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Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords Reborn! IC

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Agreeing with the others, Evret follows along to notify the sheriff. "A few drinks might be just what we need after all this tromping around. Maybe it will shake some ideas free or help us remember something we missed." He claps his hands and rubs them together in anticipation, already picturing overflowing cups in his head.


OOC: I noticed a typo in my previous post. I had said "It is not early afternoon." I meant to say, "It is now early afternoon," so this has now been corrected. It is approximately 12:30 PM when you arrive at the Northgate.

As you pass through the Northgate, intent on informing the Sheriff of your findings, the guards ask you to hold up. Sergeant Vayan rushes out of the tower to address you, a look of relief on her face.

"I am glad to have caught you before you passed through. Sheriff Hemlock asked me to keep an eye out for your return. There's been a development and a meeting of some important people has been called at the town hall. The Sheriff and Mayor are both there. I think it has something to do with Shalelu's return. She passed through Northgate a short while ago saying she had urgent news for the Sheriff.

"Shalelu? Oh I forgot that some of you are from out of town. She's something of a bounty hunter, survivalist, and mercenary: does work for Sandpoint and the hinterlands. I don't know much about her, a skilled elf ranger, but that's about all I know. She doesn't mix with the locals much. Only visits a few times a year. We weren't expecting to see her again for at least two months in the fall. Anyway she's at the town hall too I wager."

After speaking with the sergeant, you make your way to Sandpoint's town hall where you are taken to a comfortable office on the second floor. There, Sheriff Hemlock and Mayor Deverin are holding a meeting with a ragged looking elf woman. She seems to have been through a lot in the past few days, is covered in dirt, and smells of sweat. The elf woman's countenance is grim. Mayor Deverin is biting her lower lip with concern on her face, while Sheriff Hemlock is stoic.

As you enter the office, their conversation is interrupted and Sheriff Hemlocks stands to address you.

"Cousins! Warm tidings upon you, Evret, Jekyll, Kelvyn, Nuko, Thrindar. I believe most of you know Lady Mayor Kendra Deverin. And this elf woman is known as Shalelu. Perhaps those of you who are local have heard of her. She is an unofficial member of Sandpoint's town guard. Shalelu, these are Sandpoint's newest crop of goblinslayers.

"Shalelu has been a thorn in the side of the local goblin tribes for years. There are few in the region who know more about the monsters than she does. She arrived in haste shortly after our meeting this morning. She brings a report that Sandpoint has not been the only place in the region that has had goblin troubles. In short, there has been an increase in goblin-related raids along the Lost Coast, particularly in the dale between Nettlewood and Mosswood. Only a day ago, a farm south of Mosswood was burnt to the ground by a group of goblins. Shalelu was thankfully nearby, and while the farm could not be saved, she did rescue the family and drive off the goblins; the family is staying at a nearby farm for now, but the goblin problem is obviously not going away."


First Post
Evret tries to hide his dismay at the news that a bounty hunter is in town. Without a good excuse to be elsewhere he is forced to follow along. He does his best to stay at the back of the group and not make eye contact with the elf. Despite the distraction of trying to stay unnoticed his mental gears start turning at the new that the goblins are active everywhere. Maybe the goblins need to be driven back into the wilderness.


Thankfully to Evret, Shalelu seems to have her attention focused almost entirely on Sheriff Hemlock as he speaks. She seems to have at least a modicum of respect for the man and his paying him due deference (Evret's Sense Motive check: 20).

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kelvyn strides boldly along with the others as the group makes its way toward a meeting with the Sheriff and a welcome meal . . . and a flagon of ale. A momentary look of vexation crosses his face as their walk is interrupted, but it is quickly replaced with a broad grin when he finds that they've actually been saved a few moments looking for the man by the guards.

At the town hall, the big warrior looks curiously at the disheveled elf before holding out a sausage sized hand in greeting. "Lady Shalelu, a pleasure! If you've had some success dealing with these wretches, we'd love to discuss that with you."

[SIZE=+1]Kelvyn Damonder[/SIZE]
HP: 15/15, Speed: 20' Perception: +0

AC: 19 (T 14, FF 15), CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +0

Initiative: +3, Perception: +0, Sense Motive: +0

Weapon in Hand: EarthBreaker

Abilities: Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10

Condition: None


"Good to meet you, Lady Shalelu" Nuko says.

"I'm Nuko. We helped fend off a goblin raid and have been trying to find out how and why the goblins got into town. A gate was left open and we found out that the goblins used some kind of tunnel. Also the goblins have a 'longshanks' leader who probably stole a priest's body from the cemetery during the raid, then got away by boat.

Besides just the goblin attack itself, does any of this fit into the picture you've been seeing out there?"


At this point, it seems the Sheriff is content to cede the floor to you and your discussions with Shalelu. Mayor Deverin continues to look on in earnest, grave concern painted on her face, but she does not add anything at this moment.

"Kelvyn, Nuko, greetings," the elf says, her eyes unchanging from their look of severity. She regards Kelvyn's offer of a handshake with a moment of reproach before slowly reaching her hand out to meet his.

"And the others, I greet you as well. If you be goblinslayers, I would call you all friends. Belor's told me of your work against the goblins--well done. I've dedicated the last several years of my life to keeping them from causing too much trouble around these parts, but they're tenacious and fecund little runts. Like weeds that bite.

"To answer your question, Nuko, yes, your news does indeed seem to fit a picture that has been forming. I've been noting signs of more organization of late, and what you have found seems a corner to this puzzle that is before us.

"You see, there are five major goblin tribes in the region, and, traditionally, they're pretty good at keeping each other in line with intertribal squabbles and the like. Yet from what I've been able to piece together, members of all five tribes were involved in the raid on Sandpoint. A fair number of the Mosswood goblins I dealt with yesterday were already pretty beat up, and there was a lot of chatter about the 'longshanks' who killed so many of them--their word for humans, demihumans and on occasion any creature those taller themselves. Now that I've met you, it seems obvious from their descriptions who they were talking about. Seems like you've made an impression.

"In any event, the fact that the five tribes are working together disturbs me, especially if they are being led by a 'longshanks' as you suggest. Goblin tribes don't get along unless they've got something big planned, and big plans require big bosses with big brains. I was afraid that someone had moved in on the goblins and organized them. And judging by these recent raids, what they're organizing seems like bad news for all of us. Do you have any hints as to the identity of this leader or why he might want a priest's body? If so, I might be able to help add more pieces to this puzzle."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
. . . . . .
" . . . . . . Do you have any hints as to the identity of this leader or why he might want a priest's body? If so, I might be able to help add more pieces to this puzzle."

[sblock=ooc-footprints in the graveyard]Were the prints of the medium creature hooved, bare with toes or booted?[/sblock]
Dr. Jekyll stands thinking, his hand on his chin, as he recalls a note.

Voidrunner's Codex

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