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Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E's reception?

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Based on the fan talk, the conventions I have been to and Paizo's responses, plus actual sales, it looks to me like it achieved its goals of providing a new system that is
  • Easier to learn and run than PF1, but not as easy as 5E
  • More depth and options than 5E, bit not as complex as PF1
Yep. My group seems primed to run PF2 fairly soon, and I think for reasons that fit a lot of groups.

Played and enjoyed both 3.5 and PF.
Skipped 4E and transitioned to 5E. (I like 4E, but most of my main group was fairly frosty.)
Like 5E, but have begun to express some wistfulness for the depth of PF.

Just as an anecdote, my main group did a one-shot over the holidays of PF, which led to a lot of "OMG, I forgot how freaking complicated this game is!" Every one got into digging into books for feats and archetypes and magic items, but no one missed full-round actions and stacking debuffs and buffs to high heaven.


Funny how the usual suspects are telling others that this isn't a personal opinion thread its a general community thread... and then proceeding to give their personal opinion.

Its why I rarely come to ENworld anymore for pathfinder discussion. I just don't get the desire to play moderator and tell people they aren't posting like you want them to.


Don't run away, join in and bring the discussion up!

ENWorld PF2 discussion isn't as much discussion and the same three things happen in PF2 threads here on ENWorld.

1: CapnZapp goes off topic that pazio has no clue what they are doing, PF2 is terrible because XYZ and he is offended that others like XYZ.
2: Discussion of the sales rate on amazon, in convention booths, how many copies are on the shelf at the LFGS show that PF2 is a disaster and pazio will economically collapse any day now.
3: Multiple users will also say "the OP asked X stop talking about Y and stay on topic" and shut side conversations down... unless its about how bad PF2 or pazio are.

Should people express their opinion and displeasure? Absolutely. But there is a certain number of times where it moves from sharing your opinion -> complaining -> bitching.

Now I am in the minority here because the number of thumbs up for CapnZapp vs those justifying liking what they like clearly shows this community is ok with this. Hey cool I don't want to cause problems and be disruptive to the community.

While I admit a bit of hyperbole here to make a point I also admit that there are other more positive places to spend my time enjoying discussing a game that I like. I just swing by for the front page news and to poke my head in here to see if anything has changed and it hasn't.

So I would ask you, why are you asking me to bring up the discussion instead of asking why the discussion needs to be brought up in the first place.


ENWorld PF2 discussion isn't as much discussion and the same three things happen in PF2 threads here on ENWorld.
Hmm. I guess I think your wrong. Perhaps you are jaded by some comments and seeing a particular view point in all comments.

1: CapnZapp goes off topic that pazio has no clue what they are doing, PF2 is terrible because XYZ and he is offended that others like XYZ.
That is definitely a mischaracterization. There are things he doesn't like about PF2e, but there are things he absolutely loves about it. My perspective would be: he likes the game, but doesn't see it as a good market choice

2: Discussion of the sales rate on amazon, in game shows, how many copies are on the shelf at the LFGS show that PF2 is a disaster and pazio will economically collapse and day now.
There is one thread about that (and it sometimes bleeds into others), with many posters commenting about how well it is doing as well. I personally comment about my concern because I am interested in PF2e and don't want to see it go away. In fact, I just recently picked up some tools to make homebrew PF2e monsters.
3: Multiple users will also say "the OP asked X stop talking about Y and stay on topic" and shut side conversations down... unless its about how bad PF2 or pazio are.
I again think that is a miss-characterization. I personally asked a poster to respond on-topic in this thread because I was interested in their opinion of the OP. And you know what, they replied to my post with a very insightful and helpful post about the warm response to PF2e in the broader community. From my perspective it was one of the best and most help post in this entire thread, and I wouldn't have gotten that information if I hadn't asked. I wasn't trying to be an ass, I was genuinely curious and I was trying to be helpful.

Now I am in the minority here because the number of thumbs up for CapnZapp vs those justifying liking what they like clearly shows this community doenst really want to talk about PF2 as much as complain that its not what they want.
I will admit that many of the supporters seem to have left, but this very thread and others I have been participating in have several posters discussing trying out PF2e for the first time. If the supporters leave, you are left mostly with detractors, but I think it is pretty even if not more supports still.

I admit the above is some hyperbole but there are other more positive places to spend my time enjoying discussing a game that I like. I just swing by for the front page news and to poke my head in here to see if anything has changed and it hasn't.

So I would ask you, why are you asking me to bring up the discussion instead of asking why the discussion needs to be brought up in the first place.
I'm fine with the discussion, though I wish there was more, and dissenting views don't bother me. Discussion is boring if everyone agrees. I just wish their where more champions of the system posting. I find it interesting that you single C-zapp as a detractor and I think he is one of the biggest supporters of PF2e. Heck he left 5e for PF2e and blasts WotC all time in the D&D boards.


I'm not sure how it is doing as all my evidence is anecdotal and local (well, to a degree, closest store that did PF1e was some distance away).

From what I've seen, PF2 is not doing so well. PF1 had some regular nights and groups, but PF2 has none, and PF1 is down from a whole night full of tables to one small group.

I'd at least give it a shot or a try if there was anyone there to give it shot with, but in the areas I've gone gaming (and not just locally, I've been to cities while travelling as well) there's...nothing. No group that I can even try it out with.

I think PF2e needs a beginner box post haste...I think that was one of the turning points for PF1e from general success to major success (though others would say it was also the timing of 4e falling from it's initial release and the essentials line coming to a head)...

I'm not sure that would be enough, but it might generate more interest.

From what I'm seeing, PF2e is not as big as other things out there and not half as big as PF1e was.

It doesn't really matter as I'm not a PF fan, but I just don't see it doing all that great myself. I think they went to far afield of PF1e at a time when they should have either adhered more closely to PF1e and polished what they had or gotten closer to 5e and it's SRD/OGL.

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