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[OT] America's Army


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As an avid AAO player, I have to agree on one very important point: this isn't Quake, Counterstrike or any other FPS you've played before. You must communicate and coordinate with your squad in order to stay alive, much less win.

A few points of difference in gameplay:

1. Bunny hopping does you no good. A true marksman aims for centre mass and soldiers in the game jump a cuople of feet, max. Result, no effect. Not that you need it, because the only explosives in the game are unimpressed with how far away you are, just whether they have LOS to you. Furthermore, you can't fire while you're jumping and running (just like real life where the kick of the rifle will knock you on your a33), and you give away your position by visual means and by the very audible 'uhn' when you land.

2. Running into the enemy is dumb. You will die (again, like real life). You're best bet is to move cautiously and in concert with covering fire from your team-mates. Crawling is good.

3. there is no such thing as 'camping' in this game. It's called defense if you're on defense. When you have a sniper rifle, it's called sniping. When you're on offense, have the Squad Auto Weapon (read heavy MG) and you have a time limit to achieve your objectives, it's called supporting the advance, unless you spend the entire time in hiding and not supporting your squad, where it's called cowering.

4. Patience is of utmost importance. Sometimes sitting and waiting for the enemy is the best plan, especially when you're on defense. Twitchy trigger fingers and a need to run around willy nilly can get your entire team killed by exposing their position and by a lack of numbers to defend an objective caused by your running off and getting your self killed.

5. If it doesn't work in real life, it won't work here. So don't run around firing a SAW and expect to hit anything with it. You aren't Rambo and Rambo isn't reality...

6. Killing teammates gets you kicked and sent to (virtual) prison. So you have to watch your fire, watch where you throw grenades and check targets. Teamwork and coordination can prevent the majority of 'freindly fire' incidents.

7. Rushing off without support gets you KIA, as all it takes is a few shots at most to take you out, unlike Quake or Counter strike, where you can take 20 rounds and find a medi-kit lying on the ground to auto heal you. There are no power-ups in AAO.

8. ROE, or rules of engagement, are important. Violating them can lose you a choice of weapons, command and lead to your being kicked from the game automatically, once they reach a certain level. Only the most trusted soldiers can use a sniper rifle or lead the team.


I think that about sums up the apples and oranges difference between the two games. They are not even close.

I enjoy a thinking mans FPS, personally, and AAO is just that. If you're looking for run, gun, gore, and respawn, ad infinitum, you would probably be better off with something else, although you really should give it a try. It is completely free, and available on CD from your local Army recruiter...

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Nope. If my schedule were a little more regular, I definately would, but for now I'm doing the unemployment/freelance shuffle. I'll admit, though, that playing with a group of regular players has a great appeal for me. All it takes is one rambo to throw the whole game off for me.

As an example, I played Mountain Ambush the other night and the SSG kept running off without any escort and getting killed. The times he didn't get killed, a lot of us did trying to keep him alive as he ran full speed all over the map trying to rack up goals like it was some kind of marathon. [For those outside the game, this mission involves escorting the Sargent to three seperate checkpoints while the enemy attempts to knock him off. Most of the time, they haunt one checkpoint and send hunter-killer teams off to ambush him, so it's good to communicate whether an area is clear or not and for the Sarge to wait for that all clear before attempting to take it. He has to take three, after all, and he only get's one life...]

For anyone else reading this, don't let that discourage you from playing. Non-team players are a constant in any game, but they're becoming rarer in AAO. And when you do get on a game where the players all cooperate,... man, there is no feeling like being part of a well oiled combat machine! You can almost hear the virtual beer tabs being pulled after winning a match...


First Post
Nathanael said:
As an avid AAO player, I have to agree on one very important point: this isn't Quake, Counterstrike or any other FPS you've played before. You must communicate and coordinate with your squad in order to stay alive, much less win.

A few points of difference in gameplay:

1. Bunny hopping does you no good. A true marksman aims for centre mass and soldiers in the game jump a cuople of feet, max. Result, no effect. Not that you need it, because the only explosives in the game are unimpressed with how far away you are, just whether they have LOS to you. Furthermore, you can't fire while you're jumping and running (just like real life where the kick of the rifle will knock you on your a33), and you give away your position by visual means and by the very audible 'uhn' when you land.

2. Running into the enemy is dumb. You will die (again, like real life). You're best bet is to move cautiously and in concert with covering fire from your team-mates. Crawling is good.

3. there is no such thing as 'camping' in this game. It's called defense if you're on defense. When you have a sniper rifle, it's called sniping. When you're on offense, have the Squad Auto Weapon (read heavy MG) and you have a time limit to achieve your objectives, it's called supporting the advance, unless you spend the entire time in hiding and not supporting your squad, where it's called cowering.

4. Patience is of utmost importance. Sometimes sitting and waiting for the enemy is the best plan, especially when you're on defense. Twitchy trigger fingers and a need to run around willy nilly can get your entire team killed by exposing their position and by a lack of numbers to defend an objective caused by your running off and getting your self killed.

5. If it doesn't work in real life, it won't work here. So don't run around firing a SAW and expect to hit anything with it. You aren't Rambo and Rambo isn't reality...

6. Killing teammates gets you kicked and sent to (virtual) prison. So you have to watch your fire, watch where you throw grenades and check targets. Teamwork and coordination can prevent the majority of 'freindly fire' incidents.

7. Rushing off without support gets you KIA, as all it takes is a few shots at most to take you out, unlike Quake or Counter strike, where you can take 20 rounds and find a medi-kit lying on the ground to auto heal you. There are no power-ups in AAO.

8. ROE, or rules of engagement, are important. Violating them can lose you a choice of weapons, command and lead to your being kicked from the game automatically, once they reach a certain level. Only the most trusted soldiers can use a sniper rifle or lead the team.


I think that about sums up the apples and oranges difference between the two games. They are not even close.

I enjoy a thinking mans FPS, personally, and AAO is just that. If you're looking for run, gun, gore, and respawn, ad infinitum, you would probably be better off with something else, although you really should give it a try. It is completely free, and available on CD from your local Army recruiter...

Well then...considering how 99.99999% of all people playing online are complete and utter twits, it sounds like the game is completely unplayable. :)


First Post
Sm!rk said:

...then the person with the gun rules the world (Note: Edited out unnecessarily rude remark. And just in case you're wondering: No, the smiley at the end of the post didn't make it any better. - Darkness)

I fail to see what was rude about my remark. A coward is a coward. If you are a coward, you are what you are, me naming that isn't making it any worse or better.

The point was that if someone has a weapon that kills and is trying to take power with that, someone else is going to have to risk dying in order to take it away. If that someone else is not you, then you are a coward.

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