• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Part 1: The Forgotten Forge (Knight Otu judging) [Concluded]


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Del (Mordin the Dwarf)

Mordin keeps the friendly smile fixed on the goblin. It's good money, more than you'll see in months. Take the money and watch our backs. The shifter's shift in mood doesn't seem to faze him, although the rest of the group can tell that he's taken aback by her vehemence.

"What say ye?"

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The man with the probe
Stulgar nods to Morden to continue, but sees his sister's frustration. Never one for such negotiations, he waits silently while giving his sister an understanding look if she glances his way.


"Gold? well then yes I'd certainly be happy to show you to the valve cluster. 213 right? okay Skakan know that one." Addressing the larger crowd he turns and says, "Folks any thing you need here at the Goblin Market we've got! Loamy over there'll be happy to help you."

While the discussion is happening, Stulgar notices that one of the other shifters across the room has been paying an aweful lot of attention to their discussion. Seeing Stulgar's gaze, the shifter dissappears into the crowd.

Skakan gets down off the garbage pile handing Siobhan the stick of wax for her coppers, then collects the gold from Mordin greedily. "Come, come this way." Skakan leads the group off the main chamber and down a few twisting alleys in Under Sharn. He stops in one of the alleys and points out a narrow passage that leads to a staircase that descends deeper into the tower."Get rest now? yes? Valve cluster at bottom of stairs." he asks slyly.


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Ahki moves to block the tunnel behind the party in case the goblin tries to slip away. "All the way in, take us to the valve cluster itself. No tricks."


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Kharas look at Akhi after he throw that comment... but decide to not add anything. He feel a bit out of his place, even with so much stone around him. He is not use to teh street s of Sharn, and that seems to be the dirtiest you can find down here.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Weapon sees the manuerving of the human to keep the goblin in line, and does nothing to stop him. Sharn was a rough place, and there were rough times ahead. He has seen that sometimes you had to be tough to get people to do what you want in this confusing existence. He peers down into the corridor, and helpfully suggests, "Let him lead Stulgar in. We'll follow, as before."

[sblock=OOC]Assuming its wide enough, we can go before with the goblen next to Stulgar. Otherwise, what about:


First Post
Del (Mordin the Dwarf)

Mordin lets Akhi's size do most of the talking, with only a friendly grin and a "We agreed on th' rest when we came back, lad" as a reminder.

[sblock=OOC]The marching order looks good to me![/sblock]


The man with the probe
"We're being watched, and likely followed. There's another shifter about with his eyes on us. Not sure if it's anything more than a curious local, but be on guard."

Stulgar nods, "Yes, lead us down to the valve itself, as we agreed."


Sharn Sewers

"Hope you have light, is dark down there." says Skakan after thinking long and hard. He seemed to be debating to himself (sometimes verbally) about the money versus going down into the sewers. In the end it looks like money won out as he lead the party down the stairs. The small stair case made it very difficult for Kharas and Weapon to fit in the narrow area. Squeezing down however they are able to make it to the bottom. With each step down, the odor of mold and sewage becomes stronger, and you can hear liquid sounds increasing in volume as you descend.

The staircase reaches a small landing before descending down to a platform above the moving water(?) of the sewer. Skakan steps off to the right of the bottom stair onto the walkway. He points down to the left. "That valve cluster 213. You pay more now? rest later? he asks hoping to get a bit more money before you all wind up eaten by something big and gross.

Rystil Arden

First Post
'Be careful, there's probably some sort of Otyugh or something in the sewage that's going to rise up and attack.'

'It would be like this place, wouldn't it?'

*Siobhan glances around nervously.*

Voidrunner's Codex

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