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Paranoia O.R.C. and P.I.E. Full again


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shaylon said:
Oh what the hell! CHEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I detect that you are not happy *readies syringe*.

You know what they say about unhappy people? "Laugh and the world laughs with you... Cry and you die!" *smiles pleasantly and bats eyelashes*

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Here is some general background on the game. I know some people like Kevin know what the game is about but even for him arefresher course is good. Also, different people can run the game in different ways. And for people new to the game this will aid you in if you really want to continue.

The game would be run in the classic feel, which is semi funny. It won't really get zap zany, but it might get close. There will be hints and established stuff of a straight game. And if you aren't familiar with the three types, then just don't worry about it. Think Catch 22, which happens to be a personal favorite book of mine. You like Catch 22, the computer says so.

"There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle. "

Paranoia is a game set in a place called Alpha Complex. It is futuristic. All you know is parts of Alpha Complex. The Computer runs the complex and makes sure everything works. The Computer is your friend. Everything is good and happy because the Computer tells you, and he is your friend. However, everything is not always happy in Alpha Complex. There are Mutant Commie Traitors living among you. A Mutant is anyone with an unusual power. A Commie is someone who belongs to any secret society. A Traitor is anyone who goes against the computer. Any who is one of those three things is being treasonist, and the penalty of treason is to go to a confession booth and confess to the computer. After that they are executed as is the will of the Computer. And the Computer is your friend.

Alpha Complex has security like any place. Security clearance is based off of colors. Most people are infra red, then it goes the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) and finally ultra violet. Doors and hallways have certain colors (black is infra red, white is ultra violet).

You all will be troubleshooters. A trouble shooter shoots trouble. This is from the back of the book:


The Computer is happy. The Computer is crazy. The Computer will help you become happy. This will drive you crazy. Being a citizen of Alpha Complex is fun. The Computer says so, and The Computer is your friend. Many traitors threaten Alpha Complex. Many happy citizens live in Alpha Complex. Most happy citizens are crazy. Which are more dangerous—traitors or happy citizens?

Rooting out traitors will make you happy. The Computer tells you so. If you are not happy, The Computer will use you as reactor shielding. Being a Troubleshooter is fun. The Computer tells you so. Do you doubt The Computer, citizen? Troubleshooters get shot at, stabbed, mangled, incinerated, poisoned, stapled, blown to bits and accidentally executed. This is so much fun many Troubleshooters go crazy. You work with many Troubleshooters. They all carry lasers. Aren’t you glad you have a laser too? Won’t this be fun?

Stay alert! Trust no one! Keep your laser handy"

A favorite Paranoia story from RPG.Net:

The troubleshooters (PCs) walked into an elevator. The door closed and it started descending. Then the elevator shuddered to a stop and the lights went out.

There was a sudden BANG!

The lights came back on. One of the troubleshooters lay on the floor, dead, with a big hole in his chest.

The surveying characters looked at each other, then looked away. Nobody said anything. The elevator started moving, the doors opened, and they walked out as if nothing had happened leaving the body behind.

A few notes that also might be important. The game differs form you’re traditional RPGs in a few significant ways.

The Purpose of the game is to have fun but more importantly, it is to make sure I have fun. The best way to stay alive is to entertain me. And that's actually in the book, entertaining characters last longer.

But not that much longer. You will die, many, many times. That's why you have clones. Each character get 6 clones, and you can earn more as the game goes on. Character death is not just a reality, it is a mandate directive from the computer.

Character co operation is really frowned upon. You will need to work together to accomplish your goals. Heck, even if you work together chances are you will fail, just not as badly. Characters are not supposed to fully trust each other, thus the name of the game. Each character will have a responsibility in the group. So, in different circumstances a different person is in charge.

The purpose of the game is to have fun. You will be placed in no win situations. It is just the reality of the game. Bad things will happen to you. But the up side is bad things will happen to everyone else and when they do you can laugh at them.

The game is not for everyone. You don't have to be devious; you don't have to be intelligent (in fact being intelligent will only make sure that you are not Team Leader). You just have to sit back and enjoy the ride as much as anything.

more later when I feel like it. I like this game a little too much.


:( My saturday is going to be pretty absorbed by the costume contest. But I'd be happy to go on the waitlist.

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