"Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part One)

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First Post
Yeesh, for being an elf, Tirhas is amazingly crappy with the bow. Also, what's up with Kazrack? At first he seemed heroic, but now it just seems like he's trying his damndest to kill himself. He needs to meet Wulf. ;)


First Post
nemmerle said:
Session #24 (part III)he saw Beorth coming out.

“Thank Isis!” Martin cried. “Beorth, hurry. We need your help!”

End of Session #24

Way to end a session. Will the player of Beorth actualy return in session 25, or did you decide that they desparately needed help?

Martin Olarin

First Post
QUOTE]Originally posted by KidCthulhu
What is the sound of one party getting their collective a** kicked? Boy, oh boy. [/QUOTE]

Yes, but keep in mind that it was mostly brought on by our own mistakes. Kazrack still isn't sure how we would have handled that main chamber - at the time he, and I think the rest of the group, got the impression there were dozens upon dozens of those things in addition to whoever owned the female voice Ratchis heard. He had some ideas but they ultimately didn't pan out. Don't want to say why and ruin the story:)
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Wow, Nemm, that's a party crushing that even Old One would be proud of.

That said, although the party got themselves into deep, err, stuff due to some, umm, suboptimal choices, they then did several things right, IMHO:

1) Martin's illusion and shelter spells saving the day - way to go spellcasters!

2) The party knew they were overmatched and bugged out - many parties never know when to quit, you guys did.

3) Martin and Jana showing major guts in the right moment. Sometimes, when the fighter's arm is broken, the witch takes rear guard and the Wizard goes for help. Cool!

Have to agree that Kazrack is displaying a major deathwish. I hope it's just good roleplay and not indicative that the player is getting sick of the character. Kazrack, like everyone else in this party, is very well-played - he would be missed.

Oh yeah, three more words:



Moderator Emeritus
MavrickWeirdo said:
nemmerle said:
Session #24 (part III)he saw Beorth coming out.

“Thank Isis!” Martin cried. “Beorth, hurry. We need your help!”

End of Session #24

Way to end a session. Will the player of Beorth actualy return in session 25, or did you decide that they desparately needed help?

Actually, the funny thing is Brian (Beorth's player) was at that session - but Martin's player wasn't. So Brian played Martin since Beorth could not reasonabley be re-introduced at that time.

It worked out perfectly.


First Post
Just caught up on the last 3 or 4 sessions. Wow! I was expecting at least one PC death. Your players made some very smart decisions at the right time. This story hour just gets better and better.

Have they found out what happened to Silverback?

Martin Olarin

First Post

Pillars of Hercules said:

Have to agree that Kazrack is displaying a major deathwish. I hope it's just good roleplay and not indicative that the player is getting sick of the character. Kazrack, like everyone else in this party, is very well-played - he would be missed.

Jesus, one of the player's at the time intimated this as well. While certain out of game things have me enjoying him less I am by no means tired of playing him. I was simply roleplaying a character who is not afraid to die and views life given saving others as a virtual guarantee into the Dwarven view of heaven. Add to this certain initial assumptions that later proved false and he acted the only way I can see him acting. Those initial assumptions were that there dozens of those Quaggaths about to overrun us out of the darkness and that I would have a better chance of wrapping the rope around my arm and holding on than Jana would have of climbing. As it turned out Nemm had a side passage nearby and choose not to have us overrun and Jana proved to be an adequate climber (I also simply didn't think of her climbing immediately after me). There was no way for me to have known about the side passage and only "faith" that the DM won't kill off a whole party would have suggested that no more than 4 or 5 of those creatures would show up. As far as assuming I had a better shot of making it up the cliff second than Jana - sue me for being a little mesoginist. Sue me also for not wanting a failing of my character's (the arm) to kill off someone else.

If I wanted to get rid of Kazrack I would simply have him leave to act on personal quests I never expect Nemm to do in game.

I guess the impression of my co-player's and the readers' here is the result of not getting into Kazrack's thoughts. My co-player can't because I'm not one of those players who voice's the character's motivations every second and you reader's can't because Nemm doesn't portray them unless spoken out loud - could be a stylistic choice but probably has at least something to do with him being as much a spectator as the others.

Anyway, since we are on the subject of loosing characters, I'll ask the board a question I've discussed with some in my current group: How upset do you get when a charater dies? And if you get upset - why? If too many people are interested (doubtful) in discussing this we should move it to another thread. I for one don't get too upset as long as the death is a "good" one from a story telling point of view. If Kazrack died in the encounter above, I would have been unhappy to see a well developed character go, but I would have consoled myself with his dieing in a good way (if his damn arm hadn't broken) and the joy of making a new character - which is only slightly dampened by Nemm's using an, in my opinion, archaic, war-gaming mentality hold over from the '70s that survives only through social inirtia:) I speak, of course, of the dreaded xp hit for new characters. I'm sure I'm in a minority on this one and Nemm is leniant when it comes to this but I still hate it:) If people are interested I would love to get others thoughts in another thread.

Re: Re: OUCH!

Martin Olarin said:

As it turned out Nemm had a side passage nearby and choose not to have us overrun and Jana proved to be an adequate climber (I also simply didn't think of her climbing immediately after me). There was no way for me to have known about the side passage and only "faith" that the DM won't kill off a whole party would have suggested that no more than 4 or 5 of those creatures would show up. As far as assuming I had a better shot of making it up the cliff second than Jana - sue me for being a little mesoginist. Sue me also for not wanting a failing of my character's (the arm) to kill off someone else.

I guess the impression of my co-player's and the readers' here is the result of not getting into Kazrack's thoughts. My co-player can't because I'm not one of those players who voice's the character's motivations every second and you reader's can't because Nemm doesn't portray them unless spoken out loud - could be a stylistic choice but probably has at least something to do with him being as much a spectator as the others.

Good to know! We all love Kazrack and I think we were just a little concerned. I agree that until the side passage was found things seemed grim, and that if Kazrack went down saving the party it would have been a worthy death. I thought it was cool that at the end of the fight Kazrack was living "on borrowed time" due to the temporary HP from spells and his cup.
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