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Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)


Where's a damn grenade when you need one? Tal's mind starts to wander to his next black market shopping trip.

"That's more blaster fire than I care to step out into," he says, his voice growling through his face shield.

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Bol stays put and uses the frame of the door as cover. He fires a shot into the room at the left most soldier. Glancing back at Tal, he retorts, "What'dya want me to do? I can close the door, but we gotta get in there so we can get out of here!"
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Femi plunges through the door into the room, moving towards the right, away from the soldier targeted by Bol. He ignites his lightsaber as he goes, and swings it at the first enemy he is able to reach.


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Even though firing out of cover, Bol's expertise with blasters shows as his shot hits home, sending one of the gunmen sprawling backwards. The torrent of fire seems to follow Femi as he rushes the nearest soldier, but none of it connects. The young Jedi's lightsaber neatly severs the man's hand, he also joins his comrade on the ground, holding his arm. Some of the blaster fire reaches out into the hallway, but hits nothing but bulkhead. Lun Kura has vanished into the next room.

Dire Lemming

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Kesler waits for the opportune moment and darts across to the other side of the doorway while the gunmen are distracted by Bol and Femi. Once behind cover again he takes a shot at the closest gunman still standing.

[sblock=OOC]Stun if within range, otherwise normal single shot. It's been a while so here's my blaster again: SoroSuub ELG-3A: +3 attack, 3d6 damage, 20 crit, 10m range, Stun DC 17

BTW: Anything about the gunmen stand out? Does Kesler recognize their species? Are they wearing uniforms, helmets, masks? Or do they just look like typical Mos Eisly violent trash for hire.[/sblock]

Ignoring the downed gunman, Femi moves to the next closest one as quickly as possible, twirling his lightsaber as he moves, hoping to possibly intimidating some of the others into fleeing. When he reaches the nearest gunman, he attacks again, hoping to achieve similar results.


Tal shrugs as the young jedi rushes the room. "I didn't live this long takin' all the chances I come across," he says with a grin. Following the group, he shoots for maximum accuracy rather than volume, attempting to eliminate any guards standing between the rogues and the door.


Bol watches as his bolt knocks the soldier over and then sees the jedi a split second later slice another soldiers hand off. He hadn't had much time to think about it, but he was curious now. Perhaps this guy was a jedi. After all, he held his own against that other guy with the lightsaber.

Not wanting to dwell on it too long, Bol concentrated and aimed his blaster at the next soldier in from the left. He squeezed off another shot and then moved into the room trying to find suitable cover.


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Kesler spends a moment attempting to discern the identity of these men shooting at them and it costs him his accuracy as the bolt he fires ricochets off of a far wall. Bol and Tal are not so hindered and thus their fire finds homes in the bodies of two more of the soldiers. One of the men that had been shot before recovers slightly and attempts to fire a shot but misses wildy. He takes aim for another, but is taken down by Femi's saber.

The groaning from the four men on the ground indicate that they are still alive, but it appears that they have been morally beaten.

[sblock=Kesler]These men are all wearing blue and orange colored uniforms. You know that that is the same color that the local militia uses. Whether these men actually are the local militia is a another question entirely, but those DH-16 pistols sure look like the ones the ones the militia uses.[/sblock]

Dire Lemming

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Kesler approaches the men, moving around so that they no longer have cover, "Alright, no one try anything stupid and none of you have to die, just drop your weapons and kick them away. Do that and I'll make sure none of you bleed to death." he still has his blaster ready to fire if anyone raises theirs. From here he tries to determine what he can about the soldiers' wounds and whether any of them are particularly serious. If they do as they are asked he will put away his blaster and come closer to try to do what he can for them as far as stopping continued damage. While he works; "Hold still, this may sting a bit. So what the heck are you guys doing helping him?"

[sblock=OOC]For Yoda's sake people! I was waiting for someone to post first but it looks like my cowardly character is forced to take the initiative again!

Ready action, to fire a stun bolt at any of them that try to aim their weapons rather than drop them. Once they've kicked their weapons away; Treat Injury +11(I'm not exactly sure how my equipment will help with this.) Also Diplomacy +4.[/sblock]
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