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Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)


First Post
The look of bewilderment on Delta Six's face was unique, even for a clone. He had just been ordered to kill off his friends that he had helped fight this war for some time, but orders were orders and the clones knew that no order from the Chancellor could be ignored. They were not to question why, only to obey. One of the clone gunners in his ship spoke up, breaking him out of his fog temporarily. "Sir? Sir! We've been ordered to kill the Jedi. They are traitors to the Republic. Turn the ship so we can fire at them. Sir!?"

Six turned the comlink in his helmet off. He would not fire on his friends, not today. Increasing the throttle to maximum, he pushed the LAAT as far as he could to get the gunners out of range of the Jedi. He then heard a mechanical whir as one of the outboard guns re-entered the hull. "Sir, our orders are to kill the Jedi. Disobeying orders is traitorous to the Republic. Do not make me kill you sir."

The Droid Starfighter continues its attack run, turning to keep on the running insurgents, vaporizing one as it flies overhead. Callon turns just in time to see his comrade turn into ionized molecules before his eyes. Knowing that he could have been the one hit, he decides that he and his men need to find cover fast until... Callon looks up and notices the LAAT getting out of there as fast as it can, he also sees the Clone troopers on the ground hesitate. "Men! Get under cover fast, I don't know what's going on but it can't be good." Farther away, from the safety of the forest, the shaman Miran watches helplessly as her tribesmen are cut down by the droid fighter. She wished she could help, but using her power drained her.

The Jedi Padawan, Ka-Femi-Odo, unsure of what is happening, tentatively starts walking forward, but stops when he gets a sense of confusion coming from the Clone Troopers. His lightsaber instinctively returns to its guarding position when the confusion suddenly stops and they turn towards him.

"You three, finish off the Separatists. We'll take care of the Jedi." The sergeant then pointed his weapon towards Ka-Femi and opened fire. The wall of blaster fire was mostly deflected by the Jedi Padawan, except for one shot that grazed his arm. Desperate and unsure, he breathed a sigh of quick relief as one of the clones was hit by a blaster shot coming from the buildings near the array.

The mostly hidden mercenary continued his previous course, taking advantage of the confusion among the clones to take one of them down. Farther away, hidden among the trees, DRK-1X observes what it can of the battle. It seems the fighting at the command center has died down, but the lines of battle here have just been redrawn...

Delta Six(26, NPCd) Treated as under a confusion effect. Will save to act normally. (Will: 14+1 = vs. DC15). Increases speed to Ramming, moves 10 squares (500 meters) straight ahead.

Droid Starfighter(25) remains at cruising speed. Quick Turns 45 degrees (Pilot: 10+10 =20 vs. DC 10) and closes 50 meters to fire on insurgents. Atk: 9+8-2(range) =15 vs, Def 11. Dmg. 66. Insurgent dies.

Callon(22, NPCd) runs forward 24 meters and behind cover, after taking free action to give orders.

Ka-Femi(18) Maintains Total Defense while taking a 2 meter step, making his Def 21 (22 vs. Blasters). Note: I took liberty to keep you at full defense because of what is about to happen... Because of using deflect, you will only have a single action next round.

Miran(14) holds back, waiting and watching. Note: As a full round action, you could start healing yourself....

Raek(10, NPCd) fires at the same Clonetrooper he hit before. (Atk: Nat 19 Confirm: 2+5-4(fighting from cover)-2 (54m) =1 vs. Def 13, Dmg: 15 -5DR =10. Clone #1 goes down.

Callon's Troops(9) Move towards cover at top speed.

DRK-1X(7) moves forward 32 meters towards the cover of trees near the edge of the array with T10+22-5(moving) =27 Hide and T10+12-5(moving) =17 Move Silently. Now 1354 meters from Hangar. Actively scanning is a full round action, and since you double moved, this would be a reaction roll, but I rolled high for you anyway, so... Spot: 17+15 =32. You easily spot the LAAT going past you over head, and you can see one droid still moving among the buildings near the array. Anything else is too far to see or blocked by the array. On the other side of the battle, towards the command center, the trees block most of your vision, but in the sky you can see that most of the LAATs are leaving the area.

Clonetroopers(7) group one fires at Ka-Femi. Sergeant Atk1: 16+9-2(16m) =23 vs. Def 22, Atk2: 11+4-2(16m) =13 vs. Def 22. Dam: 12. Ka-Femi has 6VP remaining. Clone#2 Atk: 2+6 =8 vs. Def 22. Clone#3 Atk: 2+6 =8 vs. Def 22. Group two advances towards the array. Two hustle forward, one runs. All take cover.

Lun Xan(6) maintains Enhance Ability +6 (6 rounds remaining). Balance check to remain on mobile Droid Starfighter. (Balance: 5+4 =9 vs. DC25). Falls 8 meters. Reflex: Nat 20 vs. DC12. Takes 7 damage. Has 78VP remaining and is prone.

Super Battle Droid(2) hustles 18 meters behind cover.

Round 7 actions....


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Cognitive Processing
Insufficient data to project outcome of battle.
Insufficient data to project threat index.
Insufficient data to project probability of Mistress Dofina's survival.
Emotive Node: Uncertainty 56.7%; Frustration 23.6%; Anxiety 19.7%
Algorithmic Node: Obeisance protocols apply. Must move immediately towards hangar bay 17B
at highest possible velocity (V=10.667 m./second).
Heuristic Node: Override. Current orders do not take into account recent developments.
Additional data required.
Algorithmic Node: Override. Unquantifiable data requirement. Obeisance protocols have priority.
Emotive Node: Uncertainty 61.3%; Frustration 28.6%; Anxiety 10.1%
Unable to reach Volition Threshold.
Heuristic Node: Suspected Algorithmic Node program failure.
Execute program diagnostic.
Algorithmic Node operating at 96.4% efficiency.
Algorithmic Node: Suspected Heuristic Node program failure.
Execute program diagnostic.
Heuristic Node operating at 89.8% efficiency.
Emotive Node: Uncertainty 66.5%; Frustration 29.4%; Anxiety 4.1%
Algorithmic Node: Obeisance protocols have priority.
Heuristic Node: Override. Additional data required.
Algorithmic Node: Override. Unquantifiable data requirement.
Unable to reach Volition Threshold.
Awaiting reply (encrypted channel #782364B)

As its better judgement continues to conflict with its programming, DRK-1X slowly drifts upwards to the limit of its flight ceiling (2-meter step, up to 10 meters altitude) in an attempt to gain a better vantage point from which to observe the two battle-fronts with its telescopic and infrared sensors (full-round action to Spot +15, taking 10) while remaining hidden. (Hide +22, Move Silently +12, taking 10)

OOC: DRK-1X is trying to determine why "most of the LAATs are leaving the area" around the command center, if that half of the battle is over and which side, if any, is winning or has already won.
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First Post
ooc: thanks for the tip.

Miran tries to concentrate, pulling the last of her reserves into regaining some of her lost energy.

Realizing that something has gone terribly wrong, Ka-Femi tries to surpress his shock. With deadly blaster fire raining down around him, he looks at the Clone sergeant and tries to convince him not to attack him further, hoping that the other two might stop attacking if the sergeant does.

Calling on the force, he says, "You don't want to attack me."

OOC: Affect Mind +7 on the Clone sergeant using suggestion "You don't want to attack me."
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First Post
The LAAT continued its race away from the battle. The pilot, Delta Six, decided that he would rather take his chances with his own men than attempt to attack Jedi. Especially ones who were previously good friends. Pushing the throttle forward as far as it would go, Delta Six managed to knock the trooper behind him to the floor from the acceleration. Good bye and may the Force be with you, my friends.

The Droid starfighter continues its deadly run at the insurgents, taking another one down in its fury of blaster cannon fire. The insurgents fire back as they find cover, one grazing the machine's wing. Another insurgent's blaster destroys the last Super Battle Droid as he finds cover himself.

The Jedi Padawan Ka-Femi raises his hand in a peaceful manner. The Clone Sergeant repeats the Cerean's words. "We don't want to attack you." They lower their weapons and start making their way towards the array with the rest of their brethren, who have already taken cover.

The Bothan bounty hunter continues firing on the Clone Troopers, hoping to take more of them out before they reach his position. Jedi Master Lun Xan recovers from his fall and starts making his way towards his padawan. He speaks quickly into his comlink. "Femi? What is going on over there?"

Farther away, the sleek black spy droid continues monitoring the situation, its form unseen in the trees. It knows that the Republic troops will soon be here to mop things up. Even farther away, the Force adept woman quickly meditates to regain some of her lost strength.


Delta Six(26, NPCd) continues at maximum speed back toward the awaiting assault ship. Until/ if Melkor returns, Delta Six is effectively gone.

Droid Starfighter(25) remains at cruising speed. Fire on running insurgents Atk: 9+8 =17 vs Def 11. Dmg. 52. Another insurgent dies. Moves forward 50 meters, then quick turns 90 degrees. Pilot: 17+10 =27 vs DC10.

Callon(22, NPCd) moves forward 10 meters and fires on the last battle droid. Atk: 8+5 =13 vs Def 17 (partial cover).

Ka-Femi(18) Uses Affect Mind on Clone Sergeant, loses 4 VP, has 2 VP remaining. Roll: 17+7 =24. Clone Sergeant Will Save: 3+2 =5 vs DC15.

Miran(14) Uses Heal Self. Roll: T10+11 =21. Restores 10 VP, has 13VP remaining.

Raek(10, NPCd) Peers around the corner and takes aim at another Clone Trooper. (Atk: 7+5-2 (54m) =10 vs. Def 13.

Callon's Troops(9) Spread out among the buildings. One takes a shot at the Battle Droid. Atk: 13+4 vs Def 17(cover). Dmg: 10. Droid has 10WP remaining. Second takes a shot at the Battle Droid. Atk: Nat19 Con: 2+4 =6 vs Def 17. Dmg: 21. Droid goes down. Third takes a shot at the Droid Starfighter. Atk: 17+4+12(scale) =33 vs Def 28. Dmg: 23-DR10 =13. Droid Starfighter has 39 HP remaining.

DRK-1X(7) climbs 2 meters, at altitude 10 meters. Hide: 27 Move Silently:17. Active Spot T10+15= 25. From what you can see out towards the command center, through the smoke and haze of battle, most of the LAATs have left and only mop-up troops are being brought in. You do notice however that some LAAT/cs are bringing small walkers and landing them. You recognize them as AT-RTs. Towards the array, you can see that the last droid has been disabled and that the Droid Starfighter continues to circle the area strafing targets on the ground. You also notice that blaster fire is still being exchanged between the clones and someone near the buildings. Note: Technically the Bothan and everyone farther is too far (DC 28 just from distance) to see, but I ad hoc'd it because of the blaster fire and the fact that you do have telescopic sensors.

Clonetroopers(7) Group one lowers its weapons and turn towards the array, advancing cautiously to avoid fire. Group two advances into more cover.

Lun Xan(6) maintains Enhance Ability +6 (5 rounds remaining). Speaks into his comlink (free). Then runs 40m to get back to Femi.

Round 8 actions...



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Shadowbloodmoon said:
Note: Technically the Bothan and everyone farther is too far (DC 28 just from distance) to see, but I ad hoc'd it because of the blaster fire and the fact that you do have telescopic sensors.
Thank you for the ad hoc info but please be aware that a droid's telescopic vision reduces distance penalties to Spot checks from -1 per 4 meters of distance to only -1 per 40 meters of distance. BTW, what is the kilometer and a half of terrain like between the array and the hangar; does the forest cover the entire area?

Cognitive Processing
Datum: Republic forces have achieved victory over Separatist forces at the Command Center.
Proposition: Arrival of Republic forces reinforcements at communications array are imminent.
Proposition: Defeat of Separatist forces at communications array are imminent.
Datum: the Jedi are now enemies of the Republic.
Proposition: Republic soldiers will attempt to kill the remaining Jedi.
Proposition: If mistress Dofina is unable to reach hangar bay 17B due to tunnel collapse then
Mistress Dofina will eventually be found and captured and/or killed by Republic forces.
Proposition: DRK-1X will be unable to rescue Mistress Dofina from collapsed tunnel.
Heuristic Node: Processing.
Algorithmic Node: Obeisance protocols apply.
Heuristic Node: Override. Master preservation protocols take priority.
Heuristic Node: Alternate plan required.
Emotive Node: Inspiration 34.2%; Desperation 28.6%; Anxiety 25.9%; Excitement 11.3%
Volition Threshold reached.
Calculating flight plan.
Uploading directives to repulsorlift unit [X=+4.5m.,Y=+62.4m., Z=-9.1m., V=10.67m./second]
Awaiting reply (encrypted channel #782364B)

Having finally devised a plan, DRK-1X's repulsorlift engine hums to life as the diminutive probe droid drops down a half meter into the foliage of the tree to calculate a trajectory that will not hinder its progress but also keep it hidden from the combatants in the field as it moves eastward. A soft buzzing sound and the gentle rustling of leaves is all that can be heard as the droid tears through the wooded area, gently angling downwards as it moves so as to arrive a meter from the underbrush covered surface of the ground. (Full round run action, 64 meters, Hide +22, Move Silently +12, taking 10 and taking advantage of concealment)

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Ka-Femi breathes a sigh of relief as the troopers take off towards the array. Apparently his force suggestion had worked but he wasn't sure for how long and he had no idea what he should do given that apparently the clones wanted him dead. When his comlink went off and he heard Master Xan, he breathed another sigh of relief.

"Femi? What is going on over there?"

"I'm not quite sure, Master! The clones suddenly turned on me and began firing blasters! I was able to suggest that they stop doing so and they took off!

After finishing speaking, he again calls on the force and attempts to use its power to heal himself.

OOC: Heal Self +5


First Post
My apologies about that Ambrus, I didn't have time to grab my book and look up the sensors while I was typing.... The area between here and the hangar is mostly forest with a few smaller clearings here and there. Not much else. The hangar itself was surrounded by forest for a reason and I won't go into that because we discussed it already ;)


First Post
The confusion of the battle reigns as blaster fire flies all over the array. The Droid starfighter continues to rain down fire, this time on the advancing clone troopers. Though destructive, it fails to truly hit anything but ground.

Callon and his men spread among the buildings. Callon fires a shot around the corner at the mercenary, who barely manage to absorb the shot. The mercenary, realizing he is surrounded and that the battle was lost for his side, puts his blaster in the air. "Hey! Truce! Those clones are firing at the Jedi, I think something's up."

Unsure, Callon simply keeps his blaster trained on the Bothan. Wanting to believe him, Callon holds up his hand to stay his troops. They hold their blasters ready for further orders.

The clone troopers hold no such compunctions and as one turn to fire at the advancing Jedi Master. His lightsaber is a blur of azure as the clones' bolts are deflected away from him. Suddenly realizing what his senses had been telling him, he yells to Femi over his comlink. "Femi! It's a trap. This whole thing was a setup. Get out of here as fast as you can! No arguments, just go!" Returning his attention to the clones, the Jedi Master Lun Xan salutes with his active lightsaber. He wasn't going down alone.

Racing towards the nearest clone, Lun's lightsaber neatly cleaved the Clone in two. The Jedi's eyes then swiftly targeted the next clone...


Note: You'll notice that I have the errata inserted in my book finally....

Droid Starfighter(25) remains at cruising speed. Moves forward 50 meters, then quick turns 90 degrees. Pilot: 15+10 =25. Fire on clones. Atk: 3+8 =11 vs Def 29(+12 size, +4 cover).

Callon(22, NPCd) moves forward 2 meters and fires on the Bothan from around the corner. Atk: 11+5 =16 vs Def 13 (partial cover). Dmg: 21. Raek has 9WP remaining.

Ka-Femi(18) Full round action to Heal Self. Roll: 9+5 =14. Recovers 3 VP. Has 5VP remaining.

Miran(14, NPCd) Starts slowly advancing towards the battle. Moves forward 10 meters.

Raek(10, NPCd) Suddenly realizing he is fighting on two fronts alone, stays behind cover and does total defense. Uses free action to speak to Callon.

Callon's Troops(9) Spread out among the buildings. Holding fire.

DRK-1X(7) Runs 64 meters. Hide: 12(T10+22-20) Move Silently: 2(T10+12-20). Closest to detect is Raek. Too busy bargaining for life to notice... You can now see the entire battle.

Clonetroopers(7) Clones go for cover, Sergeant and one clone hit the deck and open fire at Lun Xan. Rest open fire at Lun Xan. Sgt Atk1: 14+9-6(30m) =17 vs. Def 24. Sgt Atk2: 6+4-6 =4 vs. Def 24. Clone 1: 7+6 =13 vs. Def 24. #2: 2+6 =8 vs. Def 24. #3: No Target. #4: 7+6 =13 vs. Def 24. #5: 18+6 =24 vs. Def 26 (Lun chooses to use Deflect).

Lun Xan(6) maintains Enhance Ability +6 (4 rounds remaining). Loses move action next round. Free action to speak to Femi. Charges Clone #5. Atk: 18+15+2(charge) =35 vs. Def 13. Dmg: 20. Clone goes down.

Round 9 actions...



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Cognitive Processing
Emotive Node: Determination 31.3%; Desperation 29.2%; Anxiety 20.5%; Excitement 19%
Tracking terrain variances.
Revising flight plan.
Uploading directives to repulsorlift unit [X=+11.4m.,Y=+49.7m., Z=+0.3m., V=10.67m./second]
Awaiting reply (encrypted channel #782364B)

Although trying to keep track of the battle's progression, DRK-1X keeps most of its sensors trained on the changing terrain and flora around it as it continues to hurtle through the wooded area a few scant decimeters above the forest floor. The small matte-black sphere keeps to the shadows as it streaks through the area, taking advantage of the concealment offered by the trees around it to stay out of sight of the combatants in the field nearby. Only a few leaves, torn free from their branches by the probe droid's extended antenna, are left to fall to earth in its wake. (Full round run action, 64 meters, Hide +22, Move Silently +12, taking 10 and taking advantage of available concealment)

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