your own standards and sense of ethics or morals is something we all can and should do on a daily basis where possible. But we should be cautious of joining a mob, be it physical or online, because the mob is neither ethical, nor moral. The mob is momentum, and once it gets going, it often hurts those vulnerable to being hurt more than it does people deserving of censure. And when those people get hurt, everyone who played a part in building that momentum earns at least a small part of the blame.