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[PbP] The Heroes of Silleria


Kerith wipes some of the remaining blood from his neck: "I wouldn't mind a rest; we w-weren't going to make it to the Keep in a day, anyway."

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First Post
Seems we have more wanting or willing to spend the night -- not that it matters too terribly much, since, unless you do something, it will be uneventful.

You avail yourselves of the old farmer's hospitality. He regales you with stories through the rest of the day, and fills your stomaches with simple farm-food that evening, washed down with water, milk, and moonshine (if you like). He is very happy to have is barn back, and glad that his cow Leslie is unhurt. The old man cooks up some lizard meat, but the only ones willing to try the stuff are Titus and Gertrude, who go at it with relish. He offers you a reward, but has nothing but some food, which he insists you take.
You all gain 5 days of trail rations.
You don't take him up on his offer of spending the night in the blood-splattered barn, but the main room of his house, once the table is moved aside, is quite large enough for you to all be comfortable and warm. In the morning, he sends you off refreshed and fully healed, ready to face the next day and whatever the road might bring.


Living EN World Judge
Norynth thanks the farmer for the Hospitality and offers to sharpen his tools, since Norynth has a cery good whetstone. As well, Norynth and the dogs will look all over the farmer's property, making sure that there are no other Lizards about, and help shore up the hole in the wall or whatever allowed the beasts to enter the barn.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Oren spends the night chatting it up, far more comfortable here than camping on the road. He keeps up the conversation as late as anyone's willing, garnering stories, opinions, experiences, and so forth. He's more concerned with prompting others to talk than saying anything himself, but he'll be sure to make it clear how interesting and amusing he finds it all, in an off-hand sort of way.


First Post
Grimbard will help Norynth with fixing whatever breach there was. Though not especially well-trained in craftsmanship, he does have the usually Dwarven knack for fixing things.


First Post
The farmer is glad for the help with his chores. He stays up late into the night talking with Oren, amazed to have such an appreciate audience. "My own sons moved out of here years ago so they wouldn't have ta listen to me talk no more. Went off to the war they did - I haven't heard from 'em since. I don't hold out much hope for them bein' alive..." and so on and so on. Finally he stumbles into his room and sleeps.

The next couple days of travel pass pleasently. It is easy to forget that creatures like the viscous giant lizards exist. Signs of settlements diminish with the exception of the occsional small hamlet or lonely homestead. The road occasionally draws near the edge of the vast forest to the north, but always pulls away again.

Most of the travelers you meet are commoners intent on their own business, but you do encounter a lonely cleric of Fharlong traveling the roads. He is dressed in simple pilgrim garb and well-worn shoes. He carries a weathered staff.

"Care to donate to the God of Roads, gentle travelers?" He shows not a hint of worry that you might be hostile, or perhaps he feels secure in the fact that he has nothing to bother robbing him for.
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First Post
Grimbard handed the cleric 5 GP. "Safe journey to you, my friend. May the road go ever on."
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Michelle will give the man 10 GP "Greetings and good day, fellow traveller. May the dweller on the Horizon shine his luck down upon us all and keep the way clear." She smiles at the man, then glances over at her companions expectantly. After all, they were travelling Fharlongs domain, it was both smart and repsectful to make an offering in such a situation.


Kerith straps the feedbag onto Buttercup before sitting down to the meal with the farmer. In the morning, when they leave, he tries sitting on Buttercup as they go. The mule seems capable of holding the weight...

Kerith donates 5 GP to the cleric of the Road God: "S-s-s-say a prayer for us, brother.."


First Post
"Not that I think I'm too good for the wilderness or anything, but I would refer a warm bed and a homecooked meal to a bedroll and rations any day."

Voidrunner's Codex

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