Original Star Wars actors to take center stage in new movie

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Why? He's right. The new Star Trek is as horrid as the Star wars prequels.

Despite some quibbles, I mostly enjoyed the first Trek film. I thought it laid the groundwork for an interesting new spin on things and as others have mentioned, the casting was phenomenal. The whole thing went badly off the rails, though, with Into Darkness. It was just...bad. As an enormous fan of TOS, I can't even begin to convey my epic disappointment.

As for the new Star Wars films, I don't want to see the original characters. They had their moment in the spotlight. It's time for new characters and new stories. If it were up to me, Episode VII would take place a couple of generations after RotJ.

It depends a lot on how they do this. if it's an action-packed movie, the old actors can't really be center stage. But if it's not action-packed, how well would it work as Star Wars movie?

Not everyone can age as gracefully as Mary McDonnell or Sally Field, but some of the photos people might have seen of Carrie Fisher probably make her look way worse then she would with proper makeup and lighting. We might not want to see her in a slave outfit, but in the robes of a Chancellor or Senator?
Man, this picture is a bit big.
And I don't even want to open the can of worms of sexism inherent in question the viability of an actress because of her age or looks.

ST Voyager and SG Universe both had this in spades.

I hate that people who are on a space ship/alien planet think they are not supposed to be the ones out there. If you really think about it they are the teams best trained for these missions.

Then again Voyager also had a problem with consistant writing... day 1 follow prime directive means can't go home... so they do day 2 follow prime directive means they would get home if they follow it... so throw it out and break the rules to screw yourself...
Voyager was theoretically a mix of a Maquis crew and only a part of the original Voyager crew (which was sent on a mission to hunt the Maquis crew, not perform deep space exploration). Of course, that many of them were Maquis was forgotten most of the time. Voyagers lack of consistent writing was and has always been terrible.
But even if they were explorers - not being able to send their gained knowledge home would weaken the value of their exploration.

Stargate Universe crew had a similar problem - lots of the people aboard where not even meant for the mission they found themselves on, and they lost people that would have been needed.

But from the too, I definitely prefer SGU. the interesting part was - they might have wanted to get home, but they knew they had no chance of going back with the ship, and they were trying to figure out that mission. Too bad it was cancelled...
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First Post
I know, man. I never understood the hate for SG:U. I get that it wasn't all jokes and silliness like SG:1 and Atlantis but it was supposed to be a different take on the franchise. I liked it and I thought it had a lot of potential. When they cancelled it I basically stopped watching Siffy programming.

I know, man. I never understood the hate for SG:U. I get that it wasn't all jokes and silliness like SG:1 and Atlantis but it was supposed to be a different take on the franchise. I liked it and I thought it had a lot of potential. When they cancelled it I basically stopped watching Siffy programming.
I think it can be understood - Many fans wanted more SG:1 and Atlantis, they didn't really want a different take.
And the people that might have liked a different take - probably expected more along the lines of SG:1 and SGA and didn't try it out in the first place.

And then there is the subset of the people that simply didn't like it because it was too dark, the characters weren't sympathetic enough. That was a problem that BSG also had, but it was much more obvious this would be different (because no one makes shows like in the 80s more :p ).

One aspect that I loved about SGU was that it brought back a sense of wonder to Science Fiction. Communicating with aliens (while ultimately still too easy to be "realistic"), wasn't as easy, and they really didn't know the answers or had all the tools to get them. Things remained mysterious for a long time. When they revealed the mission of the Destiny, there was yet another fascinating mystery.

Of course, some might have wanted to see more of this exploration and wonder aspect then of the "soapy" stuff. It's not easy to get the mixture right for a sufficiently large audience, and I suppose, ultimately SGU failed. But it had appeal to you or me (and many others), and it is sad that we'll never have a resolution.


First Post
I never got the interest in SG: SG1 at all. That thing was bad and cheap.

The first couple of seasons are ... abominable. After that, though, it gets better. I had the same thoughts on it until I saw some episodes from later seasons. I absolutely hate the first few.

I think it can be understood - Many fans wanted more SG:1 and Atlantis, they didn't really want a different take.
And the people that might have liked a different take - probably expected more along the lines of SG:1 and SGA and didn't try it out in the first place.

And then there is the subset of the people that simply didn't like it because it was too dark, the characters weren't sympathetic enough. That was a problem that BSG also had, but it was much more obvious this would be different (because no one makes shows like in the 80s more :p ).

One aspect that I loved about SGU was that it brought back a sense of wonder to Science Fiction. Communicating with aliens (while ultimately still too easy to be "realistic"), wasn't as easy, and they really didn't know the answers or had all the tools to get them. Things remained mysterious for a long time. When they revealed the mission of the Destiny, there was yet another fascinating mystery.

Of course, some might have wanted to see more of this exploration and wonder aspect then of the "soapy" stuff. It's not easy to get the mixture right for a sufficiently large audience, and I suppose, ultimately SGU failed. But it had appeal to you or me (and many others), and it is sad that we'll never have a resolution.

It's amazing (in that it's not amazing) that so many people want the same damned thing over and over again. I thought SG:U had some real potential because it was different but familiar. Meh, whatchagonnado?

SG:U was BSG reboot angst and moping with Lost-style all sphincter characters wrapped in Star Gate clothing.

No, it wasn't.

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