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Pathfinder: Burnt Offerings


First Post
Rhun, if someone who had previously committed to this game doesn't show back up or is no longer interested, are you interested in either filling in and playing an abandoned PC or creating a new character? Again, not saying anything's definite, just polling for interest.

That would be fine, although I don't really want to have to play a cleric again. :)

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A quick check of my e-mail contacts lists proved that I no longer have players' e-mail addresses. Wanting to personally contact each of you to inquire of potential interest in resuming this game, I have used the EN World "contact via e-mail" option, cross-referenced with your usernames. A couple of you had this option disabled, and in these cases I left a posted message on your account here. My e-mail may very wind up unnoticed in ya'll's junk mail folders, and the posted messages here on ENWorld likewise unnoticed. No biggie. For those who are interested, I'll be kicking around the site and will give this thread a week or so to poll for interest. If there's little or no interest from you guys' end then I'll revisit my own interest in resuming the game and will either let this thing die or will create a new game with full-on recruiting.

Thanks, and hope to see you soon.

I've heard from Insight, who reports that he would be interested if I moved the format to 4E. I don't plan to do that, so likely he's not going to be joining us. --though, Insight, if you're reading this and feel moved to chip in, feel free!

Okay, so one player down, four more to go. And one person kinda-sorta interested (Rhun).


Whizbang Dustyboots
Olaf the Stout
Blind Azathoth

The following folks had originally indicated interested and were designated alternates, so please speak up here if you're still inclined to play:


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Hey CB, I got your message and I'm definitely still interested in playing. Count me in if you intend on starting this up again. I still haven't read any of the adventures so I'm completely in the dark as to how the adventures go. :)

Olaf the Stout

Hey CB, I got your message and I'm definitely still interested in playing. Count me in if you intend on starting this up again. I still haven't read any of the adventures so I'm completely in the dark as to how the adventures go. :)

Olaf the Stout
Okay, good. One party definitely interested.

I've got a 1 year old now, and as I'm a journalist, election season is a bad time for me to sign on for anything like this.

Kick some goblin butt, guys.
Are you interested after November?

Mullin' it over, are ya? Let me know. I myself am still up in the air about it.

Number of Players: 4-6
Point Buy: 28
Level: 1st
Alignment: No evil, CN will need a good backstory and must be accompanied by the intent to play well with others in the party
Setting: Varisia of Golarion
Pantheon: Open for consideration
Starting Gold: Max for your chosen class
Suggested Sourcebooks: v3.5 PHB, DMG, MM, Pathfinder Players' Guide, Dragon magazine material, Draconomicon, Book of Exalted Deeds, Unearthed Arcana, Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, Scarred Lands CS, Relics and Rituals I and II, Divine and Defeated, Deities and Demigods.*

*Please ask if there is something you're in love with that is not on the list. The list above contains what I own in print and will most likely allow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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