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Pathfinder 1E Paizo no longer publishing Dungeon and Dragon


New Publisher
I'll be more clear:

I don't think I'm smarter or have more knowledge than the WotC marketing people on the viability of this. I'm speaking as a customer that likes to sit in his big leather chair, or on the couch, just even in the same room as the others in my house that are reading when reading my Dragon or Dungeon. Hate to break it to you, but my computer is in a den, with no other chairs in it. I also don't have a big comfy chair in there, as it is used to be on a computer.

As for integrating with actual D&D tools, that could have been done without this. Clearly my responses are emotional right now. The editors, authors, contributors, artists....everyone that has been involved in Dragon and Dungeon for the past few years have participated in these and other boards to an extent you just don't see from WotC (except for Shoe sometimes in the DDM world) on their boards. I feel as many of you do, that I'm losing a long time friend. I'll also be having a drink this evening, in memory of this. I was just starting to get my kids to read this magazine, now I have to put them on the computer even more? Their poor, defenseless eyes.

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The_Gneech said:
Don't laugh. If they wanted to destroy the brand, this would be a great way to start.

Jeeze, this shouldn't hurt like this. :\
I'm not laughing; I'm 100% serious. This and several other moves they've made over the last few years seem like pretty clear writing on the wall to me. The era of pen and paper RPGs is over, except as a cottage industry to a niche market. D&D as a brand is currently on life support and probably won't last to the end of the decade.


What bothers me the most is that it will be OGL content only. No more Eberron adventures (far better than the WotC ones), no more MM2-4 references, no more class options for the warlock, duskblade, or scout.



Hobo said:
I'm not laughing; I'm 100% serious. This and several other moves they've made over the last few years seem like pretty clear writing on the wall to me. The era of pen and paper RPGs is over, except as a cottage industry to a niche market. D&D as a brand is currently on life support and probably won't last to the end of the decade.

I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


>>>"For me, magazines are for reading on the couch in the middle of the night, or taking on the bus, or reading in bed on a lazy sunday morning."

>>>"I like the freedom of taking my text anywhere I want to read it be it an easy chair, outside on the porch, or lying in bed waiting for sleep to come."

This is the crux of this whole announcement to me. I was first shocked, and that was followed by phone call to my wife (whose few Dragon articles ran from 1997 through 2004). Now reading the eulogies here I'm just sad. I'm not outraged, but just sad. I mean, I subscribed in 1980. I've had those magazines, and still have them, longer than any friend, longer than my house, my wife, my car, and now they'll be gone. It's just a little tough to take. It literally is like an old friend that showed up each month and helped me remember why I love the game so much!

I'm not mad at WotC, if business is business then whatever. I like their hardcovers and will still be buying them. What could they possibly offer that would want me to subscribe to something online? I can't think of anything vital to my D&D game that would have me pay for some online offering. I'll remain open, but I read Dungeon & Dragon because of the two quotes I used above from others. I sit at my computer all day, and when I get home, unplug me! :)

I have high hopes for Pathfinder, and wish the folks at Piazo all the best. It sounds exciting, and I look forward to at least giving it a shot. And hey, these next few months should be some of the best issues of both magazines yet. Still, we'll be raising a glass with you all tonight.

-DM Jeff


First Post
Wow. I really did not see this coming.

Very unfortunate news. I have been a DRAGON subscriber for over three years now (almost as long as I've played D&D), picking up the occassional DUNGEON along the way. Getting the new issue each month has been a joy, and I've gotten a lot of inspiration from each one. Unfortunately, I have little interest in buying adventures, so it looks like this is my goodbye to Paizo publications for a while.

Still not sure what to think about Wizards' digital plans, but I plan to hold hostility over this for some time.


First Post
Drkfathr1 said:
Well, what really bothers me is that WOTC is still hiring their web programmers and designers, so this "digital initiative" isn't really even started yet, just in the planning stages. And they may have all kinds of great ideas, and good intentions, but they don't have anything to show for it yet.

Isn't this kind of like putting the cart before the horse, when you don't even have wheels yet?

Yup. I'd like to think I have a pretty good idea of how long it takes to do web projects (or at least how long it takes me, my other developer co-worker, and our project manager/web designer boss to do them), and my best guess is that unless they've got detailed designs and all their artwork ready now, what they have in four months is not going to be particularly impressive.

That isn't to say that the online initiative is a bad thing. I really like the idea. And I just let my subscription to Dungeon run out last month. But if they want to roll out something that can really replace Dungeon, Dragon, and the various online tools we all use... it'll take longer than they've got.


First Post
Holly cow! I've just read it on WotC pages. And although I wasn't buying the magazines (I can't - no distribution here) except for few interesting occasions (begging someone to bring them from holidays to more civilized countries) I feel depressed and alienated.

I feel that these magazines are integral part of D&D game. I see no other option for publishing short tidbits of information on core D&D worlds. And no - some crappy WotC e-initiative I am absolutely not interesed. Evil, evil, greedy company!!!

This is the move which will hurt players network and it will kick WotC in butt, I am pretty sure. They are doing really strange things lately though...


The tingling means it’s working!
Vanuslux said:

Where can I get me some of those glasses?

Well, it's either hopeful optimism or wailing/gnashing of teeth. :)

I suppose I'd rather look forward to something and think about cool possibilities than wring my hands over a decision that was made in a boardroom 12 months ago.

That said, yes, WotC's online efforts so far have been... terrible. I think that could be the reason why this time, they're actually hiring a full staff and devoting real resources. It could be really great.

Let me say it: ONLINE STUFF SUCKS. Not the text, but the medium. You can have the best writers in the world. ONLINE STUFF SUCKS. Unless you can hold a book or magazine in your hands, it sucks. Ever try to sit on the toilet and READ YOUR LAPTOP? WTF?

Anybody notice that online books haven't exactly taken off? It's because the medium sucks to read. It sucks to hold in your hands (oh, my laptop isn't quite like having real paper in my hands). It sucks to see. There's no NEW GAME SMELL!

I'm with you. While searchable, infinitely storable online information is much, much, much easier to actually use, it's certainly not as pleasant to read. Good thing printed game books will never go away*.


* Pathfinder!
Last edited:

Mark Hope

Can't... keep... up... with... thread....

(It was only one page long when I first noticed it!)

Anyway, I've said it plenty of times before, so once more won't hurt:

Paizo is top of the tree for d20 gaming. Nobody does it better.

I've switched my subscriptions for Dragon and Dungeon immediately over to Pathfinder. And I'll be buying some more of that fine Gamemastery goodness as well (placed a decent order last week). You guys deserve all the support that you can get.

Farewell and adieu to the magazines. Many happy years and happy memories there. Looking forward to Paizo delivering the goods!

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