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Part 1: The Forgotten Forge (Knight Otu judging) [Concluded]

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The man with the probe
Stulgar leads the others away from the guards, "So, where to? We should get help for Kharas."

"The satchel is important, but it should probably be returned to the university." He looks up at the rain and the dark sky, "Perhaps tomorow."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Let's quickly take him back to the Tower's Shard tavern and see if we can get some quick healing. We'll wait there for Mordin to finish with the guards and find us again, and we can read the papers there too, once we are out of the rain. It is possible that the spirits wished us to find a dying message from this man."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Weapon follows with alacrity, taking care with the dwarve's form. "Do we know that healing will be available at this inn for travelers? I have heard Jorasco's services are appropriate in this instance."
[sblock=OOC]Won't that muddle the adventure going out of the adventure into the Tavern and then back in? Remember, I'm new to "Living" worlds.[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]I've seen it before in LEW.[/SBLOCK]

"Let's try the tavern first. It's closer and the people there seem friendly. I'm sure they will help an injured man in need. From what I have heard of the Dragonmarked houses, they are greedy, selfish, and corrupt with lust for worldly possessions. They would surely charge us a premium to care for the wounded."

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]Okey dokey. I'll wait to post in the other thread until I get the okay from Erekose, in case we're attacked by a Warforged Titan or something on the way :lol:[/SBLOCK]


[sblock=ooc]Wohoo Warforged Titan it is! I've never run a game that ended up in the inn before. Try not to recruit any new party members, 6 is about all I can handle in a game while running 2.[/sblock]

Between Sgt. Dolom, his two watchpeople, and Mordin they manage to cart the provost and the warforged off rather than wait in the rain for more assistance. They head back around the other side of the Spire, disappearing in the pouring rain. The other 4 of head back towards the Tower's Shard, Weapon carrying Kharas.

[sblock=Mordin/Del]As you round the other side of Kelsa Spire you see a lift waiting for you. The lift operator seems quite irritated as he waits in the pouring rain for the City Watch. Sgt. Dolom signals him as you approach.

ooc: we'll continue in this thread in sblocks while the others head to the inn.[/sblock]


First Post
Erekose13 said:
GwydapLlew, does Del have papers for Mordin?

ooc: we'll continue in this thread in sblocks while the others head to the inn.

Yah, he's got authentic papers for Mordin. It's one of the first things I purchased. :)[/sblock]

[sblock=With the City Watch]
Erekose13 said:
As you round the other side of Kelsa Spire you see a lift waiting for you. The lift operator seems quite irritated as he waits in the pouring rain for the City Watch. Sgt. Dolom signals him as you approach.

Del trudges along, wheezing under the strain of carrying the warforged. He's quick with a smile as they carry the bodies towards the lift. "This sort of thing do be happening frequently in this neck o' the city? I don't make it up this way normally, and if people fall dead left-and-right, I'm not sure I want to."

[sblock=OOC]Is there time to make a Gather Information check on the Watch? I'm looking to see if they know anything about either the Warforged or the victim.[/sblock]

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